As for why Carl wanted to read a book about dragons, it probably dates back to the night before.

It was another beautiful night with wind and moon, and another day suitable for mining. Carl took his beloved little hoe and then took his beloved Galaxy Sword to mine happily.

His luck that day was very mysterious. His luck was good but not completely good. The good thing was that he dug several tunnels with just a few hoes.

And each tunnel can slide at least ten layers. Carl came to more than a hundred layers smoothly. But it was useless, because he had not encountered a treasure chest so far. Even if he dug more minerals, it seemed useless.

Just when Carl was about to log off and lament his bad luck today, Carl found another tunnel under a stone. Anyway, it would not be a loss to try it, so Carl slid down as expected.

It didn't matter if he didn't slide. Carl fell into a place full of grass in an instant after sliding. It didn't look like a mine at all. Carl touched the grass and stood up.

The surroundings were very empty, and it seemed that he could hear an echo as long as he howled. Carl dusted himself off and stood up.

"This place looks a little familiar. Is there such a place in the game?" Carl thought carefully, and thought about the appearance of the mine in the game, and then quickly realized that this was the dinosaur cave!

Then around...

Carl quickly found a shelter and hid himself, then looked around carefully, groping forward a little bit, and now he opened the "treasure chest", and this "treasure chest" would not open strange things! If there are dinosaurs, you must be able to touch a dinosaur egg, right?

Carl was ready to sharpen his knife to attack the dinosaur. He sneaked forward and explored about half of the mine, and finally saw a huge green creature crawling on the ground.

It looks like a huge lizard, with green scales all over its body, and some red dorsal teeth similar to those of a triceratops. Overall, it looks like a four-legged beast. Carl held the sword and decisively took it out of his backpack.


Just kidding, this thing can spit fire. I have never heard of a good person who has a kite and doesn't fly it, but goes up to fight with dinosaurs.

Carl held the slingshot, installed explosives on it, and then shot it at the green dinosaur over there. The dinosaur that was originally lying down was injured in the head by the explosives. It immediately stood up vigilantly and shook its tail angrily.

It looked around with its head poking out, as if it wanted to see which desperate guy dared to attack it.

Anyway, this monster would not recover blood, so Carl immediately lurked, and even moved his position while lying down, and found another safer place to continue ambushing. As long as he kept his distance, this dinosaur would not find him and hammer him.

I am really smart. Carl hid again quietly. Just when he was moving, Carl, who was sharp-eyed, found a deeper cave next to him. There would not be only one monster in such a place.

Although from a realistic point of view, such a huge dinosaur is enough to occupy so many habitats, it is unlikely that there will be a second one. But this is a game, and monster hunting in games is not scientific.

Carl went deep into the cave, and sure enough, he saw a green animal from another bush. It was also a dinosaur, and it was about the same size as the previous dinosaur.

"Well... So is there a possibility..." Carl was brewing bad thoughts in his heart, his lips curled up, and his expression gradually became ripples. At this time, his expression was not completely unrelated to when he occasionally harmed James, but it could only be said to be exactly the same.

Carl quietly touched the side of the new dinosaur and quietly shot a shot with his slingshot, but this time he did not run away quickly, but led the green dinosaur to the one that Carl had just dealt with with the slingshot.

This is probably okay, after all, the animals here cannot penetrate the model, and occasionally Carl will see two slimes merge into a larger slime because of jumping together.

Or the more bizarre things like Shadow Man killing Shadow Man.

And if these two monsters can fight, can't I just watch the show and do the finishing touches? Carl carefully walked the dinosaur, keeping it within a safe range, so that the dinosaur would not see him and slap him with fire, nor would it lose him.

Fortunately, the mine was not very big, and Carl walked for a while before the two dinosaurs met each other. Carl did not need to do it himself. The dinosaur's intelligence was not enough to think whether the burn marks on its head were caused by fire or explosives.

The dinosaur led by Carl really regarded the same kind in front of it as an enemy who burned itself, and it immediately spit out a ball of fire from its mouth. Dinosaurs can spit fire, so their tolerance to fire is quite high.Okay.

Let's fight. Carl the cat was in a safe position, watching the two dinosaurs fight.

The dinosaur that was breathing fire was of course not hurt by the flames. Instead, it became more enraged. It stepped forward and bit the other dinosaur's neck with its teeth.

Carl was right next to him. To be honest, it was quite brutal. He had never seen such a scene before. Usually, when he went down to the mine, he would bully slimes, beat mummies, and kill flying snakes. These were all bloodless. Even if they were stained with a little, the blood would automatically disappear after the monster died.

But it was different now. The two dinosaurs bit each other, not only bleeding, but also breathing fire. Carl sniffed again, ah... it seemed that he could smell the smell of barbecue.

The two dinosaurs fought each other for about ten minutes. Finally, they both spit out a fireball at the same time, knocking off the last bit of each other's blood, and then fell down. The two monsters turned into particles and flew into the air at the same time. Carl stood up and made sure that there would be no third dinosaur behind him before he went up to search for the dropped items.

Next to a pile of broken bones, Carl found what he originally wanted, a round and plump dinosaur egg, with a goose yellow eggshell and green spots on it. Carl picked up the egg. The egg was much larger than a chicken egg, but smaller than a real dragon egg, about the size of an ostrich egg.

Carl touched the eggshell, and it was still warm. This thing should be able to hatch a dinosaur, and it is the type that will not grow up.


How does this count? Can it be hatched when taken out?" Carl asked his omnipotent artificial intelligence.

