The morning sun shone straight into a simple hut through the screen window, and the dust under the light drifted aimlessly in the air, like the ownerless wandering soul who died in the war yesterday.

Luo Li opened her eyes under the "funny" gaze, her azure pupils reappeared, and she couldn't wait to bloom her dazzling light.

Blinking his eyes, his slender eyelashes still couldn't hide Luo Li's sleepy look after waking up not long ago.

Looking at the clock, it was exactly seven o'clock, and after simply washing and making up, I changed into a simple white casual dress and went out.

Of course, the wig is still beautiful, the black hair is black and white, and the identity of the blonde is used at a special time.

Nowadays, there are very few children of Luoli's age on the street, due to the opening ceremony of Xincheng College yesterday, children of this age have basically been sent to the academy for further study, and everyone is required to stay in the college, except for special circumstances, they are not allowed to go out, classic closed management.

Children in this world have basically been arranged by the state from birth to the first 20 years, and they need to experience a choice at the age of 8~10, either enter the white house or enter the school.

The training period in both places is 5 years, after which they will be sent to the college for future career planning.

No matter which one you choose, you must first open source your mind before entering, that is, the maximum age for human beings to open source your mind is 10 years old, but the difference between Hakuya and an academy is also obvious.

The former can be understood as elite training, the latter is ordinary training, the latter needs to submit tuition fees, and the former can be paid or not.

The school only conducts simple basic training and the study of theoretical knowledge, which is no different from the school before the appearance of the black fog.

But the White House is different.

Each generation of white house cultivators is 1,000 people, and there is only one white house in a region, which means that the white house in each area needs to support up to 5,000 people.

However, the economic pressure of the world is not enough to support the country to establish such a charitable cultivation institution, so the white house uses the jungle rule, survival of the fittest, and living by the able.

The most noble life of human beings becomes a dead letter after it arrives in the white house, so some people ridicule that the white house is the most expensive thing in the name of not collecting money.

Of course, you can also pay money, but paying money in the white house is not called paying tuition, but wagering.

There are two types of survivor rewards, one is the graduation reward, and the richness of that reward fluctuates depending on the number of survivors.

Another reward is chips.

There are two types of chips, yours and someone else's, the chips will be divided equally by the remaining after death, and the chips obtained by surviving can be exchanged for equivalent resources.

Provided that you survive the White House Rules.

But doesn't the white house have no effect on adults? Not really.

They can't play this survivor game, but they can bet on it.

Each person can choose up to 10 white house cultivators a year, regardless of grade, and there is an additional 10 places per passing year.

If you bet on it, that is, if you successfully survive, then the profit is basically nearly a hundred times that of the investment, who doesn't like to add a few more zeros to the back of their wallet?

This near-gambler rule also makes most desperate adults choose to devote everything they have.

However, they have no way to watch the inside of the White House, and the official allows them to bet arbitrarily, and the results can be obtained in five years at the latest and as soon as one year.

The chicken thief is that the official does not remove the dead person from the list of bets, which means that you may have spent most of your money betting on a dead person.

But they can't help, doesn't mean others can't help.

After a hundred years of precipitation, under the influence of huge interests, the original principle of fairness and impartiality and non-disclosure has long been flawed, and has been exploited by capital, and even in the eyes of some big capitalists, the white house is an alternative profiteering organ, or allowed by the state.

Therefore, under various small means, the strength of the survivors of the White House was mixed with moisture, and the generation was not as good as the next, until Luo Li appeared.

She focuses on one of the White House rules that survivors can receive rewards that originally belong to others, and the fewer survivors, the richer the rewards, and this principle applies to lower grades to senior students, and vice versa.

This is to encourage white house cultivators to roll in, as long as others are rolled down, then the more rewards they get, and also remind each senior white house cultivator can not slack, squeeze out their own, sometimes may not be the same level, the lower ones can also be on the top.

Therefore, every white house cultivator is doing their best.

But some people will think, then I put it out and be the last one?

Unfortunately, in the white room, why does life become a dead letter, because death is a normal thing.

In addition to some of the most basic physical training, intellectual training, etc., the most important thing comes from a practical training in the white house, which is called fantasy realm actual combat.

It is turned on once a month, and its original intention is to improve the actual combat experience of the cultivator, but if you die in the fantasy realm, the vital signs will really disappear.

The intensity of the fantasy combat is gradually increased according to the illusion intensity of each cultivator, and its increasing value is dominated by the artificial intelligence that comes with the white house.

That is to say, if the strength of others is rising, then the intensity of the illusion will be higher and higher, and if you keep standing still, death is only a matter of time.

Every time, a large number of cultivators died in the actual battle of the illusion realm, and the staff of the White House were only responsible for collecting the corpses, and the rest were not responsible.

The recovered bodies are handed over to local research institutes as general teachers, which is the response plan expressed in the disclaimer signed before entering the white house.

This is also the reason why the vast majority of cultivators in the White House have died, and it is also the reason why law enforcement officers basically have no actual combat experience, and it is also the reason why this technology is lethal and has not been widely used in the military.

This technology can only be used in the white house, and the state only allows the white house to have such a rule that violates human morality, and there can only be this place.

And Luo Li grasped these rules that seemed to be normal but actually came together as if they had changed.

As we all know, the more people get a piece of cake, the less everyone naturally gets.

What's more, this cake will only get bigger and bigger under various packaging, so the energy it contains is also innumerable.

Are White House Rules really a survival game? No, Luo Li doesn't think so.

On the contrary, if you look at it from another point of view, this is actually a killing game in disguise, not survival of the fittest, but winner is king.

The younger ones can replace the older ones, the illusion battle will cause death and the rule is allowed to exist in the white house by the state, and the intensity of the fantasy real combat depends on the average intensity. What does this say?

This shows that as long as the strength is strong enough, then it is entirely possible that one person can swallow the reward of 5,000 people alone, and it is still relying on legal and legitimate means.


Luo Li heard the sound of the plastic packaging of soy milk in her hand deforming, so she removed her lips from the mouth of the straw, and a pale pink lipstick mark remained on it.

Silently walked to the trash can, threw it away, and this soy milk bought for 3 yuan completed its career today.

Stretching comfortably in the sun, yawning boredly, putting on his hood, he walked a little lazily to a cat café called "Youjia Cat Cafe".

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