Finally, it seemed that Narcissa's prayer was useful. The first-year students finally walked into the hall. Alice was instantly attracted by the lively scene and stopped observing the night sky.

Instead, she looked at the new students, and then her eyes lit up. She looked at Regulus in the front, "Where will he go? I used to think that the Blacks would definitely go to Slytherin, but now it seems that this is not the case. Didn't Sirius go to Gryffindor?"

"I think it's Slytherin." Carl answered Alice. In fact, it must be Slytherin. After all, Carl didn't know Regulus. Even if he flapped his little butterfly wings, he couldn't reach Regulus...

But he really liked the literary image of Regulus, second only to Snape in the original book.

If possible, Carl still wanted to try flapping his little wings to prevent Regulus from dying in the cold deep pool.

For such a person, his fate should not be to accompany the dead.

Carl was chatting with Alice, and it was obvious that he had forgotten a very important point, that is, before the sorting, the damn hat would sing a routine song.

When the shrill singing came, it was too late for Carl to cover his ears!

You Sorting Hat! Your singing has not improved in a year, and you have been practicing for more than two and a half years, right? After all, it has been 250 years, why do you insist on singing so badly? !

After the singing ended, Carl fell on the table exaggeratedly. Alice poked his head, and he sat up listlessly.

When the sorting began, Carl didn't know most of the people in this class, except for Regulus.

So he just followed the crowd and applauded the new students who joined Ravenclaw at the right time.

The number of freshmen in the stands decreased one by one, and finally, Professor McGonagall read out Regulus's name.

"Regulus Black!", this name spread throughout the hall, causing an unprecedented silence, and almost everyone's eyes were attracted by Regulus.

Slytherin, they don't want another Black from other colleges.

Especially Narcissa, she stood up again regardless of everything, her light-colored eyes staring at Regulus tightly.

Regulus just glanced at his cousin lightly, and then quickly flicked his eyes away.

And Sirius next to him, although he always pays attention to his brother, he refuses to look at him directly, but to be honest, he actually has a little hope in his heart.

Maybe Leir will rebel against his mother like himself, not Gryffindor, even Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, it's better than obeying his mother.

Regulus sat on the bench, and the hall was almost quiet, and you could hear a pin drop. Everyone held their breath, looking forward to witnessing a historic scene.

The Sorting Hat thought for a long time. Carl thought that Regulus hesitated for a little longer than he and Sever combined.

This means that Regulus is not just difficult to deal with.

This also means that the Sorting Hat is making a difficult decision, and Regulus is not very determined to go to Slytherin.

As long as he has a thought, the Sorting Hat may sort him into some other house.

Narcissa was so anxious that she was sweating. The Sorting Hat suddenly nodded and answered by herself, "But I still think you are suitable for a place. If you are hesitant, why don't I help you make a decision?"

Hearing this, Narcissa became anxious all of a sudden. She ignored Lucius's dissuasion and shouted to Regulus, "Don't forget who you are! What's your last name!"

"You know what this means!"

Narcissa didn't name anyone, but Regulus knew what she wanted to say. He just shook his head at the Sorting Hat and said, "Forget it, Mr. Sorting Hat, my decision is still..."

"Well then..." The Sorting Hat seemed to be very regretful. He shouted, but his voice was obviously a little smaller than usual, "Slytherin!"

Regulus walked down the bench and bowed slightly to the Sorting Hat, "Thank you." Then he walked to the long table of Slytherin.

All the people in Slytherin were stunned for a moment, and then the long table broke out into unprecedented warm applause.

As for other colleges, especially Gryffindor, there was nothing fun to watch, and they all felt a little bored.

Especially Gryffindor, they thought that another maverick Bright would appear.

And the only happy Gryffindor was probably James. Ever since Regulus went to the sorting, his expression was solemn and complicated.

Finally, when he heard that Regulus did not come to Gryffindor, he felt that his life was much more complete.

If Regulus really came to Gryffindor, then he wouldI have to transform from Gryffindor's happy guy to Gryffindor's three-no guy.


Campus life is so bland. Although Carl tried hard to flap his wings, he still couldn't find any way to talk to Regulus.

Although Regulus would not bully other non-pure-bloods like other Slytherins, he would take a detour when he saw a Muggle wizard.

Except for a short while on the train, the two of them really had no chance to meet.

But there is still a long time, there will always be a suitable opportunity. Although Voldemort's existence is like a suspended guillotine, he will not be as crazy as in the original book in the next few years, so it is safe for the time being.

"Carl, Herbology class, don't be in a daze." Sever nudged Carl with his arm, and Carl came back to his senses from thinking, while Alice smiled helplessly beside him.

"Okay." Taking the textbook, Carl went to the Herbology class with Sever and Alice. Mrs. Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff, was their Herbology teacher.

This was a very gentle woman, and her smile was always gentle and non-aggressive. Carl had a good impression of her. This kind of gentle woman made Carl easily think of his mother, Leah.

Carl thought that if Leah had magic, she would most likely be a Hufflepuff, and his old father...

With his bad character of telling hell jokes and torturing his poor son, would he be thrown into Azkaban by the Sorting Hat as soon as he put on the hat?

Carl said that he had doubts.

But these were not what Carl should think about. What Carl was thinking about now was how to properly fleece the Potions Master and let him help him pass two courses, Herbs and Potions.

That's right, this year's courses, Carl and Sever were assigned to the same class, Herbs and Potions.

Carl was a little surprised when he saw the class schedule.

