"Black... No...... No.

The law enforcement officer quickly turned his head to avoid Xia Jinghe's line of sight.

"Sorry... I'll leave for a moment.

Xia Jinghe said to the law enforcement officer with the only remaining sanity, and then quickly evacuated.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, but it was clear that it was not a normal phenomenon, and instead of allowing himself to stay in the temporary shelter to increase the mutation, it was better to get himself out of the refuge in advance so as not to implicate others.

After being instructed, the law enforcement officer looked at Xia Jinghe and the departing back for a few seconds, and after turning his head, he glanced at Xia Jing and the direction of departure from time to time, and finally had to turn into a helpless sigh.


dark night, a figure quickly shuttled through the ruins of the building, but his walking trajectory was very strange, like a drunken man striding around with chaotic steps.

But even though his pace is chaotic and rhythmless, he seems to have a clear goal.


From time to time, blood accompanied by his cough escaped the shackles of his throat.


Xia Jing and a stumble after the center of gravity was unstable and tumbled to the ground.

"Ahhh... Ahh!! From

the beginning to now, there has been a strong burning sensation in his chest, although this pain is not the kind of pain that goes deep into the bone marrow, but it is like thousands of ants eating the heart, continuous torture.

And what made him even more frightened was that even though his screams continued, he could still clearly hear the pounding of his heart in his body.

"Boom! Boom! "

One after another, like a knock on the door of death.

He even had the urge to cut open his chest and pull out his heart and rub it repeatedly.

Even if reason suppressed this absurd idea for the time being, he was not sure how long he could last.

At the same time, countless inexplicable, completely unrelated memories began to flash through his mind.

There were many dilapidated buildings scattered on the desolate soil, and there was no one around, not even the crows that accidentally flew by did not stop for a moment.

The duration of this scene is not long, and it takes almost half a second to become extremely confused and then disturbed like muddy water.

The treacherous tentacles loomed, and one by one black and empty eyes looked at themselves, even if they did not have mouths, Xia Jinghe still felt that they seemed to be saying something to themselves, and even received a lot of foreign texts in their ears that seemed to be incomprehensible, but seemed to be able to understand the general meaning.

Suddenly, as if the mirror surface was broken, a pair of pink pupils looked directly from the shattered void, and after a few tenths of a second, Xia Jinghe suddenly lost consciousness and fainted in place.

But what he didn't know was that not long after he was in a coma, a consciousness that did not belong to him was controlling Xia Jinghe's body to get up from the ground.

Like a baby born as an infant from its mother's infant, the new consciousness is obviously not familiar with the control of Xia Jing and his body, and after a short period of adaptation, "Xia Jing He" begins to set foot on his own path again.


realm of heaven.

Deep Blue's "absolute lock" is endless, but no matter how fast her attacks are, they will never touch Luo Li even once.

Luo Li's figure was still looming, as if that skill about shadows had no price for Luo Li.

This was far beyond Deep Blue's expectations.

She originally thought that she had touched a new realm, not to mention overwhelming strength, that should also be one head higher than Luo Chen;

She originally thought that after several years of uninterrupted efforts, she should have surpassed Luo Chen, who she had rushed to catch up but was still thrown away by him;

She originally thought that even if she was not a genius, as long as she put in enough effort, she would definitely be able to catch up with him.

But reality slapped Deep Blue fiercely, even if she did many things that ordinary people can't do, so what?

When she stepped on the top of the mountain, she found that Luo Chen had been staying on the top of the mountain for a long time.

Also, things are always constantly evolving, and who can guarantee that others will not work hard?

Feeling that the stability of the surrounding space was deteriorating at a speed visible to the naked eye, a little impatience rose in her heart.

If it drags on, it will definitely affect the little girl's life.

Originally, their family was implicated because of their own reasons, if they were again...


Deep Blue exhaled deeply, forcing the temperature of his heart technique to smooth out the heat in his heart.

She originally wanted to wait until the extreme cold spread was a little larger and wider, so that she would be more sure of trapping Luo Chen.

But doing so will undoubtedly have a greater impact on the little girl's life.

Countermeasure? She had already thought of a countermeasure in her mind, once that skill was activated.

No matter where Luo Chen is, there is no doubt that it must be in this space, as long as it is still in this space, then she has absolute confidence to lock Luo Chen here.

"The art of the heart may not be a good thing in itself, but there is no doubt that it gives humanity survival and hope.

Even though the ultimate destination of mankind may still be death, it gives the drowning person a chance to reach out and pull on the rope of rescue. The

ice in the pupils suddenly appeared, and Deep Blue began to mobilize all its strength, no longer making the slightest reservation.

"Heart Trick Technique - Absolute Zero!"

And the object of absolute zero this time is not Luo Chen, but this space created by "extreme ice"!

Similar auroras reappear, but it is clear that this time the glow will be more dazzling and charming than the previous one.

"Click-click-click-" An

extremely subtle but extremely frequent freezing sound came into Luo Li's ears, but Luo Li noticed the abnormality of Deep Blue as soon as he began to cast the spell.

Light is faster than sound, and if you judge the situation based on the information you hear in your ears, it will inevitably cause you to slow down.

And the timing of this shot is essential for the situation at this moment.

At the same time, the little girl didn't know whether her strength had reached the limit, or if she had a spiritual rhino with Deep Blue Heart, and the scope of the entire Heavenly Realm was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The gas is the same, the space shrinks, the air pressure increases, the molecules and atoms of the substance in the air shrink inward at a positive speed, and the speed of absolute zero freezing is raised another notch.

The brilliant ice crystals spread extremely quickly, and if Luoli was originally only distinguished by hearing, it is now estimated that it has been completely frozen at absolute zero.

Under the influence of absolute zero, all the particle energy of the matter in it is all zeroed, and Luo Li may not even have time to launch the "shadow thorn" and will lose any ability to act.

And Deep Blue itself is also within the influence range of extreme ice at this time, even if the system skill is very buggy, and the "shadow thorn" is forcibly used before Luo Li's particle energy disappears, it will only delay the time of Luo Li's death after all.

Of course, Deep Blue naturally couldn't get rid of the skill influence of "Absolute Zero", but she still did it without hesitation.

Obviously, she just wants to trap herself and Luo Li in this realm of heaven that may be destroyed at any time, and die together!

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