"Success, you guys be careful, I'll communicate first!"

Doom and the silver-haired man nodded to indicate receipt.

Now that the situation is urgent, the two sides naturally do not fight each other for high emotional intelligence exchanges, but after a very brief exchange, they quickly confirm the solution to the situation.

And the final solution is simple, with ice, or rather, temperature.

Why such a solution was arrived at is simple, just use the previous phenomenon to draw inferences.

The previous shelter explosion has been judged to be TNT, and in their cognition, TNT cannot be detonated so plainly without other media. (The characteristics of TNT are explained in chapter 132)

Then the existence of the medium is almost inevitable, usually by detonators, but they are not sure whether the little girl used a detonator.

Even under the premise of using a detonator, they did not know how she managed to use the means of controlling the detonator from a distance to detonate TNT after the electromagnetic pulse.

Something unknown and half-understood is not the key to solving a problem, because it is easy to meet the Bad End.

Reality is not a game, there is no archiving of this theory, so the cost of trial and error in reality is often your own life, so the original idea is actually completely blocked.

But the life forms buried in the rock have brought them new ideas and hope.

Obviously, the possibility that the life form in the rock body is a black mist monster is very high, which shows that the previous detonation medium is not necessarily a detonator, or it may be a life-like form that is close to the life form in the rock body at this time.

Since it is a living body, it means that there must be metabolism and its cell composition.

At extremely low temperatures, the activity of cells is greatly reduced, or even biological activity is stopped, which gives them the possibility of exploiting loopholes.

Rigorousness, maybe, does not guarantee success.

In layman's terms, as long as Deep Blue freezes the rock mass with a very low temperature, it can weaken the perception of internal life, not to weaken to zero, as long as it can be weakened.

Then the insiders cut the frozen body, and then escape while the internal life form has not fully reacted.

As for the feasibility of cutting? You have to ask Deep Blue, and Deep Blue says yes, after all, this is her creation.

Looks perfect? Not really, this is the best way they can think of after the exchange, but this method has a fatal weakness.

That is, the autonomy of biological reactions.

This does not mean whether Deep Blue has confidence in freezing the rock body, but should bet on whether Luo Li can detect their plan, so as to remotely control the life form in the rock body to cause early detonation.

They are not sure, because they are not sure whether the previous hypothetical life form detonated by Luo Li or spontaneously, so this creates two possibilities.

But is there any other way?

What's more, even if this method is not used, assuming that Luo Li really has a remote control method, then why not immediately implement the detonation now?

Not sure where insiders are?


The life form is sealed in the rock body, and there are no other black fog monsters inside the evacuation channel, that is, even if Luo Li has the means to remotely control the black fog monster, she still cannot probe the information inside the evacuation channel.

Can Naluoli estimate the approximate march time?

Of course.

But is there a possibility that the estimation will fail? Is it possible that someone in it is halfway up and suddenly wants to rest in place? Is it possible that someone inside suddenly does not obey the captain's command to turn around and march?

It's all possible.

Once detonated in advance and does not cause good efficacy, it is equivalent to directly releasing all the internal personnel, and the impact of the explosion will directly affect the black fog monsters ambushed outside the evacuation passage, which can be described as losing the lady and breaking the army.

What's more, there is also toxic gas as an auxiliary inside, so there is actually no need for Luo Li to risk killing two birds with one stone to detonate in advance.

Therefore, this seemingly desperate road actually has a clear information gap.

As long as at the moment of Deep Blue's attack, the insiders cooperate with each other, and they can still successfully escape even if Luo Li finds out.

So how to achieve no delay in cooperation without communication equipment?

The answer has long been announced - ice crystal worms.

Needless to say, at this moment, there happens to be an ice-based and self-contained long-distance communication ability of the mind skill ability can appear in front of them as the key to solving the problem, this is the guidance of fate? Or is it an established arrangement?

No, they are not interested in knowing, they just need to follow the command and do what they have to do.

And the command policy of the entire solution strategy is given to Deep Blue.

"Whew~Frozen..." Deep

Blue took a deep breath, his posture was tall, and the full moon drew his bow.

His gaze passed through one ruins after another, through one rugged black mist monster after another, and finally froze at the rock barrier that could be called a desperate street sign.

One after another, the ice energy was like a whirlpool, slowly concentrated on the arrows of the ice spirit bow.

Freeze, not destroy, not to mention that according to the insiders of the evacuation passage, the inside of the rock mass is also sealed with a black mist monster lifeform that has explosive properties at any time.

This is a big test for the user's strength, angle and degree of control of mental skills.

But it just so happens that these are her absolute strengths for Deep Blue.

Constantly refining your strength, constantly refining your own details, and constantly pursuing higher goals, isn't it now?

The surrounding street scene gradually faded and the sound gradually dissipated.

At this moment, Deep Blue and her Ice Spirit Bow seemed to merge with heaven and earth, and she could even clearly feel the circulation of the surrounding breath and the flow of air.

Everything seems to be tailor-made for this arrow, and everything seems to be so natural and the wind is fast.

This is, flow.

Suddenly, a thought poured into Deep Blue's heart, at this moment, let go, it will definitely succeed!

This seemingly completely emotional thought completely filled Deep Blue's mind at this moment, which seemed inappropriate for Deep Blue, a person who was thinking rationally almost all the time.

But at this moment, Deep Blue chose to fully trust this feeling.

Calculate wind speed? The distance to draw a bow? What is the angle of inclination of the bow?

No, there was no need to think about it at all, because at this moment, she knew that this arrow would be hit!


Let go, the arrow shot out from the string, and Huang Quan, who was communicating with the deep blue through the ice crystal worm at this time, also beckoned the captain on the side to swing his sword at the same moment.

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