This wave, this wave is because the time travel master is afraid that I can't learn potion class, so I have all the hardware and software equipped, Sbarasi~

However, Carl still likes the herbal medicine class very much, because Professor Sprout occasionally brings one or two rare potions for the second-year wizards who already have some knowledge of the magical world to watch.

0025 is very smart. It does not need the whole herb to scan. As long as it is separated, even half a leaf, it can be successfully converted into seeds and put into the system.

Then it only takes a little money, and they will appear in the seed vending machine. Although the final price is also a little bit higher, some high-quality potions are hard to come by.

Taking advantage of Professor Sprout's love of showing everyone something new, Carl put on the good boy mask he had been wearing for a year, and begged Professor Sprout to let him observe it carefully after class every time.

And Mrs. Sprout always agreed happily, accompanied Carl, and carefully explained to him various unpopular knowledge about potions.

Looking at Professor Sprout's sincere and gentle eyes, Carl, who quietly pinched the remaining leaves of the professor's potion, inexplicably felt that his conscience was condemned unprecedentedly.

Even if he pinched only useless defective products, Professor Sprout's overly trusting eyes still put him under a lot of pressure.

But it was impossible not to pinch. At such a young age, he couldn't go to the black market to buy, and could only rely on tricking the professor to make a living.

But because of this, he studied herbology more seriously than spells and transfiguration. If he did better in the exam, Professor Sprout would be much happier.

But Sprout didn't know Carl's thoughts. She looked at the little wizards who were studying hard and nodded with satisfaction.

Then she seemed to suddenly think of something, raised her hands and patted them slightly, making a sound, and everyone immediately put down the herbs in their hands and looked at her.

Professor Sprout took out a small box, which should contain herbs. Carl saw that it was a rhizome-like object.

Professor Sprout took out the things. As Carl expected, they were herbs. She picked up one of the herbs and shook it in front of the little rascals.

"Everyone has worked very hard in the classes these days, so I brought some interesting things to everyone." Everyone's eyes followed Professor Sprout's hand back and forth.

Carl also instantly became excited. What? What good thing is this? Professor Sprout looked at everyone with a smile and gave each of them a piece of this herb.

It was sent to a group. Carl was disappointed for a moment. He gently pinched a piece and then subconsciously told 0025.

[0025 included. ] Although this kind of herbal medicine sent to a group may be more common, it is better to be prepared. Carl still habitually likes to pull out a section to feed 0025.

[Yes. ], 0025From the answer to, speaking of it, since he got to know 0025, Carl gradually trusted 0025 and gave 0025 some mind-reading permissions.


Carl admitted that it was not just trust, but rather...

High EQ: 0025 I trust you, so I gave you mind-reading permissions.

Low EQ: 0025, this bastard, has too high computing power. Even if he doesn't say it, he can calculate the general idea of ​​Carl's inner monologue. Turning off mind-reading is completely unnecessary and rather cumbersome.

But what on earth is this? Carl raised the herb to take a general look, but found that the herb was completely gone.

Carl looked at his empty palm in disbelief, and then silently put his hand into his pocket.

What's going on!

0025! Are you kidding me?

[Host, 0025's recognition system is not wrong. Just now, when the host folded the herb, there were still some fibers that were connected, so it was scanned and judged as a whole...]

[But this can be replanted. ], 0025 continued after explaining, hoping to comfort Carl a little.

[Hmm...], Carl didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Even if it could be grown, the shortest cycle of the herb was ten days or half a month.

If I need it later, can I use the good baby face to ask Professor Sprout to give me a new one?

At this time, Professor Sprout had already held up the herb and began to explain, "This is the rhizome of yarrow. As long as you cut it, you can get the initials of the surname of your future partner."

"But not everyone will show up, you can try it." Professor Sprout said as he cut the yarrow and then spread it out to show everyone its rhizome.

There was nothing on it, "Look, for example, me, but you can try it. This kind of divination is very interesting. It's okay to play it occasionally."

Alice was not very interested at first, but when Professor Sprout said that she could divination her future partner, she was very excited.

She immediately found the knife she had just used, wiped it clean, and then carefully cut the rhizome of yarrow.

Alice's heart was pounding now. Adolescent girls always have such thoughts. She was looking forward to it, but also a little scared. She slowly opened the rhizome of yarrow, closed her eyes, picked up one of the pieces, and put it in front of herself.

"Oh, please, please, great yarrow god, I believe you will bless me..." Alice muttered, and Carl couldn't help laughing at this simple girl.

Carl picked up the other half of Alice's yarrow, and then read the letter for Alice, "It's an L, Miss Alice, open your eyes, you can't use your nostrils to see when fortune-telling!"

Carl laughed, Alice was stunned for a moment, and then ecstasy, she looked at the cut pieces of yarrow carefully, and almost flew up.

But she suppressed her ecstasy the next second, and was reserved. They knew very few people starting with L in Hogwarts. If she showed it so obviously, Carl might guess it.

Don't tell you the little thoughts of the girl, so Alice pretended to be disappointed, and then said, "Is that so..."

Carl looked at the lost Alice, and the thought from a year ago suddenly came to his mind again. Why is Alice so disappointed...

She wouldn't really like James, so she was disappointed when she saw that the letter was not p?

The friendship Shura field is enough to collapse, and there is no need for the love Shura field! Carl half covered his mouth and looked solemn.

Forget it, Alice's character will not be too radical even if she can't get the love, at most she will be disappointed. As long as Alice is enlightened in time when she is disappointed, it will be fine.

But as for Sever... Carl looked at Alice and touched Sever again, "Sever! Are there letters on your yarrow?"

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