New Town, Bureau of Enforcement.

At this time, it was the lunch break, and a young law enforcement officer in a white law enforcement uniform was a little bored brushing the smartphone in his hand, brushing as if he remembered something, his fingers flickered, and he tilted his head to a subtle angle.

"Lao Yu, do you remember the previous Xincheng White House incident? I heard that the survivor of the white house seems to be still in our new city, and this school opening ceremony, the probability of mixing in is very high. You said, will Sister Han personally lead the team, after all..." The

whispers disturbed Lao Yu's elegance in reading, even though the smart phone developed very rapidly, but Lao Yu still liked the feeling of flipping through paper books.

"There is a probability, but the probability is not large, I mean the high probability that the survivor of the White House will not be discovered, I hope he will not be discovered, after all, I don't want him to stage a thousand slashes again."

Old Yu's face did not change color, and his thick and magnetic voice slowly came out, as if he was saying something serious in a slightly joking tone.

"See this no."

Lao Yu inserted the bookmark on the page he was reading, then slowly closed the book, and pointed with his right hand at the left chest of the law enforcement uniform, where a white dove with green grass was embroidered, which was a symbol of peace and represented that the duty of law enforcement officers was to defend peace.

"When you don't have the ability to solve a dispute, you try not to let this dispute happen, even if there are hidden dangers, you can't solve it, others don't have the ability, if others don't have the ability to solve it, then it has nothing to do with you." The peace we guard is only the peace when we were still in power, not the future peace of mankind. The

young law enforcer was stunned by the preaching, and wanted to open his mouth to refute, which sounded very reasonable, but it seemed that something was not quite right, and when a matter rose to human righteousness, it was not something that could be clearly explained in two words.

Lao Yu saw that the young law enforcer seemed to be a little stunned by his words, and couldn't help but chuckle out loud.

"Harm, what do you want, I'll just talk about it casually, you don't take it too seriously, if I can really make some big sense, I won't still be a small law enforcement officer here." Do what you think is right, believe in yourself, little brother.

Lao Yu shook his head, lost his interest in reading, put the book lightly next to the computer on the side, and the whole person half lay on the chair, and began to close his eyes and recuperate.

"Oh yes, what's your name, I'm sorry, I don't have a good memory."

Lao Yu half-opened his eyes and asked.

"Summer Jinghe, summer summer, spring and Jingming's Jinghe."

The young enforcer smiled.

Enforcement Bureau, third floor office.

"Knock knock."

Standard three-click knock on the door.

"Please come in."

A clean voice followed.

"Sister Han, this is the enrollment list you asked for in the new city and all the information about the survivor of the white house in the new city."

With the click of the mouse, the woman, known as Sister Han, looked away from the computer screen in front of her, and was greeted by a brown file bag handed over with white gloves, and a silver USB flash drive full of metal hanging from its seal.

"How many times have I said that if you want to call me Team Han outside, I am no longer the big sister in that training camp, every time Sister Han calls Sister Han, don't let people misunderstand that we are black."

Han Yi's voice is very clean, which is very similar to her meticulous attitude towards everything, but the slightly raised curve of the corners of her mouth means that she doesn't actually hate others calling her Sister Han.

"Hahaha, okay Sister Han, this is not to soothe your mood, seeing that you are working all day, and you don't take a break during your lunch break, the donkeys in the production team are not as capable as you, which is not very good for the body."

Tang Qinyi covered her cherry little mouth, smiling toothlessly as a lady's self-cultivation.

160 tall, pink hairpin paired with her long curly hair specially trimmed to groom her round face make her look more like a little princess, if not wearing a law enforcement uniform, it would not be reminiscent that she was a member of the law enforcement bureau, and her strength had reached the quasi-strong level.

The realm division of this world is very simple, divided into paper, union, strong, fierce, mad, god, six realms, but usually only five realms, the last realm has been disclosed at this stage is only one person, most of the people are still concentrated in the first five realms.

