I treat you as buddies [Quick wear]

Chapter 119 is not exposed to eight

Du Jiu felt that he was afraid to meet the biggest crisis in history.

He wants to be more stupid, and he will not call him a loss of memory, at least more wake up Qin Jiu Zhao, after all, Qin Jiuzhao is his biggest reliance.

However, according to the people, the land is not too late to avoid it, how can it be close?

Three days, unless necessary, Du Jiu did not contact the two stupids. If there is, there is a personality of the nine, and the decisive choice will be paralyzed in time. There is no job to create work. In short, as long as you don't stay at home, you don't follow your two stupid Meet, how do you do it?

This is bitter Du Jiu, accompanied by the place of love, the Changchun silk in his body is nearly completely recovered, up to one week, the hard anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-ten days.

Take a look at the time every day, his heart is getting more and more urgent, but it is a half point that cannot be exposed.

Rao is a nine to see again. After all, it is a loss of love. How can it be uncomfortable, facing everyone, his acting is added, except for the bag of Balance and Lu Xiaoli who knows him very well, no one can see that he is in the lost love , Back to everyone, it is saddened by a person.

What staying up late, smoke, drink, and restore the original life.

Bao Ming knows that he is sad, there is no more persuasion, just accompan him with him.

This day, I recorded a emotional variety show, Du Jiu's scene, ending, don't want to go home, I have been busy, I will buy it.

It happened that there was something in the middle of the family, and only Lu Xiaoyan followed him.

Even if he did not bring the land to nine, he was also awkward, a glass of wine, a glass of wine, and he asked him to restore memory in a week, but also unfamed, it was more difficult than going to the sky. !

Lu Xiaoyan is shocked by the heart, and I can't persuade. I can only look at the four weeks. I am afraid that someone takes the opportunity to engage in things. After all, the color of the cousin is here, and this kind of thing does not have encountered.

However, what is afraid, is worried, I saw a familiar face.

"To nine?!"

It turned out to be Qu Yanyu. He saw Du Jiu and Lu Xiaozhu, and the companion around him came over to come over.

"... songs." Lu Xiaoyan's heart, one side, moved to Du Jiu, while taking the opportunity to open the hand and lift the negative connection.

"Xiaoyuan." Qu Yan nodded him, and his eyes fell to Du Ji, still in the drunk, "You are ..."

Lu Xiaoyan hardly pulled a smirk: "Just finished, relax ..."

However, anyone looks like to relax, Qu Yan frowned to Du Jiu, "To nine? Are you okay?"

Du Jiu has been slightly, but he lets the system remind him that he has kept a clear clear, not forgetting to put the play, not to mention the land to nine, it is not drunk at this time, it is deliberately drunk, five points can also show eight Separate.

He is half angry, huh, huh: "It turned out to be Lu Shao, come, drink a cup!"

Sure enough, if you put it in us, Lu Jiu will give Qu Yan half a good face.

"Table brother!" Lu Xiaoyan was shocked, for fear that Qu Yan really left, what happened, the table wakes up will definitely be crazy, he took the hand of Du Jiu, and Lu Yanqiang smiled. "Sorry, there is a little, the cousin is a bit more, you have a good time, let's go back first."

Du Jiu heard that I didn't rely on the two words. I opened his hand and swayed. "Who said, who I have to go back, I have to drink ..." Side said on the wine table The screen stamped, Lu Xiaoyan did not stop, and he looked at him with two bottles of spirits.

The bar is not unsubscribed. It is not unsubscribed. The intermediate of the desktop is falling, and then it has been raised. It has been placed in the spirits of Du Jiu just point, and with two wine glasses.

Lu Xiaoyou did not say to stop, the result didn't Du Jiu fast, just grab a bottle, another bottle was caught in his hand, opened the bottle cover, rushing to Qu Yan, huh, smile: "Come, drink! "

Qu Yandu suddenly, took a bottle: "Okay, you say let me drink, I will drink." He took the movement of the wine bottle, and took the Du Jiu's arm, holding him down, take a glass Come to the wine.

"Quiet!" Lu Xiao took a Du Jiu, pulled him to himself, "I really can't bother you, let's go now."

However, Du Ji, who has been drunk, did not experience his pain, but in turn, open his hand, picking up Li Yan's wine, is a boring.

Lu Xia Zhou suddenly two big, and the eyes took a cup of Qu Yan and took a cup. I wanted to drunk Dujiu. I just sat in the middle of the two people. I want to separate the two, I am very hot in my heart. Brother came.

Du Jiu is actually a Qingming. After all, there is a system to help him, but it has been completely drunk on land to nine.

Lu Jijiu is not bad, it will not spit it, just pull the people around you, don't drink it with him, just drink him, he immediately said to the other side. .

Qu Yan obviously knows that there is no other idea in the heart, and if he is in his heart, it will persuade people to go back to the car, not to continue to drink.

In the anxiety of the boat, Du Jiu is not worried. He understands the people of Qu Yan, since the holy, in order to show his true love, before you gain the land to the Jiuyi, it will definitely be true to him, It's nothing more than wanting to get ridiculous, for the next bridge.

