September 18, 96 A.D., 14:00

Metro College.

This point is basically the start time of the first class in the afternoon of the college, not too early, not too late, just stuck at the end of the nap time.

Dong Xin also stabilized his mood at this time, and was sitting with Ning Xinyue at this time.

Although their classes are not exactly the same, this afternoon's class is full of the school, so they can just get the time right.

In addition, the classroom of Xincheng College allows classes to come and listen to classes, as long as you ensure that your courses do not fall behind, you can listen to other classes if you want, and you can not go if you don't want to listen.

Due to the wide variety of mental skills, the school's class schedule for everyone is almost different, which means that there are not many exclusive classes for everyone.

Under such circumstances, the crowd of students in Xincheng Academy will roughly present two phenomena - busy people are particularly busy, belonging to the kind that can't see people for a day, idle people are particularly idle, and there are many who often stay in the dormitory or wander around the college.

Of course, Dong Xin is not the kind of person who is particularly busy, he has his own clear purpose, so he actually has a lot of free time after planning the course he wants to take.

After the two met, they did not have the previous joy, but just sat down silently, presumably only knowing about the incident in the new city just now.


..." "Ning..." "

You say it first..."

"You say it first..."


"Okay, I'll say first, I'll say I'm okay first, if there is any news from the side, please don't believe it too much."

"Hmm... Puff, hahahaha.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Because this is exactly the same as what your roommate said to me, your roommate said, he will definitely explain it first."


course, this kind of joke is only temporary, and besides, this is a memorial service, and this kind of hip-hop attitude should not be present in sense.

The two then just chatted with each other about some insignificant topics, quietly waiting for the memorial service.

Said to be a memorial service, in fact, it is just a scheduled video in each classroom, and you can't lead a bunch of students somewhere to hold a funeral like a funeral, not to mention that due to the tight news blockade before, Xincheng College is not allowed to make a venue for you in terms of time.

Of course, you definitely can't play with smartphones, everyone must stand to watch the video, and need to be silent for ten minutes after the video is over.

The memorial service is not long, for them may be from the new town, there are not a few people who cry when watching the video, and naturally no one will have hippie smiling faces under the infection of this atmosphere, and time also passes quickly in this immersive atmosphere.

At 14:30, the memorial service ended, and there were still 15 minutes before the first class ended, but most people did not speak, and Dong Xin looked at the pile of tissues on Ning Xinyue's table and it was not very good to say something to her heart.

At 14:45, the bell rang for the first class, Dong Xin picked up the plastic bags and napkins that had been prepared long ago, cleaned up the things on the table, and immediately pulled Ning Xinyue out of the classroom.

"What's wrong?"

Ning Xinyue's expression when she looked at Dong Xin was not like the kind of expression that wanted to comfort her, but she had something to say.

"The atmosphere inside is too oppressive, take you out to breathe."

"Hmm... Thanks, but is that really the case? Hearing

this, Dong Xin looked at Ning Xinyue's eyes and couldn't help but be stunned.

"What's wrong? Does my crying nose look good? "

Well, it's totally a question of sending to death, but that doesn't mean it can't be answered.

"You look good at everything, and you look better when you cry your nose, but this kind of good looks can't be shown in front of others, so I pulled you out."

"Poof... Just as you can? You're too selfish.

"People are selfish, especially me for you."

"Okay, don't make trouble, let's talk about what you want to talk to me about."

Ning Xinyue drew a few napkins from the napkin handed over by Dong Xin and covered them under the edge of her nose, then turned around and blew her nose, wiped it, and threw it in the plastic bag prepared by Dong Xin in advance.

"Sure enough, you still understand me, it's like this, I'm ready to follow Li Xiang."

"Li Xiang?"

Ning Xinyue fell into deep thought, as if thinking in her mind who Li Xiang really was.

"The one who is coming over to speak in the afternoon?"

"Yes, before that, I went back to the Internet to search all the topics about the Xincheng incident, and found that many things did not seem to have any problems when taken out separately, but there was a problem when they were connected together."

"What do you say?"

"Everything started from the day we entered school, ostensibly just a simple escort incident, but in reality?"

At this time, Dong Xin took out his smartphone, took out the file that had been prepared to open it, and put it in front of Ning Xinyue.

"Many people are just paying attention to how the black mist monster is doing, but there is actually a key person who has been lured out, and that person is Xia Jinghe."

"Xia Jinghe..." Ning

Xinyue heard this and looked at the photo on Dong Xin's smart phone, it was a man with short hair and a sunny look, I don't know why, she felt a little familiar.

"Yes, Xia Jinghe, this person actually appeared in the news reports with Captain Han's group later, but he was ignored because he was not very conspicuous, but in fact he is the key to the problem."

"You mean... The incident in the new city that occurred after the escort incident is very closely related to this person? Could it be that the tragedy of the Xincheng incident was caused by him? Ning

Xinyue's thinking diverged quickly, and Dong Xin only made a shallow point, and after Ning Xinyue finished all the following things.

But unfortunately, Ning Xinyue did not get the nod she expected, but shook her head.

"Yes, it's not right. The reason why it is right is because all these things do arise because of him, he is the link between all events, but the reason why it is not right is because he is not dominant, he is passive. "

Passively ... Is he just a pawn?

"Yes, he is just a pawn, a pawn used to attract the attention of the White House and the military district."

You look at the announcement of the white house on September 3rd, and then look at the announcement of the Law Enforcement Bureau on September 5th, it seems that there is no problem with these two things being separated separately, but what about Lenovo?

Although the military region did not issue an announcement, they could come to the new city with the cover of the law enforcement bureau, which means that at this time, the high-level forces of mankind had basically all come to the new city for various reasons.

That is to say, those announcements are just an illusion, a false illusion to cover up the truth. Dong

Xin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he seemed to have a feeling that he felt as if he had unconsciously touched the other side of the world.

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