"Ah~" Carl looked at Sever's expression, and suddenly moved closer to Sever, and then his tone became more lingering, "Sever, you should come here to accompany me~"

"You think too much." Sever looked at Carl who was approaching and subconsciously took a step back, "Does someone like to compare himself with books?" He put his hand on his chin to cover the lower half of his face.

"Okay, I know." If it were someone else, he would probably be a little angry, but who is Carl? He is a truly humanized intelligent voice. Let him translate it. Sever's meaning of this sentence probably has the second half, and people and books are certainly not comparable.

"You'd better let me know." Seeing that Carl didn't have a temper, Sever was a little discouraged.

"Don't worry. Let's start decorating the room first. Lily usually gets up early. After the decoration is done, we can catch people directly in the auditorium." Carl waved his hand, and then began to talk about the plan. Everyone took out some small decorations and began to decorate this abandoned classroom.


"Hang the ribbon higher on Carl's side." James gestured the position of the ribbon in his hand, and Carl used the magic wand to control the ribbon so that we could hang it higher.

"Higher..." James was still not satisfied with the ribbon, so Carl put it a little higher, "Higher!" James looked at it and continued, and Carl made the ribbon a little higher.

"Oh, it's perfect! No, no, lower!" Carl was ready to tie the ribbon, but when he heard James' words, he was very upset and moved the ribbon down.

"Is it done now?" Don't be angry, don't be angry, it's himself who is angry. Carl repeated it in his mind several times, and then tied James up with the ribbon and pressed it down from his brain.

"Very good, very good... Well, isn't it a little low? How about going back to the position just now?" James was going to finalize it, but after looking at it, he seemed to be still dissatisfied, and then asked Carl to move the ribbon back to the place just now.

"Okay, let's go back to the position just now, right?" Carl kept smiling, and James nodded and said, "Yes, yes, that's it, tie it up!"

"That's it." Carl manipulated the ribbon, tied a bow on it, and wiped off the thin sweat after exercise.

As a result, James next to him looked left and right and said, "I see this ribbon..."

"James Potter, you'd better think about it, what do you think of this ribbon?" Carl, who had suppressed his anger, couldn't hold it back at this moment. He picked up the wand with one hand, and then rubbed it back and forth in the other palm, simulating the posture of sharpening a knife.

"I think this ribbon, it... is perfect..." James wanted to say that this ribbon seemed to be a little tighter, but it would be better not to provoke Carl who was angry, otherwise something terrible would happen, such as the sandwich card on the train.

"Huh? What is this?" Lupin caught a snowy owl eating snacks in the pile of ribbons.

Lupin picked up the little snowy owl and weighed it, not quite sure, "Is this a snowy owl or a pig? Is it a magical animal, but it's not written in the book..."

Looking at the snowy owl in Lupin's hand, although Carl is not its owner, he always feels like he is being chased away, "Well, Remus, this is a relatively new species called a cat-headed pig. It should be sending me a letter..."

"Penny's card has arrived, oh, and it also comes with a cookie..." Lupin handed the little snowy owl to Carl, who quickly took it.

"Shouldn't the card be given to Lily?" James came over to interrupt and untie the letter on the snowy owl, but was stopped by Carl.

"I asked Petunia to send it to me, so that it can be used as a part of the birthday party, so that Petunia can also participate in the birthday party remotely, hehehe." Carl patted the little snowy owl's head and gave him a piece of bread. The little snowy owl was very moved and then threw the bread away.

Don't ask, if you ask, it's because the psychological shadow is too big. If Penny hadn't tempted him with delicious bird food, he would never send a letter to this devil who made the eagle sad!

"...This is normal bread!!! You actually threw it away!" Carl felt offended no matter where.

"Okay, that's it." Alice put the last bow on the table. On the table were greeting cards written by everyone to Lily, gifts such as homemade bookmarks, and a lot of snacks.

Alice looked at her own arrangement and nodded with satisfaction, "Lily must like it very much. Who of us will go to call her?"

"I'll go, you prepare the food, and I'll let Lily open the door by herself later, and then you can set off fireworks for her, understand?" Carl raised his hand, and everyone nodded at each other to express their agreement.


"Lily!" As soon as he entered the auditorium, Carl saw Lily's figure, he immediately raised his arm to attract Lily's attention.

"Karl? You got up so early today?" Lily glanced around and said, "Are you rushing to finish your homework again? But then again, what about the others?"

"I guess they haven't gotten up yet, hahahaha, the others must be jealous of me, after all, I'm the first to see the protagonist today." Karl laughed, and then suddenly said seriously, "But in your eyes, if I'm not rushing to finish my homework, won't I get up early?" Karl looked at Lily with some resentment.

"Haha, isn't it?" Lily put her hand on her mouth to cover up her smile.

"Half and half, but today is your birthday, Lily, I won't be angry with you, I'm more generous, ah..." Carl said halfway and suddenly put his hand on the wizard robe and fumbled back and forth, "Hey, the card I wanted to give you seems to have been lost somewhere!"

Carl's surprised face did not seem fake, Lily immediately asked, "Hey! Did you go anywhere this morning?"

"I moved in the corridor this morning, and then went to an abandoned classroom to try out the new spells I learned, and then nothing happened."

"Maybe in that abandoned classroom, I took off my wizard robe because I was sweating a little when practicing spells, and I remember the card was in the side pocket." Carl pretended to think and led the direction to the decorated birthday venue.

"Then let's go along the road to look for it. I really can't do anything about you, Carl, how could you lose my birthday card?" Lily pinched her waist, a little bit of blame, but she was not angry, just a normal little girl being upset.

"Sorry, Lily, I really didn't mean it." Carl pretended to be pitiful and tried to make Lily give in. The two little wizards searched along the corridor and finally came to the abandoned classroom.