So he used two cups with Qu Yan, and immediately wishes the other side's shoulders. The brothers, a buding of his brother.

Lu Xiaoyan is going to cry, and finally, when he really can't help but contact the bag, Qu Yan consciously, support Du Jiu stood up: "Let's go, I will send you back."

Lu Xiaoyan quickly said: "I don't have trouble, I am coming."

Qu Yan is willing to be gentle, but it does not mean that it will give Lu Xiaoyan face, only cold and cold, and half of it is half-handed.

Lu Xiaoyan bite his teeth and rushed up.

Fortunately, Qu Yan talks, and really sent them back to the villa, Wang Xiaozhou Changsheng a sigh of relief, and he has contacted the bag and lifted. At this moment, he saw Baosheng Ming at the gate outside the gate. Take it, walk nearly two steps, two silly.

Packing up and smiling, two words, don't say that I want to pick up Du Jiu: "I can't help, I can't help, I will have trouble less."

However, Qu Yan is not allowed. If he is ignorant to Lu Xiaoyan, it is a hatred. If he is not he followed by his idea, he will leave him if he follows the idea. He leaves him so much. He does not give the bag at all. Good face, smiling: "I am not bother, I am willing to send nine, let it open!"

Packing is equally dark, his last life regrets did not stop when he was recognized in Ajiu, if he would pay more attention to it, and he did not know the true face of Qu Yan, harming Ajiu arrive. It's all alone.

He did not retreat, and the same is too clear: "How, Lu Shao wants to use the trend in the same time?"

Du Jiu listened to the maintenance of the bag, sighed in his heart, and the reason why Balance was so disadvantaged, which was disgusting by Qu Yan.

When he was forced to land to nine, he still didn't let him, secretly released it. This is the matter, I didn't expect that in the past few years, Qu Yan actually dared to provoke the land to nine, how can Baing Ming's response can not be fierce.

It is precisely because of these various kinds of views that have caused land to nine.

But no matter what, these are not the reason for him to treat the two stupid as a play, because others hurt you, so you will hurt others, then what is the difference between the land to the original Qu Yan?

So there is no wonder that he can only be a counterpart.

Qu Yan's attitude towards the package is at all, and smiles: "If I am thinking about the potential people? Can you still don't do it?"

Packed up.

Du Jiu's duty continued to drunk, holding Qu Yan not tap: "Go, go, brothers drink together!"

The bag lifted him, when did you give it a chaos?

He sighed, tough, could not choose Huairou's means: "Lu Shao, I am moving, but Ajiu's temper you know, if I put you in it today, I am afraid that he will never see you again, Lu Shaowong tonight Good heart, wait for Ajiu to wake, I will definitely tell him. "

Qu Yan is on the bag, the new hatred old hate, set up the idea to go in, smile: "How to wake up nine tomorrow, I will explain him, don't need you inserted We are in the middle! "

It's going to pick up Du Jiu.

At this moment, Du Jiji also laughed and climbed the neck of Qu Yan, the brothers of the brothers.

Packing Ming Ming and hateful.

However, Qi Yan just went out of two steps, was stopped by a tall film, waiting to see the face of the Qing Dynasty, the face is sinking: "Let's open!"

He didn't believe in the next words, what boyfriend, what boyfriend, but it is intentionally, but does not prevent him from being disgusted to be a boyfriend.

Qu Yan is disgusted, two stupid, two stupids also disgusted him, can say that from he saw Qu Yan, I decided to hate him, my heart rose a nameless fire, this fire The emergency is strong and strong, fully occupying his heart, it is not easy to find the trend.

When I saw Du Jiu, I was more than I laughed and I went to Huayan, and the fire was more than, almost burned his ingredients.

"Relainance!" He stretched out his hand, look cold, did not see how he moved, turned to Dujiu arrived in his hand.

"..." Qu Yan only felt a drama of a violent man, and then looked at the two stupid and shocked.

Two stupid ignored him, directly packed: "Ann alarm immediately, saying that some people intend to handle, call the police to deal with."

"You dare!" Qu Yan angry.

"Why don't you dare!" Bao Lisheng two words do not say to open the film, directly dialed the alarm phone, "Hey ..."

Qu Yan's face is a white white, and the resentment looks at the two stupid eyes, it seems to be a scruple, and finally slammed his arm.

Packing and Lu Xia Zhou suddenly toned to have a long breath, so there is two stupid to shock, otherwise I can't stop Qu Yan.

Du Jiu was stupid to his arms, looked up at the familiar faces in front of him, and woke up, grinning: "Hey, two stupid, how come you come, come, you also drink ..."

I shake my head, it seems to be awake: "No, wrong, how can I come, I'm silly, there is no two stupid ..."

He put his hand, swayed, took a few steps, looked around, and turned to see the bags and stunned. Sitting on the ground, facing grief: "Daming, what to do, two stupid, my two stupid No ... "said that it is brushing two walks of tears.

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