
The captain subconsciously moved to the left, and the bullet passed by, but his fighting instinct seemed to forget something.

"Be careful!"

The captain hurriedly spoke up and subconsciously glanced back.

He and Huang Quan had not cooperated for too long, and at the moment just now, he forgot that Huang Quan was still behind him.

"Don't be confused! Look at yourself! "


That's right! It's just a standard pistol, how could Huang Quan be injured by a bullet at such a distance?

What the fuck am I doing!

The captain felt the strong wind coming from in front of him, and quickly stepped back to avoid a sweep of his legs.

Luo Li had long realized that the captain would subconsciously dodge away, and the other foot rushed straight to the chest with the strength of the rotation.

How is it a straight kick again....

The captain complained in his heart, but there was no way, his defensive means just now could not be activated temporarily due to subconsciously looking back at dusk, so he had to change from palm to fist and cross his chest for defense.

However, the expected upside down flight did not appear, but a knee from Huang Quan came from the side.

If Luo Li insists on kicking straight, then Luo Li's leg is estimated to be directly broken.


Li's expressionless pupils were slightly enlarged by half a millimeter, and it seemed that Huang Quan's support had surprised Luo Li a little.

But to be honest, she could indeed knock the captain off again at the cost of one leg, but after thinking about it, forget it.

Forcibly retracted the force to turn the direction of the body to keep pace with Huang Quan's attack direction, even if the end was still Huang Quan's knee blow and flew out, but due to the timely unloading of the force, he did not suffer any obvious damage except for flying far.

"How do you..." The

captain was a little surprised when he saw Huang Quan's actions.

Aren't you preparing to secretly open a blood sacrifice? Why did you suddenly get up?

Although he didn't finish speaking, Huang Quan could naturally sense what the captain wanted to say.

"Don't forget, your main formation, I assist the attack, I naturally want to do a good job of auxiliary attack, not to mention, didn't I take back a city a little?"

The corners of Huang Quan's mouth raised slightly, and this feeling of suddenly winning back a son from Luo Li's hands was really good.

He was indeed going to act according to the plan arranged, but he chose to temporarily change the rules of action the moment he saw Luo Li take out his pistol.

Because he knows that even if this gun is not a great threat to himself, because of the suddenness, the captain will definitely subconsciously look back at himself, and this glance will cause the captain to lose the head of the main formation, so that the original plan will end early before it begins.

At the end of the day, it's been too long without cooperation.

"Secretly open a blood sacrifice? Open a hammer, and the man will hit it openly!

Blood Sacrifice! Huang

Quan's originally somewhat lazy face was completely covered by seriousness at this moment, pale yellow veins appeared on his cheeks, and at the same time, there was a terrifying strength that was constantly rising.

He was afraid that Luo Li would interrupt before, but now that Luo Li was knocked away by a knee, he naturally no longer guarded against Luo Li interrupting.

"Hahaha, it turns out that I dragged you back in the end, but it doesn't matter, Sword Formation! Fall! The

captain smiled heartily, as if he had found the feeling he once had.

The gesture changed, and several phantom swords that were originally stuck in the air all fell within ten meters of Luo Li's body, and an esoteric aura filled them.


The ten swords connected their hearts and began to outline one after another special rune marks.

Luo Li tried to evacuate, but moved to the border but was blocked by an invisible wall.

A punch was thrown, and apart from the obvious sense of shock, the sword formation itself did not seem to have any other effect.


Although Luo Li had black wings, she didn't want to expose her black beak form too early.

The most important thing was that although a tingling pain began to appear around Luo Li's body, as if it was slowly cut by countless small swords, there actually seemed to be no other feeling for her.

In order to prevent the car from overturning, absolute control is quietly turned on and begins to observe your physical state at all times.

Seeing that Luo Li had no other action, the captain took the initiative to rush forward into the formation.

"The caster takes the initiative to enter the formation?"

A little surprised, but not unexpected, after all, melee mages, not absent from various books.

The captain came up with a high whip leg, and Luo Li staggered his hands to block.

At the moment of blocking, Luo Li seemed to feel a sword intent flowing down his arm into his body.

Pay attention a little.