[Theoretically, it is possible, but host, this dinosaur is a species that does not exist in this world. After going out, it will automatically become an existing species in this world. This is necessary rationality. ]

"What will it become?" Carl looked at the egg in his hand, and 0025 continued, [The transformation has an uncertain direction, so 0025 doesn't know. ]

[And the incubation temperature may also be different. Although it will not grow into a particularly huge flying dragon, the host is better to supplement some knowledge about dragons and hatch it after having the ability to raise it. ]


This is the truth of Carl's bitter reading of dragon science. Just now, Sever saw Carl looking at the catalog of the book, but in fact, Carl was staring at the game screen. He was thinking about the dragon egg with yellow background and green spots, thinking about what kind of dragon egg it would become after it came to reality.

However, Carl's focus was not just on the dragon egg, "Hey Sever - where is the ring I gave you? Do you have it with you?"

Carl pretended to act coquettishly to Sever, who took out the ring hanging around his neck without any doubt, "Yes, it's here."

"Let me see if you have kept it well." Carl took off the ring and put it in the light to check. At the connection between the gem and the ring, Carl saw a piece of engraved pattern similar to text, but the text was difficult to understand. At first glance, it looked more like some kind of pattern. The overall look should be a product of magic.

"How is it, how is it kept?" Sever looked at Carl, with a smile on his lips. Carl just paid attention to the obscure text under the ring, so how could he tell the reason?

But it doesn't matter, you can just make up a story, "It's well kept, the moon is shining, the platinum coating is not scratched, and there is no sign of wear, it's super perfect!" Carl returned the ring to Sever.

"Did you find these out?" Sever put the ring away and hung it on the silver chain.

"Of course, I'm a professional..." Carl lazily opened a book and turned the pages carelessly.


Finally, the exam week is coming, and everyone has almost finished reviewing. If nothing unexpected happens, the first-year exam will be easy.

At least after Carl finished the written test, he didn't sigh and pray like Peter at the next table, "What should I do if I'm expelled? My family will definitely beat me to death..." Peter was uneasy, and James said indifferently, "Hogwarts shouldn't expel young wizards so easily."

Peter instantly felt like he had grabbed a life-saving straw, and asked James with shining eyes, "Is what you said true?"

"Well, but if you can't answer even half of the questions, it's hard to say." James looked at Peter's eyes and always felt that he was a little too absolute, so he added uncertainly.

"Is that so..." Peter was completely desperate. He really wasn't sure if he would be expelled.

After all the written tests were completed, everyone wrote most of the answers on white paper based on their own memory, and they decided to stay under the tree together to check the answers.

Sever looked indifferent, but generally very confident, and Lily's learning ability didn't need to be muchI said that Alice Eagle School Little Curly King didn't need to worry at all. Generally speaking, except for Peter who was gradually approaching the edge of collapse as the answer came out, everyone was in a good mood.

Then I looked at James who was full of confidence next to him. It should be said that although James was a spirited boy, he was at least a spirited boy with good academic performance.

"Oh, I must be right about this question. I looked it up yesterday!" Everyone reported their options, and the answer to each option was there. There were several consecutive questions with the same options. Finally, there was a question that was not chosen the same. James jumped up immediately, patted his chest proudly, and then turned out the answer on his paper to show everyone.

He showed his tail feathers generously like a peacock with a spread tail. Other peacocks would only open their tail feathers during the courtship period. He would show off whenever he got a chance. Carl felt that if there was a chance, he would not hesitate to show his feathers even if it was a dog on the roadside.

This is James Potter, such "philanthropy".

"Uh..." Everyone was silent collectively.

Although James is smart, I don't know when he can just keep the fact that he studies well and take off the label of a spirited young man, otherwise...

"We will discuss this question later. What did you choose for the next question?" Sirius immediately changed the subject. "I think it should be option B?" Severus rarely said a word.

"I also chose option B. What about you, Alice?" Lily recalled her answer, and Alice nodded to indicate that she was also option B.

Completely ignored by everyone, James, don't be so arrogant next time. You won't find a partner if you sprint in the opposite direction, and you will lose your best friends. After all, even Sirius has begun to join the army of isolating James.

After the written test, the next subject is practical operation. James helped with flying lessons. Although Carl flew tremblingly, he finally finished the flight. The process of refining the forgetfulness potion was also almost complete because there was always a little potion genius hanging around him.

As for Transfiguration and Charms, Carl is very good at these. He may not have other things, but he is becoming more and more proficient in controlling magic power. They are generally similar to the method of controlling mental power.

If Carl doesn't even have this kind of control, he should just not go down to mine, because if he doesn't have good control, digging some stones may cost him his life.

"Finally the exam is over." As soon as he escaped from the exam room, Carl opened his arms and embraced freedom. Sever shook his head beside him and asked helplessly, "Are you sure you can really pass it?"

"Didn't I do well? Professor Flitwick was stunned!" Carl held his chin happily, and Sever said uncertainly, "Are you sure that's good? Others just let the pineapple dance with a larger range of motion, but after you let the pineapple pass the table, you did another acrobatics."

"But Professor Flitwick didn't have any unhappy expression, did he? Don't worry, didn't you see the expressions of James and Sirius next to him? An expression that said, "It's still possible, why didn't I think of it? I've worked hard to live until now just to persecute them!" Carl rubbed his little hands and looked like he had succeeded in his plan.

"Childish guy..." Sever had no way to deal with Carl. After all, Carl realized the new concept of the four virtues: you can't hit him, you can't talk to him, you can't scold him, you can't provoke him, and occasionally you can get him to fight back.

"Don't be like this, Sif. It's obviously because Sif is too much like an adult. As a child, you should be happy." Carl put his finger on the corner of Sif's mouth, and then used force to bend the corner of Sif's mouth.

"Look, this is good, right, right--" Carl's smile was very arrogant. He could almost ignore the gaze of the snake king and treat everyone indiscriminately. This was really good news.

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