"How do you..."

Deep Blue first looked surprised, then a touch of fear, then helplessness, and finally pretended to be a fairly acceptable smile with self-deprecation.

Even if all this expression switch is due to the fact that the little girl's back is not in her field of vision.

Deep Blue wanted to reach out and touch the little girl's head, but his body was still unable to obey the commands of his consciousness at this time.

Only the hand that constantly trembled reflected the longing of Deep Blue's heart at all times.

But think about it, why is the little girl here?

It's not that emotional logic doesn't allow, it's about strength.

How did she get here in her own right?

Deep Blue was keenly aware of the excess blood stains on the little girl's body

Obviously, the reason for the appearance of these blood stains was not the spikes alienated from Luo Chen's arm.

In other words, she had been attacked before she came, but she wasn't sure if it was from the Black Mist Monster.

In terms of probability, the possibility of the Black Mist Monster is very high;

In fact, the possibility of a black mist monster is very small.

The black mist monster with average strength at the strong level can't stop a little girl? But if it's not a black mist monster, then what will hurt the little girl?

Didn't see the road scratched?

After all, those tiny wounds look just like scratches.

In the distance, a black suit gradually disappeared from the shadows, and his face was completely obscured by the dim light, and no face could be seen.

Deep Blue hadn't figured out the principle yet, but Luo Li decisively withdrew his alienated arm after feeling that the spiked attack was not obviously effective, leaving the long list of human body hollows.

Just in Fangcai, Luo Li obviously felt a faint premonition of death, even if it lasted for a very short time, it might be extremely easy to ignore under normal circumstances.

But Luo Li did not regard this as an accident, there are too many seemingly accidental things in this world, and there are many "accidents" that change the direction of a story.

What's more, Luo Li herself is also a personality who likes to create "accidents", and if his usual means become the turning point of the final event, then it is funny to say it.

Who else can bring Luo Li a premonition of death?

There are many, but most likely the people at the top of the human race, and at the same time, they are also the kind of people who can easily change the direction of the story.

But to say that Luo Li was surprised, it was not enough.

Originally, she had already assumed the existence of the human high-level, but the system had not given a hint, and she had maintained this assumption until now.

And Fang Cai's fleeting premonition of death made her more convinced of the existence of the high-level of human beings, if not 100% certain, but the probability was almost more than 80%.

So the question is, why is there no warning from the system?

Is the system betrayed? Or really not detected.

It can only be said that both are possible, but no matter what kind of Luo Li is mentally prepared.

If it is the former, Luo Li does not matter.

From the beginning of the plan to the present, unless necessary and assistive, Luo Li has basically relied on her own ability to promote the process of the plan from beginning to end, and even the time she spent with her can be counted on one hand.

Most are just used as a moving eye position or medium to interfere with the direction of things.

Therefore, even if the system betrays her, she will not lose much from it.

If it is the latter, it proves that the system's capabilities are still limited in this world, and they are not invincible.

And is the detection capability of the system dynamic or static?

Luo Li didn't ask, and the system naturally didn't say.

There are advantages and disadvantages to asking, judging from the Husky's remarks, if he says that any energy body within a certain distance can be detected, does it really mean that there will be no accidents?

It's not as good as your own slow exploration of the system.

Therefore, the existence of the system or not will actually not cause any serious obstacles to Luo Li's own plan, and if the assistance is gone, it will be gone, and she can accept it.

Re-exclude the influence of the system, rethink.

Assuming that the human high-level is there, then the reason why they didn't take the initiative is also simple.


They are observing Luo Li's ability, which is the key to why Luo Li dares to jump out.

Create a special one that makes them throw in rats and worry that they will miss out on good opportunities and become lost.

But this is not a death-free gold medal, there is a degree, a degree that can be accepted by them.

Just now, Luo Li seemed to have touched a bottom line in their hearts, so now, naturally, they have to move this bottom line back, so as to leave themselves enough room to play.

The arm was quickly retracted, and Han Yi also wanted to use the body that had become riddled with holes to block Luo Li.

However, he was hit by Luo Li's merciless bent elbow and broke free after hitting the joint of his arm.

The blue light in the pupils flashed, and Luo Li's figure appeared on the right side of everyone after disappearing briefly.

Previously, it was to go straight to prevent himself from wasting more strength to adjust the direction, but now it was different, Luo Li had been stopped by them with their own body, and it didn't take too much energy to naturally change direction.

Bai Zhao's right hand was faint, and an unusually obvious small space collapsed obviously, and even Luo Li's body was affected.

Without waiting for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief, Bai Zhao immediately said in a deep voice:


The boulder that fell in his heart was hurriedly mentioned by everyone again, since the right side is fake, then the real probability is on the left.

Everyone quickly moved their gaze to the left, as if to confirm their conjecture, another Luo Li's body also appeared on the left side.

Stop her!

This is the almost unified idea in everyone's hearts at this moment.

One, two, four....

Everyone seems to agree that this is the final game behavior, whether it is useful or not, it seems that as long as Luo Li is dragged down, then things will eventually turn around.

It's just a pity that this figure is also fake.

The member who rushed ahead saw the light smile that suddenly appeared at the corner of Luo Li's mouth very clearly, and then her figure disappeared intermittently and quickly in space like a system failure.

The body instinctively looked upward, and the shadow of the falling black wings covered their eyes, and also covered the luck in their hearts.

Glancing back desperately, he saw that the little girl who suddenly appeared was still standing resolutely in front of Deep Blue, looking at Luo Li galloping from the air with a serious expression.

The inside of her pupils was frantically flashing with white light that was obviously unrelated to her own painting style, and blood appeared around her eyes, and then the blood turned white, with a sacred and involuntary breath that made people want to bow down religiously.

"In a way, I also want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to awaken this power.

Correspondingly, I will naturally use my own strength to give you enough feedback.

Light will triumph over evil, and you are the most unforgivable person in hell.

Heaven without delusion. "

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