Swing and dive to dodge the captain's swinging punch.

There is no sword intent.

The captain attacked Luo Li's downward head with a straight fist, and Luo Li blocked sideways to the left and quickly cut into the inner circle.

Another sword intent.

The right hand blocks the push arm to break the captain's punch, turns the elbow to prevent the captain from counterattacking, continues to turn the elbow in the opposite direction to repel it, and then punches the captain's Adam's apple with a straight punch.

"It's really hard to."

The captain stood up in pain, but was easily cracked by Luo Li's left hand defense and destroyed the center of gravity.

Sweep your legs high, dodge, turn around and kick back.


Again the same kick, again right in the chest.

It turns out that even if there is some defense, it does not mean that it can be prevented.

But this time, the captain's ability to resist blows seems to have improved significantly.

The body that was hit only took half a step back, then controlled Luo Li's back kick, and a hooked leg to meet Luo Li's supporting foot.

Luo Li only paused slightly, and then lay down on the ground with the strength of the captain's hooked leg.

Pulling back, the captain quickly reacted and pulled in the opposite direction to form resistance, but as soon as the resistance was formed, Luo Li pushed backwards, and the original supporting foot kicked towards the captain's lower body with a rotating force.

It was impossible for the captain not to think about the rest of his life, let go and retreat and rushed forward to mend the knife.

Luoli oolong stranded up and hid his weakness at the first time to prevent mending the knife.

Kick the back to block the captain's frontal attack, quickly retract his legs to prevent being held again.

Rotated in the opposite direction to kick back, the captain was afraid of the kick and quickly retreated, but unfortunately this was just a fake action, after the 180-degree rotation did not stop, it was too late when the captain reacted.

The air swirled again and widened the arc, and a whirlwind kicked the captain's Adam's apple.

The action was too fast, there was no time to change the move, and he hurriedly blocked with his hand, but the position of the Adam's apple was relatively fragile, so this impact force could not be hardened, and the captain had to fly upside down.

Huang Quan took the opportunity to switch positions, turned over and kicked upside down, and faced Luoli's head before his gaze was shifted.

Without looking, the left side dodged, and quickly retreated while dodging to open the distance to prevent holding the top of the knee.

Huang Quan was helpless, but the speed after the blood sacrifice bonus was worse than before, and his reaction power was also a notch faster, and he quickly kicked his left side.

Crossed hands block the left kick, the captain rushes forward to spin and kick after unloading, and Luo Li's left leg is raised high to break the knee joint and break the upper kick.

Adhering to the principle of playing from top to bottom, the captain turned around to sweep the hall, and Huang Quan also raised his right foot to kick Luo Li's head at this moment, forming a left and right high and low sweeping legs.

Luo Li's expression remained unchanged, and the carp beat up to avoid two leg strokes and got up, holding his knee in the wrong hand to block the left high right low whip leg.

Huang Quan rushed forward to attack with an elbow, but Luo Li rushed in front of Huang Quan to the left, and the captain on the right broke the two to rush forward to attack.

The captain's right face smashed to the ground, and his expression was instantly stunned.

Huang Quan swept his legs 360 degrees to cover, Luo Li shook and dived, crossed his hands to block the top of Huang Quan's knees.

The left knee broke the captain to get up and whip his leg, and the right block broke Huang Quan's elbow.

Left and right up and down, attacks continuously, Luoli mechanical defense, dripping water.

The stabbing knee blocked the top and broke Huang Quan's knee, and the splitting hand hung to block the elbow under Huang Quan, dragging his palms with both hands, and the white ape offering fruit made Huang Quan look stunned.

The punch was stopped by the captain's kick, due to the strong force, there was no time to retract, Luo Li hugged his legs and turned

around, kicked the captain's head with his left hand, attacked the forehead with his right knee, and kicked the gear with his left yin foot, forcing the captain to take half a step back, turn around, and the pendulum slammed the captain's right cheek, shaking waves.

While Huang Quan regained consciousness and rushed forward with the captain, he kicked and flew the two with his feet in the air.

Roll over and land, get up, draw a circle on your toes, stand upright, and your expression remains unchanged.

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