"Mom and Dad..." After getting off the train, Carl left the station and saw Leah and Cece waiting next to the station from a distance.

Carl slammed into Leah's arms like a small spring. Leah took Carl out of her arms and gently pinched Carl's face, and found that Carl's face was a little thinner.

Then look at Severi Lily who came over. Severi Lily's cheeks were also thinner, but not as serious as Carl's. It might be because her body was shrinking during the growth period.

"Children who don't eat well in school will be caught and interrogated by me." Fortunately, her cheeks can still be pinched. Leah, who hasn't seen her children for a long time, pinched Carl's face affectionately and hummed.

"Because it's not as delicious as what mom and dad cook." Carl was like a cat with its back pinched. He quickly said something nice and hoped that Miss Leah would spare him.

"You can talk, so I'll reluctantly forgive you." Leah let go of Carl's face and touched his head instead. "I say, you should learn from Siver. You're already a big kid, but you're still reckless. By the way, is your hair longer than before?" Leah touched Carl's little head again.

"Yes, it blocks the light a little when reading, but the rest is fine. However... if the whole world becomes a dull person like Siver, the universe will definitely explode." Carl stuck out his tongue and whispered to himself in a voice that he thought Siver couldn't hear. He didn't take his mother's words to heart.

"The universe will explode only if the whole world becomes a chatterbox like you. Don't throw anything at me." Siver didn't know when he stood behind Carl. He glanced at Carl with some dissatisfaction and said faintly.

"Siver..." Carl instantly deflated, and while laughing, he was trying to get away with it.

"Strange, where are my parents?" Lily was considerate and immediately helped Carl change the subject.

"Oh, I'm on the way. I guess I'll be here soon." Cece checked the time and said.

Speak of the devil, and he will appear. Penny came running over with her little leather shoes. She looked at Lily to make sure that her sister was not in any trouble, such as being bullied, and then turned her eyes to Carl, who was also in high spirits.

"Where is my tasting experience?" Penny stared at Carl dimly. Carl's face instantly broke out into a little sweat, and he stepped back timidly. By the way, how can one or two children nowadays have such a strong pressure? Did they sneak into China to cultivate immortality?

Carl was frightened by Penny and his body kept shrinking towards Sever. Compared with the angry Sever, the angry Penny is often more terrifying. Sever can only glare at me and act like a spoiled child, but Penny will also ask you to write a tasting report for her. It's terrible and cruel! ! !

But Sever didn't mean to protect Carl. He took Carl out from behind him.

"I'm really sorry that I'm so depressed. It's really unfair for you to be with a depressed person like me. If something goes wrong, don't hide behind me." As he said this, he pushed Carl out. It seems that he is still holding a grudge for what happened just now.

"Sever..." Carl looked at Sever aggrievedly, trying to get his sympathy, and then let Sever pull him out of the ocean of dessert tasting.

Sever turned his head, but at the moment he turned his head, he felt something was wrong, as if someone was observing him.

"Penny..." The others didn't notice anything unusual. Seeing that Sever couldn't get through, Carl tried to soften Penny's heart with his eyes again, so that she wouldn't ask him for a tasting report or something like that.

"No - OK -" Penny made a big cross with her hand, "That's what you promised me to do." Everyone was playing and the atmosphere was very harmonious for a while.

"You all bullied me." Carl hid in the corner next to him, squatted down and drew circles on the ground, cosplaying some white eggshells.

"Forget it, Carl. If you are really in trouble, I can help you." Lily comforted her. When Carl heard Lily say this, he immediately jumped to Lily's side happily.

"That's great, Lily, my dear savior, you are really my little angel." In Carl's heart, Lily's image suddenly became taller, and she was shining with dazzling white light, and a pair of angel-like wings appeared behind Lily.

"Lily, you can't. The tasting experience is very subjective. It is likely to become a little confusing if two people write together. If you want to write, I have another copy here." Penny dug and dug in her small backpack, digging for small notes and small flowers [referring to lilies].

"Carl..." Although she was facing Carl's pitiful expression, she felt very sad.Feeling a little guilty, but... sorry, Lily took Penny's note and carefully put it away.

"Okay, let's go home." Ceci gave the order, and Carl picked up his small suitcase and said crisply "Okay!"

Severus looked around but still felt that something was watching him. It was clearly close, but he couldn't see it.

"Severus is gone!" Carl said, suppressing his discomfort, Severus looked around again and finally replied "Okay."

In the corner, Irene was wearing a black dress. Unlike the madness of the past, she had recovered a rare bit of clarity that belonged to humans.


"...I am a poor child." On the way back, Carl looked at the note that Penny gave him and leaned against the car window decadently.

"Poor kid, but it will bring disaster to everyone."

"Then your pity is indeed quite peculiar." Sifu almost pronounced it with his nose, "Sifu, you have been angry for too long this time, since you got off the car."

"It's okay, at least it's edible." Ceci saw her son who was desperate sitting in the car behind through the rearview mirror of the car. Although he usually likes to tease him, he is really decadent.

"Although your mother's desserts are good now, the ones she made in the early years were...tsk." Ceci did not comment on Leah's cooking skills, but it was almost the same.

"Don't slander me!" Leah was immediately unhappy when she heard this.

"Really? In the past, there would be a bunch of bricks in my bag every Valentine's Day. Who put them there? It can't be that I have magic? Those bricks were made by me." Ceci teased.

"You know I put those there!" Leah was shocked. She thought she did these things perfectly.

"It's full of loopholes, but I'm embarrassed to tell you that you didn't taste it yourself before it came out of the oven? I almost broke all my teeth after eating it...hahahahaha."

"...you actually laughed at me, I'm ignoring you."

Time flies when you're chatting. After crossing a few streets, Karl returned home. He hadn't been home for a long time. When he got off the car, he felt a little groggy. He took a few steps on the ground before he could barely feel that he was home.

Karl collapsed on the sofa, rolled around twice with satisfaction and then stood up, "The soft sofa is great!"

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