Summer vacation life has begun. Except for the fact that there are a lot of homework, everything else is perfect. Today, Carl got out of bed and found that the downstairs was a little empty. Only Siver was quietly doing his homework.

"Siver?" Carl leaned over and wanted to see what Siver was writing, but was separated by Siver, "No, it's okay for the usual notes, but you have to do the paper homework yourself this time."

"I didn't want to copy you. I just wanted to stick with Siver. Why do you misunderstand me so much?" Carl picked up the tissue on the table and pretended to bite the handkerchief.

Siver sighed and rubbed Carl's head. The soothing meaning in his tone was obvious, "Then you should do your homework quickly."

"But where are mom and dad?" Carl shook his head and looked around, "Aunt Leah, what about Mr. Cece... they said..."

"Because today is the anniversary and we are going to the double world, we will be back before lunch at noon. At that time, we will pack something to eat. Before that, use the sandwich to cushion it." Siver pointed to the sandwich next to him.

"But their wedding anniversary is in September? Even if it's their love anniversary, it should be in August, but it's just summer vacation now." Carl thought it was a little ridiculous.

He remembered it very clearly, because every August and September he would receive a wave of sticky pink bubbles, and it was difficult for ordinary people to forget bubbles of this level.

"Aunt Leah said that this anniversary was counted from the time they had a crush on each other." Siver added, and his mouth twitched slightly when he said this.

Carl's expression began to become sharp. He had goosebumps on his face, and he kept groping his arms with his hands. He shivered in the hot weather. "I think they just want to go out on a date. They may set the next anniversary after one of them starts to have a crush on him. Forget it, I'll eat something first."

Just as Carl was about to reach out for it, Sever hit his hand with a feather pen, "If you want to eat, wash your hands first."

"Okay, no problem." Carl pulled his hand out to prevent Sever from attacking him again. Then he obediently went to the sink and rubbed his hands clean before continuing to take the sandwich.

Looking at the somewhat bland breakfast, Carl picked up a sandwich, took a bite, and said angrily, "What kind of good parents would leave their children at home to celebrate the anniversary of a mutual crush, and only leave sandwiches for us."

"Sever, don't be such a bad adult in the future!" Carl held the sandwich in one hand and gave Sever a thumbs up gesture with the other hand.

"You are more likely to become the kind of 'bad adult' you talk about than me."

Although the sandwich was delicious, Carl complained, but his body honestly ate the whole sandwich and then burped.

"Besides, it's good to have something to eat. After eating, do your homework." Severus had finished nearly half of his homework in the past few days, and Carl's homework looked very pitiful. He just wrote the beginning, and rounded it off, which was almost the same as not writing it.

Although Carl was a bit procrastinating, he liked to delay things until the last day and try to finish them in a limited time.

But that is based on the premise that there are fun things, and there is really nothing fun in this era.

As for what Carl can play with, the first one is magic, but this road was soon blocked. Underage wizards cannot use magic in places other than school. If they use it, they will face the risk of expulsion. Even if they are expelled, Carl doesn't want to be expelled because of this.

The second one is to go to the mines, but I usually sleep more than others to go to the mines. This can be barely explained as being more sleepy than others, but if I sleep all day, wouldn’t it be terrible?

HP channel moved to Sleeping Beauty!

And to tease Sever...

Well, I haven’t done my homework yet. Every time I tease Sever, as long as Sever turns the topic to this, I will definitely lose. I will definitely lose the battle, and Carl will not fight it.

After thinking about it, it seems that I only have one place to do homework, which is to harass Sever after finishing my homework. Then he has no reason to refuse.

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