Time needs to go back an hour to review what Guhard had discovered.

The Tree of Life was obviously much more decadent after being absorbed by Luo Li, at least it no longer exuded as rich vitality as before.

However, because the previous scene was still reflected in the minds of the dark mice, they did not dare to make a move easily.

Luo Li had speculated about where the nutrients of the tree of life came from before, until she saw the full picture of the tree of life with her own eyes, and she had a general answer in her heart, and this answer was gradually confirmed in subsequent encounters. (There is foreshadowing at the end of chapter 222) There is

a saying called what to eat like what, does this make sense?

Yes, but it is not the kind of "form complement" in the narrow sense, but the food components at the broad level affect human body functions.

The appearance of the tree of life from a distance is indeed very shocking, and the whole body is filled with an indescribable behemoth, which may be the origin of its "tree of life" name.

But have you ever wondered why there is such a very different thing in this place where there are almost "living dead"?

Bearing fruit means the output of energy, and if there is output, there must be input, otherwise this kind of thing cannot exist for a long time, and when he saw the signs of those details on the "tree of life" with eagle eyes, Luo Li had a guess at that time.

This tree of life absorbs, probably people.

It sounds a bit cruel, but if Luo Li were to judge its existence itself, then Luo Li would only say it was reasonable.

This rationality refers to the conformity of objective laws, not benevolence.

If human beings in this world want to live in the true sense, they can only rely on lights.

In a sense, a light is something that clearly exists, but can't actually be touched, and this thing is even more abstract than air.

According to the current news that Luo Li got from this world, the air can still take something to cover it, as for the lamp, it seems that there is no means to save at this stage, it seems that it can only be used, can not be saved, but this thing is linked to its own "life".

Oh, and you can recover by rest, but that recovery is not really enough to use, such as the injuries on Guhad's body are not good now.

After a person's lights completely dissipate, he will become a "heartless person" who does far more harm than good to the social system, that is, if there is no "tree of life", then the world's lighting system cannot be recycled at all.

So in a sense, although the "tree of life" draws on human beings, it is an orderly person who can string together the circulatory system.

And Guhad only began to realize something after witnessing the scene of the "cannibalism" of the tree of life, before that the "tree of life" was still a character similar to the "mother of the world" in Guhad's impression, but now...

Tiger poison does not eat seeds, let alone a tree that eats people?

It can be said that this completely subverts the world view of Guhad, and after knowing this, is Guhad really the former Guhad?

Guhad's father's plan is actually very simple, there are only two kinds of people to survive in this world.

The first is absolutely sane people, such people can always know what they should do when, when, and the lights of such people are difficult to completely die.

The second is the absolutely ignorant person, where ignorance does not refer to knowing nothing, but to a state that seems to know, but actually knows nothing but thinks that he probably knows.

Obviously, the latter is easier to cultivate, so Guhad's father is cultivating Guhad in the latter way.

What is the purpose of cultivation? That's also very simple, look at luck, gamble, bet until someone like Luo Li appears, if you can't gamble, then lose.

Anyway, this world is hopeless, isn't it?

It can be said that from the moment Guhad was born, he was a tool, but he didn't know anything, but now, he knows, so this tool actually has no need to continue to exist.

Seeing that the peach fruit that he once cherished was now thrown at his feet like a piece of garbage that no one wanted, Guhad's heart was full of confusion and bitterness.

In the end, he still chose to pick up these black boxes, first took a bite of the Yang peach fruit that fell out first, then silently put away the rest of the fruit, and finally looked at the "person" in front of him who was incompatible with this world.

"Did you find the answer you wanted?"

"It has nothing to do with you,"

"Huh... Also... Garbage like me should stay where garbage should be, and you're not a grade person. Guhad

turned around decadently, and it seemed that he was ready to return to his previous life.

"I send you a word, the harsher winter, the closer summer will be to you, because he is in yourself."

Guhad's walking body was visibly paused, and then he turned half of his face and said:

"Aren't you an infinite light?" Shouldn't you be afraid of the loss of lights? Why say such riddle-like words? Are you laughing at my ignorance?

"You think yes, you think it's not, language is not a black and white thing, different people have different opinions on the same sentence, only if you feel it is appropriate, that is useful."

After Luo Li got up, he patted the non-existent dust on his body, and walked towards the tree of life with his own care.

"What are you going to do?"

"Destroy the only hope in this world."

Hearing this, Guhad's eyes widened sharply, and then he rushed towards Luo Li regardless of whether he had beaten Luo Li or not.

Luo Li did not intend to resist, so he was pinched by Guhad with both hands on his shoulders.

"Are you crazy?! I admit that that thing does violate our moral system, but after knowing everything, shouldn't we uphold the rationality in our hearts and guard it, aren't you more rational than me? Why do something that seems clearly irrational?! "


Luo Li's indifferent eyes looked at Guhard expressionlessly, making him feel a little hairy in his heart.

"You should be more worried about whether you can survive today than this, sometimes exhaustion is not a derogatory term."

Live through today? ...... What do you mean? Five peach fruits can keep me alive for at least five months, just kidding, today?


Guhad suddenly thought of something, grabbed Luo Li's arms casually, suddenly lost strength, and finally fell to his knees with a desperate face, his arms hanging low, like a severed limb.

"Good luck, and, goodbye, Guhad."

Luo Li turned around lightly, and his flowing white hair completely enveloped Guhad's figure, and strolled towards the tree of life.

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