Trinitrotoluene, an organic compound, usually appears white or yellow against crystals, odorless, and hygroscopic. Resistant to impact and friction, stable in nature, but any amount of sudden heat can cause an explosion.

Of course, Luoli cannot be used so casually after it is made, this substance usually needs to be refined before it can become the well-known TNT explosive, which can produce 4.2 million joules of energy per kilogram of TNT explosive.

As for the production method, it uses the characteristics of the black mist monster death, although the entity will dissipate, but the affected object will not dissipate.

Acidic substances such as nitric acid and concentrated sulfuric acid can be prepared by acidic substances secreted in the body of special species.

So in theory, no matter what type of acid is not a problem for rare species, but they themselves do not have this awareness.

The rare black beak simply knows that its ability is acidic, and does not know that there are so many classifications of acid.

So it's a shame that this ability is only used to reduce the structural strength of rock formations.

After that, you need to bury the refined material in the ground in front of the shelter gate.

As for when exactly was it buried?

Of course, it was buried when the black fog monster opened the door, and at that time, whether it was the people of the shelter or the support troops who had not arrived, they could hear the attack and roar of the black fog monster, and anyone would basically think that they were just struggling to attack the door of the shelter.

But this was not the case, because Luo Li knew that the moment the shelter gate was closed again, it meant that the black beak could not break through the shelter gate for at least a certain time interval.

This time is not short, but it is not very long, but the approximate time Luo Li is very clear.

Because she was in the sky, and the black mist monster used to intercept the support force was also sent by her, he naturally knew this time better than anyone.

Then now that the approximate result is known, it is entirely possible to go backwards with the present result, so that it is easy to arrive at the moment when the door is closed, or the moment when humanity begins to unite with each other.

Luo Li should make a response plan based on this, either change the formation and attack method for a strong attack, or should immediately arrange for the black mist monsters to retreat, instead of letting them spend over there.

Then the reason why Luo Li chose to be indifferent is obvious, she is just using seemingly obvious appearances to hide her true purpose, that is, the two things mentioned earlier, refining substances and burying bombs.

This strategy can be said to be to move the tiger away from the mountain, or it can be said to be dark and old, it will work, at least from the perspective of the authorities, it is completely invisible.

Even if it could be seen, how many people would choose to believe it and put it into practice? And among those who believe, who can really have the strength to put into practice?

There are probabilities, but there are very few, and all plans cannot be implemented only if they achieve a 100% success rate, which will limit you everywhere.

When the probability of success is less than 50%, it means that it is better not to choose to implement this plan as a last resort, because the probability of failure will at least be greater than the probability of success;

More than 50%, which means that the plan has the possibility of implementation, but other auxiliary means or preparations are needed to make up for the failure of the plan;

When the probability exceeds 80%, the first reaction is not to assume that your plan will have a great success rate, but to reflect on whether you have missed some key conditions and thus misestimated your probability of success.

When after repeated reflection, it is determined that there is really no problem with your plan, you can use this plan as the basis for the implementation of the plan, and consider many aspects, prepare various backup plans and try to try to bring the probability to 100% infinitely.

This is what a true conductor should think about.

Of course, TNT is a bomb that is so stable that sometimes a pistol bullet does not necessarily detonate when it hits it.

So how should Luoli accurately control the detonation time of the bomb?

Under the premise of not having any remote detonation means, Luo Li really cannot control it, because rare species are estimated to have been gazed by then. Although the acid secreted by the black beak is still present, Luo Li can't control it.

This required an external force, and Luo Li needed to set up a nearly manual detonator for the excitation of the TNT explosive.

But the problem is again, she currently has no way to obtain lead azide for the manufacture of detonators, so she can only choose another thing to replace, preferably this kind of thing that Luo Li can control remotely, so as to prevent accidents from causing the plan to be interrupted as much as possible.

Then the answer is about to come out, still handed over to the black beak, as for the ability of the black beak, it can generate huge heat in an instant, that is, self-detonating soldiers.

Bury the self-detonators underneath and enter commands so that they can prepare to start self-detonating as long as they feel the change in heat.

This kind of command is not difficult for self-detonators to understand, if Luo Li has to say that the temperature reaches a certain level, then the self-detonators are estimated to be unable to understand.

As for why does the heat change?

The answer is still very simple, there is no light in the original shelter, so light a candle, will the burning of the candle release heat?

As we all know, combustion reactions are exothermic reactions. So there is no problem with this theory.

There are many people in the shelter, and people's metabolism generates heat.

In addition, it is still raining outside, and the passage is still broken, so it is easy to form a temperature difference between the inside and outside of the shelter door, and also form a pressure difference, but the temperature difference will not be very large, but it is still no problem to let the self-detonators perceive themselves.

Everything is ready, and if someone chooses to reopen the door of the shelter, the self-detonator buried under the door of the shelter will sense the temperature and trigger the self-detonation command, thus detonating all the TNT-like bombs buried under the door of the shelter.

And this is the gift that Luo Li carefully prepared to give to the support troops.

Luo Li did not move a step during the whole plan, and hundreds of lives completely evaporated from this world.

But is that the end of it?

No, the main lethality of TNT bombs is not the explosion itself, but poison, chronic poisoning.

Its toxicity can invade the human body through the skin, respiratory tract, digestive tract, causing local skin irritation to produce dermatitis and yellow staining, causing subacute poisoning and chronic poisoning. For example, it causes cataracts, toxic hepatitis, and also damages the hematopoietic system, suspected of carcinogenicity.

Long-term exposure to trinitrotoluene increases the chance of anemia and abnormal liver function, and inhalation of trinitrotoluene in animals can also affect the blood and liver, enlarged spleen and other bad effects related to the immune system.

Of course, this poison was not used against the people of the shelter, but Luo Li was specially used to surround and kill the support troops.

Strong level strong, strong? Strong. But can you be immune to poisoning? It is resistant to poison, but not completely immune.

That is, as long as the siege is long enough, they will eventually not be able to hold on.

Then the purpose is clear now.

The pure black chessboard in front of Luo Li suddenly showed several white lines, and these white lines were the coordinate system that Luo Li temporarily built with the new city as the chassis.

A few black droplets slowly condensed on the white line, and then Luo Li slowly began to move these black droplets in one direction.


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