"Zhong Yu, what kind of silver martial arts do you want?"

"Huh? But I'm only at paper level now, is it really good to think about this kind of thing so early?

"Hahaha! It's okay, I just want to hear you brag.

"Oh——, your bad taste is too strong, then listen up!

I want to become like Xiang Yu, a person who shocks the ages!

As for the weapon, of course I want his Heavenly Dragon Breaking City Halberd!

It is said that the extraterrestrial meteorite was refined for nine days and nine nights, and the thunder was born underground, and the heavenly dragon fell into the sky.

What do you think? I'm bragging about this!

"Hahaha! Good! Good! Good! Very good! "


"The final winner of this final is - Zhong! Feather!

"Special work for this! Awarded military ranks! Please Zhong Yu to the stage to speak!

"Hey, see? That's my son! What do you think? Handsome not handsome! "


"Dad! Father! Don't sleep, hold on a little longer, hold on a little longer, and we'll be home..."

It's okay... Dad is not tired, he is still very energetic, go back... Let's go back and drink. "


"Xiao Yu, the heavy responsibility of protecting the people is handed over to you, Dad is going to see your mother, I haven't seen her for a long time, and I don't know how she lives there alone..."

"I would like to lead the tank troops! Rescue the new city! If the mission fails! I'll see you in the head! "



"Team Bell!"



Zhong Yu's mind began to uncontrollably emerge memories of the past, which may be what the ancients called marquee.

I want to shake it out of my mind so that I can concentrate on death, but I find that I can't let go of the mustard in my heart no matter what.

The vision suddenly became blurred, and Zhong Yu did not know whether it was his own tears or rain.

I just know that I don't seem to be as good as I think.

"Children are not filial, it is difficult to be a big task, Dad, I came to you."

Heart Trick - Bloodthirsty Battle!


As if opening a certain organ inside his body, Zhong Yu's pupils were infinitely filled with a sea of blood, and the blood vessels swimming in his body were also swollen several times at this moment.

The muscles burst out, and Zhong Yu condensed the strength of his whole body into this final blow at this moment.


The halberd slashed across the sky and met the black flame, leaving a trace like a sharp knife cutting a hole in the dark night sky, and the incomparably fierce aura was like an extremely rebellious child showing injustice to the Dao of Heaven.

Unfortunately, He didn't care.

Half a second had passed, even though the black flame at the front end was cut off from the energy circuit because of Zhong Yu's life-giving blow, this still could not stop the continuous black flame from coming up, and finally completely submerged Zhong Yu's small body.

And the small protective equipment that Ouyang Feng deliberately made was completely destroyed after resisting it for less than a second.

The black flame that exuded the aura of destruction mercilessly roasted the earth, and the tank that was originally stranded on the ground was completely reduced to ashes in the terrifying energy storm.

And what about those members of the tank unit who sacrificed their lives to free up time and have half a second extra for the retreat?

They were held by the black beak caught by the flank bag and its rogue way, and finally evaporated into this world under the indiscriminate attack of the black flame.

As for Ouyang Feng, he evacuated the encirclement in a unique way after giving Zhong Yu a BUFF, and for some reason, those black mist monsters didn't seem to block Ouyang Feng superfluously.

From a factual level, under the baptism of black flame, those lives died completely not long after they came into contact with black flame, but the attack of black flame did not stop, still baking the land mercilessly, as if afraid of the appearance of fish that slipped through the net.

In one of the residential buildings in the ---------distance

, the young mother, who still had blood on her forehead, covered her daughter's eyes at the moment when the black flame spat out, as if she did not want this scene to be seen.

"Mom! The earthquake is so powerful! Did those officer big brothers win? The attacks called tanks are so fierce that the monsters must not be able to bear them! "

Uh-huh, win the fight! It's that the scene is too bloody, it's not convenient to show you at this time, my mother's forehead is still a little painful, help me get some medicine, okay? The

young mother closed the curtains, transferred the hand that was covering her daughter to her daughter's shoulders, and tried to squeeze a smile out of her face.

"Hmm! Good!

The little girl nodded happily, and then began to rummage through the room, looking for what the big sister had left them before.

It's just that after the little girl left the young mother's field of vision, the smile on her face obviously stiffened a little, and she muttered:

"Mom, your smile is completely different from before, and there is no joy in your emotions."

A white light flashed in the little girl's pupils, and then disappeared.


temporary shelter.

Everyone looked at the black flame that seemed to connect the entire heaven and earth, and the hope that had risen in their hearts disappeared again.

"It's over... Now it's really over....... Even the support forces are all destroyed, then our new city ... Who else will come to the rescue? "

What about the fuck those fierce guys? There are enough fights on the Internet, but when they are really needed, they always can't appear in time, so what's the use of them?

"It is estimated that there is something difficult to hide, the support speed of these troops is already very fast, since they can all arrive, it is impossible for the strong people above the fierce level to not arrive."

The only explanation can only mean that they have something to do now and can't come.

"What did you say? In Xia Country, a people-oriented country, is there anything more important than the lives of our people? The

man who was out of control and began to complain everywhere immediately stared at the suddenly appeared Lizhongke.

One grabbed his neckline and lifted it into the air, his eyes widening angrily.

And his behavior immediately consciously vacated the surrounding crowd.

A member of the support team who had been left here wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and walked over, although his mood was not high, he should still fulfill his due responsibilities.

The man who was caught by the neckline was not very flustered, and said lightly:

"The more we get to this time, the more we must believe in our country, I believe that it will not be long before top figures come to the rescue, until then, we should remain calm."

What's more, you can see the speed of support for the support forces, the country has always considered us, but this world is not only a new city.

What were you doing when those dedicated warriors fought the Black Mist out of sight?

Squatting at home to play games, swipe your phone and watch TV? Or pick up a girl drinking and sleeping in an Internet café?

We are not the only place in the world, and complaining for no reason will only show your incompetence. "


As if he had been told the pain in his heart, the irascible man was about to raise his fist and attack the man's face, and the man closed his eyes at this time, ready to silently take this punch.

At this time, the garrison watching from the side instantly grabbed the wrist of the irascible man, and no matter how hard he used, he could not move.

"Brother, that's a good point, there are not many people who can maintain their sanity at this time, dare to ask brother Taigui's surname?"

"Oh, it's okay, it's just a feeling, as for the name.

My surname is Xia, Xia in summer, Jinghe in spring and Jingming. "

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