Each realm has three stages: upper, middle and lower, and the first three realms are also called the civilian realm by the public, because as long as the first three realms are willing to work hard, they can basically reach the progress of the parallel level or even quasi-strong, and if they are slightly talented, it is very easy to enter the strong level.

The gap between the upper and lower stages of the first three realms is not large, and the challenge of skipping the level is a common thing, but once you step into the fierce level, it is a qualitative change, it can be said that the gap between the stages after the fierce level is not overstated by dimensional suppression.

This world was originally a world based on scientific and technological civilization, and there was no such cultivation system, until 130 years ago, to be precise, 126 years ago, unknown black fog suddenly appeared around the planet, and any creatures in the place eroded by the black fog could not survive, and even the internal energy would be swallowed, which was basically difficult to detect.

The superiors in various places only ordered these black fog areas to be blocked, and began to study the black fog.

I thought it would be over, but the black fog spread faster and faster, and monsters began to be born from these black fogs from time to time, which is not a problem that can be solved by the blockade area, and human technology is helpless against these black fogs.

Some feel that the end of the world has come to start committing crimes and suicides, some feel that the opportunity has come and begin to explore alone, and some passively avoid the world and start to run abroad, and everyone begins to peril.

Various countries were destroyed one after another, only the Xia Kingdom was the latest to be eroded by the black fog because of its geographical advantage, and it was also the last country to survive.

Until the appearance of the white house, thirty years after the birth of the black fog, researchers developed a method called heart trick open source, through the special substances in the black fog to open up the heart and stimulate human potential.

It was also at that time that people began to have the strength to resist, and in honor of the White House, called that day the beginning of a new era.

The prerequisites for the first survivors of the White House are very harsh, only 10 out of 1,000 people can survive, but the strength of the same survivors is also worthy of the name, successfully defeating some of the monsters in the black fog that invaded the Xia Kingdom, and successfully absorbing the black fog into its own power through the heart trick open source method provided by the White House, further expanding their strength, and reclaiming a pure land for mankind.

And the person who is currently temporarily existing in the world and is publicly known as the quasi-god strength is one of the first generation survivors of the White House, whose name is Ye Bai, and it is also the guardian saint of the Xia Kingdom in people's minds.

"Sister Han, I'm still looking at these white house information, Anla, Skynet is restored and not leaked, that survivor of the white house in the new city can hide for a while, destroyed the white house, it is already difficult to escape death, after all, it is only a matter of time, don't be so urgent."

Tang Qinyi leaned over to Han Yi's face and looked at the information on the computer screen, comforting.

"Besides, now that there is a shortage of manpower, the cultivation conditions of the White House have been relaxed a lot, and the strongest strength of all the survivors of the White House recently was only at the paper level. Under such conditions, a newly graduated survivor of the White House has some strength. Even if there is your brother in that generation, you can't be stopped..."

Don, don't you know what my nature is, am I such a person who is easily swayed by feelings. You know, when a new official takes office, he always has to make some achievements. You go and pour me a cup of coffee, and I'll look at the topographic map and itinerary map, and make sure that this escort mission is foolproof. Feeling

the faint aroma next to his face, Han Yi stretched out his white but somewhat robust arm and poked Tang Qinyi's soft little face, chuckling.

Tang Qinyi's little face blushed, reflexively escaped Han Yi's little hand, laughed heheily, and then made a standard law enforcement salute.

"Obey! Team Han! With

that, he quickly left.

Tang Qinyi gently closed the office door, leaned against the door and muttered in a low voice:

"Stupid, it is because I am familiar with your character that I know what you want to do." After all, that's your only family. Under the fierce level are all ants, we... After all, it's just a mortal..."

Han Yi held his forehead with one hand after supporting Tang Qinyi, and with some reluctance, he opened the brown file bag handed over by Tang Qinyi, took out the first document printed on A4 paper, and was greeted by several extremely eye-catching red large

fonts-S-class wanted order, the only survivor of the white house in the new city, the first destroyer of the white house, the executioner of a thousand people, Luo Chen.

Degree of danger: unknown.

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