Carl suddenly stopped at the door. Lily looked back strangely. Carl half squatted and waved his hand, "Lily, my shoelaces are untied. Go in and find it yourself. I'll be right back."

"Oh, okay." Lily always felt that Carl was a little strange today, but she couldn't tell where it was strange, but Carl couldn't hurt her.

Lily pushed open the door of the classroom and was sprayed with ribbons by fireworks. "Happy birthday, Lily!" Everyone congratulated Lily together.

"Oh, by the way, there's this!" Sirius wanted to take out something, but found that the little snowy owl that was there just now was gone.

"Hey, it was there just now. I can find him later. He should be..." Sirius pulled out the little snowy owl tied with a letter from the pile of snacks.

"I'm sorry this snow pig likes to steal food so much. I just tried to stop it five times, but I still couldn't stop it... The thing tied here should be the congratulatory letter from your sister." The little snow owl began to flutter its wings in an attempt to escape Sirius's clutches and ran towards Lily.

Because in his memory, the red-haired girl in front of him should be a gentle girl, at least better than the three big demons who gave him poison.

Lily took the fluttering little snow owl, and then took off the greeting card for her from him, as well as half a small cookie.

Carl also "tied his shoelaces" and came to the room at this time, and everyone was together.

Lily opened her sister's greeting card and looked at the blessing words on it. She felt very happy in her heart. When she saw the last sentence of "Penny loves you", a drop of water suddenly fell and blurred the handwriting of the letter.

Lily rubbed the corner of her eyes belatedly, only to find that it was her own tears.

"!!!" Everyone looked at Lily nervously, not understanding why she suddenly burst into tears. Even if she was excited about the surprise, she didn't need to do this!

"Is Lily okay?" James rushed up first, worried, and everyone surrounded her, mainly because they didn't understand what happened.

After a while, Lily wiped away her tears, smiled a little embarrassedly, and apologized in her tone, "Sorry, I don't know why I cried..."

"I think it's great to have a party today. I also received a greeting card from my sister. I always feel that I have been looking forward to this greeting card for a long time, but Penny obviously sends me a greeting card every year... It's so strange..."

Lily wiped away all her tears and returned to her usual appearance. The tears just burst out as if it was an accident.

Maybe it's not wrong. Maybe Lily in the original timeline is standing by the window at this moment, expecting her sister to send her birthday wishes.

But year after year, she still didn't wait for the envelope that should have arrived as expected, until she left the world, and she didn't wait for her sister's love.

But this world is different. They will love each other forever, just like lilies growing beside morning glories, just like symbiotic stars, loving each other forever.

Lily soon stabilized her emotions.After that, everyone started a small gathering.

"Make way, the great chef James has prepared a birthday cake." James came on stage with a small tray, and the cake on it was crooked and a little weird.

"Why is Carl's cake so weird..." Sever looked at the cake and asked Carl in a low voice. Carl glanced at it and then whispered to Sever, "The cake base inside is fried, similar to sweet cookies. James can't control the degree of whipping every time, and he doesn't want my help. It's hard to make a low-profile version. Forgive him..."

"Don't say bad things about me, I heard it!" James' ears are very sensitive, and he heard Carl's whisper at once.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it... It's obviously the truth..."


"Penny, although Lily is not here today, you got up early to prepare the cake today." Mrs. Evans looked at Penny who brought the cake to the table and rubbed her head.

"Lily should be eating cake too. Even though we are far away, I want to eat cake with her and make a wish or something." Penny prepared the candles, put twelve candles on them, and prepared to blow them out for her little sister.

"If Lily knew, she would be very happy. Let's cut the cake." Mrs. Evans took out the cake knife, and Mr. Evans also found a small plate specially used for eating cake.

"Oh wait... is it a little loose here..." Penny suddenly noticed that the lily and morning glory specimens on the table showed some signs of separation.

Mrs. Evans slapped her head, "Oh, I accidentally separated them this morning and forgot to put them back together. Look at my brain." She slapped her head in annoyance.

Penny shook her head, feeling helpless about her mother's confusion. She gently straightened the two specimens and looked at the flowers snuggling together with satisfaction. Although her mother and father occasionally separated them, Penny was already old enough to find and put them back together.

I don't know why I always feel scared, as if I'm just a little bit away from something important, and then I'll miss it. That strange feeling of fear...

Forget it, don't think about it, "Okay, since you're not here, Lily, I'll blow out the candles for you..." Penny put her hands together in front of the cake and blew out the candles gently...


"Lily, blow out the candles and make a wish!" James lit up twelve candles. Although the cake was crooked, fortunately he could still put the candles in so that Lily could make a wish.

"Although it's a bit unfair to you, this is James's intention after all." Sirius looked at the somewhat ridiculous cake and decided to eat the ordinary house-elf version for his birthday.

Lily nodded, stood in front of the cake, put her hands together, and blew out the candles gently.


I wish everyone around me peace and happiness, and we all want to be happy together...

The two sisters joined their hands together in different places and made the same wish. This may be the most unique magic between blood ties, the magic of love that even evil curses cannot cut off...

"Then let's divide the cake. Can owls eat cake?" Carl took a cake knife to split the cake. He was about to share a piece with the hard-working little snowy owl, but found that he had already flown away.

"Forget it, forget it, let's eat it ourselves. I guess I have a psychological trauma from your omelette last time. It's reasonable. James made it. It tastes good..." Sirius also cut a piece for himself and tasted it a little.

"Blame me. It's inevitable for the first time. Sever, do you want some?"

"Just give me a bite. I don't like sweet things."



At this moment, the little snowy owl is rushing to the Evans family, hoping that Miss Penny can take in the cute little owl who has been hit hard again physically and mentally.

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