A single bullet may change the action logic of multiple individuals, but it is difficult to continuously change the action logic of a single individual.

But from the point of view of changing the logic of action, bullets don't have to be bullets, do they?

Luo Li pressed with a little finger, and she could feel the elasticity of the four walls of the space.

Why not try to change the elastic coefficient of the bullet, with the help of the surrounding confined space, so as to achieve secondary use or even triple or fourth use of a single bullet?

Obviously, this efficiency is higher, and Luo Li naturally changed the bullet nature of the silver-like "angel".

"Bang bang!"

Luo Li's bullets continued to shoot, and dozens of bullets danced wildly in this confined space.

They dance between the "Heartless" and the "Black Knight", obviously affecting nothing, but subtly changing the situation of the battle.

However, this battle situation did not last long, and after only a dozen seconds, there was a continuous series of bullets that banged.

The reason is also very simple, the combat logic of the "Black Knight" gradually became chaotic, when it should not have been attacked, it was attacked, and there was no attack feedback at the moment when it should have been attacked, which made them gradually begin to doubt their thinking, and thus indirectly affected their body movements.

But for Luo Li, this is not a surprise.

No system is static, and when it's the right time, do the right thing, rather than complaining that your well-thought-out approach has lost its universal solution.

For the logic of chaos, it is natural to use chaotic methods to solve it.

Luo Li's bullet no longer bent the corner, but directly hit the black knight's weapon at the physical level, and directly changed the black knight's attack trajectory through the impact of those bullets.

This time it is explicit intervention, naturally, that is, the method of confusion, because this behavior forcibly changes the law of action of others, which is not the same as the previous one.

Disorganized but precise, precise but chaotic, this is sometimes indeed an incomprehensible way of thinking.

Since the bullets fired by Luo Li will not cause obvious damage to the Black Knight, even if they have a fighting instinct at the beginning, they will not deliberately dodge the bullets fired by Luo Li, which is obviously different from the "Heartless".

But gradually, the Black Knight found that although Luo Li's attack would not cause damage to him if it was hard connected, he would still get a poor result, and this way of thinking was effectively proved after they deliberately dodged Luo Li's bullets.

At this point, the chaotic system is back in order, and Luo Li only needs to readjust the chaotic method to the previous guided shot, that is, no matter what changes the black knight makes to his thinking logic, he will always be in the environment created by Luo Li.

After a moment, the scene gradually quieted down.

The "Heartless" have all "died", one of the black knights has been incapacitated for a long time, while the other black knight is currently kneeling on the ground and unable to move, only the light inside his hollow armor is still burning tirelessly.

Luo Li first extracted the three-dimensional attributes he wanted with the ability of "absolute control" of the "corpses" of those "heartless", but this time there was no previous "alienation" state.

"Strange, doesn't the dead state trigger the underlying logic of the old dominators? Or is there a misunderstanding in the logic I originally assumed? "

Currently known information:

1, Luo Li using the original witch ability to kill the "heartless" will form a kind of "permanent death", at the same time Luo Li's own spiritual power will be slightly increased, and the original witch's ability should also be improved accordingly.

2. When Luo Li was alive in the "heartless person", he forcibly used "absolute control" to absorb the energy needed to supply Luo Li inside, causing an "alienation", and the appearance after alienation was very similar to the yellow-robed weirdo he met a long time ago.

Also, the lights hurt the "heartless" in that state.

3. When Luo Li dies in the state of "heartless", the same method of absorbing energy will not cause the alienation of "heartless", but relatively speaking, the absorbed energy is obviously less.

After the "Heartless" had all been absorbed, Luo Li looked at the black knight lying motionless on the ground.

Luo Li first fired a few shots with the "angel", and found that the black knight still had no reaction, and then he threw the "corpse" of a "heartless" person over.

Still unresponsive.

Stepping forward, looking at the appearance of the black knight's whole body wrapped in armor, Luo Li didn't know how to take his mouth for the first time... emmm... Take action.

Thinking of the other black knight's posture of being lit by the lights, Luo Li couldn't help but extend her hand into the black knight's empty helmet.

Meat, that's right.

Fingers dig into the flesh, using the same method as the previous method for dealing with the "heartless", and then use "absolute control" to transform it again using "absolute control".

But this time, it is obviously different from the previous ones.

The first is that this time the energy is thicker than before, the barrier is more obvious, and the whole process is more difficult to transform.

At the same time, this absorption has something more precious than before - memory.

Are you sure you don't run away from here? The natural disaster is coming, and if you don't leave, you won't have a chance!

"Nope! The previous guard is dead, and I can't completely leave the Tree of Life unattended, this is the last hope of this city.

"You're going to die! You don't care what you don't want, if you want to die, do you know, if you don't leave, it's really too late.

"Death? It's okay, I'm going to die sooner or later, but I'm more afraid of despair than death.

"You! ... Ay... That's it, then I will accompany you, who makes you always need my care.

"Are you still..." "


"No, thanks."


"Catastrophe? Does it refer to the explosion of waste energy leakage? The tree of life? Is it the kind of fruit that Guhad needed to produce the light restoration? Although

it was only a few memory fragments, this gave Luo Li another piece of information that could be informed.


Luo Li looked behind the black knight, where there was a metal silver iron door.

Because Luo Li kept opening Hawkeye, the dust on the iron door could be seen clearly.

What's inside? The Tree of Life?

But if it is really the tree of life, and that fruit is obtained by the blossoming and fruiting of the tree of life, then the problem arises.

This door knows at a glance that it has not been opened for a long time, and the state of these heartless and black knights also feels that it has not changed for a long time, how did Guhad get the fruit before?

Also, what are the nutrients of the tree of life? Isn't the world short of lights?

When you learn something, you'll find that you're getting more questions.

Luo Li temporarily closed his eagle eye, forcibly cleared his consciousness with absolute control, and then picked up the black two-handed axe that the black knight had dropped on the ground, strolled forward, and quietly looked at the other black knight who still had a breather.

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