As Luo Li thought, this field is not simple.

Even from the perspective of onlookers, the two figures of Luo Li and Deep Blue have completely disappeared, leaving the little girl standing alone in place.

Looking at it in shock, the little girl's hands were clasped against each other, and a white ball of light was suspended in the middle against gravity.

This white ball of light is no different from an ordinary crystal ball from the outside, but everyone will not think so simply.

Obviously, this white crystal ball did not exist before, plus the white light that almost covered the entire sky before, and the two disappearing figures.

As long as it is a normal person present, he knows that the development of all this is inseparable from the little girl.

"Field! This is the skill of the field! And the level in this field is not low ?!

How can it be?! She's still so young?! Even

though the bald old man was already trying his best to suppress the excitement in his heart, he still inevitably exclaimed.

Fortunately, the surrounding shielding means were very well arranged, so that the voice of the bald old man did not come out of the shielding boundary.

But...... Is there still a need to shield now?

Whether it is Luo Li or Deep Blue, these two people are locked up in that white crystal ball at this time, and the white crystal ball can't see the inside scene from the outside, so do they still have the need to watch here?


Wei Ming, on the other hand, was the first to rush out, and the rest saw that Wei Ming was no longer hiding, and naturally followed.

Only the ghost was left in the air, and the pupils without any emotion flashed with a strange light.


After Han Yi lost the strength of the riveting for that moment, his body stumbled, his knees suddenly knelt on the ground, and the body of Bai Yuan's gun was also out of the master's control at this moment, like an abandoned child, he fell to the ground lonely, making a thumping collision sound.

There was constant ghosting in her field of vision, and her brain hurt as if it was about to explode, but her hands were uncontrollably supported on the ground.

This is the contradiction between the body's instinct and the brain's consciousness, which cannot control its own body, and its own body usually just makes people feel that consciousness is controlling the body.

This contradiction did not last, because consciousness soon declined.

There is a voice in Han Yi's mind that is constantly instilling messages such as "sleep", "just lie down" and "rest for a while".

But she knew that once she slept now, it could be forever.

Brainwash yourself yourself? No! No way! I still haven't been able to complete the task, I haven't been able to explore the truth, I haven't been able to... Find Qin Yi....

Even though Han Yi's willpower is extremely tenacious, he can't resist the bad impact caused by a big hole in his chest.

She knew she couldn't hold on.

And the last figure that flashed in her heart at this moment was Tang Qinyi.

"Don... Where are you? You okay? The

arms that lost their strength support could not bear the weight of Han Yi's upper body after all, and as soon as the arms were soft, they saw that Han Yi's forehead was about to make an intimate contact with the ground, but they were stopped by a sudden upward force when they were approaching.

However, Han Yi's consciousness had completely fallen into chaos at this moment, and only his mouth was still murmuring about Tang Qinyi's inquiry.

Wei Ming's eyes descended from above, looking down at Han Yi who was held in his arms, and there was an indescribable complexity in his eyes.

There is helplessness, there is sadness, there is pity, there is pampering, and even a trace ... Blame?

Tens of millions of emotions were eventually condensed into three simple words....

"Hard work."

The rest of the personnel at this time were also safely stacked on the cold ground.

It's not that I want to, but there is no way, there are so many of them.


"Ah, okay, okay, I can come, I can only save 12 hours, the rest of the time depends on the fate of heaven, if I can't save it, it means that the life is exhausted, and I can't do anything."

"It's okay, that's enough."

"I owe me a favor, after all, I have no obligation to save."


September (white-haired and golden-eyed Koshota) shook his head, sighed helplessly and walked in front of everyone, stretched out his seemingly immature little hands, and chanted words in his mouth.

And with September's action, everyone's chest unexpectedly grew new flesh and blood tissue at a speed visible to the naked eye, and began to stick and entangle with each other, and finally got a seemingly intact body.

Well, yes, it seems.

After the spelling was completed, the golden pupils in September's eyes had a very obvious dimness, but he only exhaled a breath of turbid breath faintly, and there was no other emotional outpouring.

As a mad superior, this bit of physical consumption can still be supported, after all... His mental skill was not originally a treatment, and "healing" was just a means developed by him with his mental skill.

After the episode here in September, everyone looked at the little girl again, but before everyone could step forward to observe, the white-haired old man who had just contacted Ouyang Feng returned to the team.

Everyone naturally ignored him, but they still focused more on the little girl to vaguely indicate their focus.

"This is? Small world?

No, no, this is the field! The field that opens up an independent small world ?! The

white-haired old man's already serious expression changed again after understanding the general situation, repeatedly moving between extreme sadness and bliss, and finally had to sigh helplessly and suppress the thoughts in his heart.

Obviously, now this little girl's life is more important, this level of domain skills are not easy to control, even in their realm, the number of times they can see this field is very small, not to mention that its user is still a little girl?

Talented....... Genius again?!

In the small new city, so many geniuses have emerged at this moment?!

First Xia Jinghe, then the mastermind of this incident, Little Lori, and Deep Blue, and Little Girl.

Moreover, the white-haired old man surrounded him, and there were not a few people lying on the ground with excellent qualifications.

Is it by chance that so many excellent people are in the same class? Or a plan?

Coupled with Fang Cai's phone contact, the white-haired old man was more certain of the latter, that is, the view that the uniqueness of the heart skill was wrong.

These factors are superimposed on each other, once again casting a hazy veil over the seemingly clear world pattern.

The truth of this world... What is it?

And the little girl who was recognized as Luo Chen for the first time, what is her true identity? What did she master that we didn't know?

The answers to all these questions seem to be shackled by an inexplicable existence and cannot be opened.

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