The speed of the tank troops did not exceed Luo Li's imagination, after all, even if these tank troops directly stepped on the void, Luo Li would not be obviously surprised when they came through the wormhole.

After all, anything is possible.

It's just that just bringing out the tank troops is not Luoli's ultimate goal, and this seems to be the means that humans attach the most importance to the new city.

Luo Li sighed, human beings always like to stop in moderation, after all, everyone has their own God, and God's command is irreversible, right?

Even if, the Lord does not care.

No tears without seeing wounds is the most arrogant and lazy manifestation of human beings themselves.

Even though human beings are a collective, they like to think of the collective as a single, large individual, so as to think and adjust the action indicators of the whole group from the perspective of the individual.

This is certainly a way to simplify things and save time and effort, and it is also the ability to have as a leader, but this method will reduce the output of idiosyncratic situations and create biases.

If everything is thought in this way and the final conclusion is reached, it is often a manifestation of its incompetence.

More seriously, it can lead to irreversible effects on the individuals originally used to make up the whole.

So...... At certain times, it is better for God to die and die.

Under the influence of the anti-factor isolation field, the combat power of the surrounding black beaks has increased far beyond the imagination of many supporting members.

In such a short period of time when the nine people and Luo Li pulled each other, there was an obvious gap in the encirclement originally formed by the human powerhouse.

Isn't it incredible?

No, this is supposed to be something that should be taken into account, but the human side doesn't realize it.

Quite simply, the multiplication zone of the lift is different.

Luo Li's improvement in the anti-factor isolation field is not very obvious, and under the blessing of the field, he also needs to use the Bagua Nine Palaces, which can be called a hole card, to deal with the nine people.


Because her own mental skills have reached perfection in the current realm, adding a few more values to the degree of perfection will only increase by a few percentage points.

This is also the reason why Luo Li chose to give up a heart in the first place.

On the one hand, it is to create a battery for activating the white house device;

On the other hand, she already knew that the anti-factor isolation field would raise the skill of the heart to a certain extent, which led to her behavior of taking out the heart in person.

Although the heart is not very important to Luo Li, just like the kidney is for humans, taking one out is at least not worrying about life.

But at least, the energy of the heart trick technique basically comes from the heart, even if Luo Li is more special, but it is still the heart side that occupies the lion's head, and Luo Li's own combat power will be reduced by a certain extent if a heart is lost.

The combination of negative effects and positive effects can be balanced even if you do not get an effective boost.

Finally, through the blessing of the Bagua Nine Palaces, he dragged everyone down, and attracted everyone's attention, so that everyone really thought that Luo Li had received a stable promotion.

It is precisely because of this that everyone did not find the abnormality of the black beak in the first place.

After all, everyone has a preconceived view, that is, since the behind-the-scenes boss has appeared, it must be the boss who clears the scene, right?

It's just a pity, it's not.

Three black beaks with different shapes broke through the human-shaped fence that was originally used to block Luo Li and Black Beak, and descended from the air to Luo Li's body like a faithful knight, forming a high mountain that was difficult to cross.

At this time, the people who surrounded Luoli began to realize that things did not seem to be as smooth as they thought.

Instinctively looking around, the original scene of human powerhouses and black mist monsters evenly matched did not appear, but instead the blood mixed with rain formed a pool of inconspicuous small pools on the uneven ground.

Looking at the three black mist monsters guarding Luo Li's side who exuded a terrifying aura, everyone's hearts couldn't help but tighten.

This power... It is not much different from the strong intermediate powerhouse who has mastered the skill of the heart.

The marginal diminishing effect and the multiplier effect, these two effects can easily explain the change in the strength increase of Luo Li and the black beak.

Luoli is the former, that is, the marginal yield of variable elements will gradually decrease with the increase of variables.

In the theory of reality, that is, in the case of a high degree of mastery of the skill of the heart, the increase in the field is not obvious;

The multiplier effect, also known as the "Keynesian multiplier", changes one of the variables to cause a chain change in the final quantity by means of a multiplier acceleration.

In the theory of reality, that is, when the mastery of the skill is low or even close to zero, the increase in the field is naturally very significant.

In other words, the BUFF of this anti-factor isolation field is basically added to the monster.

Luo Li took a few deep breaths and then straightened up again.

From the field of view of the black beak, the speed of travel of the tank troops was observed, and the approximate time from this side was estimated to be about 2 minutes, which should theoretically be a little faster.

Then first of all, it is necessary to completely suppress the group in front of you as completely as possible in this extremely short period of time, and then have enough energy to deal with the tank troops.

Of course, it's not impossible to do two together.

After all, if you can fight in a group, why do you need more than a dozen?

Luo Li snapped his fingers casually, attracting everyone's attention, and then the figure gradually became illusory, and finally disappeared.

Only three terrifying aura black beaks remained, looking at each other with Bai Zhao and the others.

At the same time, a black chessboard was summoned in a corner that no one had noticed, and the white son above him moved, and a blue light appeared from time to time in the scarlet pupils.

After all, there is a saying called one trick fresh, eat all over the sky, because the principle is the same, so Luo Li does not mind using it again.

The pterosaur black beak, which originally hovered over the tank troops, attacked from time to time and began to freely spin and touch fish, as if he suddenly received some order at this moment, began to act in unison.

And this anomaly was naturally seen by the members of the tank unit.

"Captain, those flying black mist monsters above are a little strange, and they seem to be brewing something."

"Huh? Oh, prepare an electromagnetic pulse, don't worry, I met a person when I entered the city, with him, we are not afraid of that kind of thing, just keep going.

Zhong Yu looked casual and didn't seem to care too much about the anomaly of the pterosaur Black Beak, but judging from the fact that he obviously slowed down the swing of the weapon, his heart was not as calm as he seemed on the surface.




Zhong Yu took a few steps back and withdrew from the frontline battle circle, blocking the halberd in front of him to prevent accidents, and then said without looking back:

"Let them prepare for protection and slow down their movements a little, after all, I can't guarantee that my decision will be correct, in case these monsters are just bluffing and finally give us some substantial attacks, then we won't feel good."

Since my inability to cause heavy casualties among my brethren, try to avoid any casualties that can be avoided at this time, and say sorry to my teammates for me. With

that, Zhong Yu returned to the front line.

Obviously, as a commander, you can't say in public that your decision is not necessarily right, even if this is true, but it is not good news for the tank troops that are now in high morale.

What's more, Zhong Yu was already fighting on the front line at this time, which was the opportunity for the character of the herald officer to appear.


Although the herald officer answered very decisively, he was actually full of emotion in his heart.

After all, who doesn't love a team leader who can always care for his subordinates, but also knows how to adapt to changes, not to go his own way, and to lead by example?

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