"Why are you here? Who were the original observers?

"Since Violet has said that she will tell Luo Li everything she knows, then Luo Li naturally does not refuse.

"Well, that's the point I want to say, the high probability I said before is just because you want to know."

Luo Li's expression did not change, but a thought flashed in her heart - she knew that I did not belong to this world.

"What you can't hide, you don't belong to this world.

The reasons are as follows:

1. If you really belong to this world, you should not appear at this point, with your strength you should have arrived here a long time ago.

2. The power in your body is too familiar to me, it comes from the open source method of the heart, right. "

Can you all feel this power?"

"No, it's just because I, as a civil official, need to have the ability to identify clansmen, so I can."

Looking at Violet's spotless puppet-like eyes, Luo Li temporarily chose to believe.

"The Invasion Legion I was in charge of became the first batch of erosion of the old forces, but because of my special status, I did not become the target of the erosion of the old forces.

But because of this, I was left behind, left in the black beak world.

Everyone has hope for life, and of course, I have it.

The lights of this world are too few as the only consumables of information transmission, but the world without information transmission is difficult to develop, so whether it is me or the natives of the black beak world, they are ultimately looking for a substance that can replace the light.

We need a world that can completely separate ourselves from others, and at the same time still need to transmit information in that world, which is obviously a very paradoxical thing.

The transmission of information means two-way, but the world that separates the self from others means that there is no second person except oneself, so where does the transmission of information come from?

But then, we find that the thoughts that come from the self are not limited by the light, that is, we need to build a space that can communicate with the outside world, but only exists in the self.

It's hard, but we eventually find the answer, which is dreams, and that space is what we call threshold space.

The information in dreams is generally directly related to a person's daily life experience, so we can obtain information from the outside world through dreams to avoid excessive consumption of lights.

This seems to be a topic that is theoretically feasible but I don't know where to start in practice, but the problem is not big, I have the power to change all this, because the mental ability I get through the open source method of mind is dreams.

In order to ensure the success rate of the experiment, I reached a cooperation with the royal family of the Holy City, that is, the ruling class, and began to study the threshold space.

In order to conform to the theory of information transmission, we must ensure the objectivity of the space within the threshold space, and we originally wanted to build a special scene in the dream and use this scene to transmit information.

But it turns out that this is not feasible, because dreams depend on others and must carry the memories of others, so once you pull others into the dream, some unpredictable changes will occur in that particular scene, which will inevitably affect the transmission of information.

Since this is unavoidable, we must modify the original modified scene information and ensure that the message we want is conveyed, not meaningless information.

To do this, we need to think about what is immutable and what is bound to change, and we just need to cram this information into that immutable information.

At first, there is no clue, because nothing seems to be constant, everyone's dreams depend on their own consciousness, even if we can monitor the dream and make some modifications to the dream, but this is a little too random, the transmission of information is very uncertain.

Because of this paradox, many people have dropped out of our ranks, thinking that although this solution is theoretically feasible, it does not have much success rate in practice, and that the message we want to convey depends on others, which seems too ridiculous.

But gradually, we discover something else that doesn't change, and that's rules.

Everyone in the dream seems to follow the same rules, because reality is reality, even if reality will become colorful due to the change of scene, but reality is reality after all, reality has its own unique rules.

After discovering the rules, we found a solution to the problem, and finally we successfully developed a creature that exists based on the rules of dreams - ghost wolves.

The existence of this creature is very special, everyone's ghost wolf is different, but in order to prevent the ghost wolf from getting out of control, we have a special control method for the ghost wolf.

After that, the space here will officially be renamed the transthreshold space, which means surreal, a threshold space based on the rules of reality but beyond the rules of reality.

Through the dream space, you can naturally grasp a little dream power, which can greatly reduce the use of lights and use lights more cost-effectively than others.

Yes, although we still can't completely replace the lights through this force, the utilization rate of the lights has been greatly improved, which is nothing more than a breakthrough.

Violet's expression was noticeably more agile than before when she said this, and it could be seen that she really liked this aspect of knowledge.

"How many pass through the dream space?"

Luo Li took out the purple sphere again and played with it, dream power... Unsurprisingly, it should be the power she used just now, but that use is obviously more direct.

"A lot, a large number of residents of the holy city have basically passed through the dream space, of course, they also have their own dream power, so about the communication at the information level, you should be much easier than the outer city.

But that doesn't mean they don't save on lights, you have to think about that.

"So where are you going next?"

"Follow you, or, die."

"Not continuing?"

"The observers are dead, how can I continue? Any power is flawed, including dream power.

It relies on self-will, but self-will is not exactly equivalent to desire, and those who are now crazy because of their excessive pursuit of self-will.

The next dream space experiment is meaningless, because it is only to satisfy these people's self-desires, so the dream experiment is over. "

How do you go out with me?"

"Release your ghost wolf, I'll get in, and then you wake up by yourself, and the dream space will disintegrate itself due to the loss of the subject.

Due to the lack of observers, that is, our parameter control, dream space will create a paradox of rules on its own and completely collapse.

"So..... Then it's up to you, come out. The

white light flashed, and a familiar figure reappeared, but it was still the same unrested look.

"Your bad taste is a bit special, but I don't mind."

Violet quickly outlined a purple six-pointed star and pasted it on the forehead of the ghost wolf, and then the figure turned into a purple streamer and drilled in.

Luo Li took the ghost wolf back and watched the purple sphere in his hand gradually close his eyes.

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