Near noon, everything in heaven and earth is more or less stained with a bit of nobility like hot gold, and the pillars of light of the sun are scattered and emitted, like countless transparent bands of light, reflecting the dazzling light of the Dao, and the dust inside shines with a little starlight, as if it wants to become a substitute for the night sky.

Xia Jinghe only yawned and went out from home at this time, wearing a casual sportswear and a dog leash in one hand.

This was bought at the grocery store last night, and although this husky is a little smarter than other pets, it is a humanitarian courtesy to walk down the street and keep the pet on a leash, even if the pet is not his.

He also went to the barbershop to get a haircut, after all, the missing half of the hair looked too eye-catching.

Do law enforcement bureaus work so late? Of course not, this is just a reasonable schedule, after all, he was a big hero who saved the new city from a formal point of view yesterday, and the big hero has some privileges.


Xia Jinghe helplessly covered his mouth with his hand, no way, yesterday he had a nightmare, dreaming that all the people around him were seriously injured and died because of protecting themselves, which scared him a lot.

"Cat cat, you want something to eat in the morning, I'll buy it for you."

Xia Jinghe didn't understand why a dog's name had to be a cat, although this cat was not another cat, but it still sounded very weird.

Originally, he was going to name the husky "Bubu", but the husky shook his head at that time, and called the word "cat" a few times in the dog language onomatopoeia, when Xia Jinghe thought that its original owner gave it the name "Mao Mao", so he confirmed it again, but it still shook its head.

Just as Xia Jinghe was about to download a dog translator on the smartphone, the husky seemed to have discovered something, and pointed to the cat-shaped sticker on the window to call Xia Jinghe.

Xia Jinghe only reacted at that time, it turned out to be called "cat cat", no, you are pointing to the cat, don't you don't know which is a cat and which is a dog, you two are completely two breeds okay.

Unfortunately, the husky did not give any explanation, but after introducing himself, he ran to the side to play with the computer.

Sadly, the keyboard and mouse of this world were not designed for dogs at all, and the husky had to give up the idea of playing games and choose to watch anime instead.

Leaving only Xia Jing and a person in the room messy themselves, why did the dog owner name a dog a cat? Why does a dog still use a computer? Watching or lolifan? This wouldn't be an LSP in the dog world, would it?

There are a few more unsolved mysteries of mankind in Xia Jinghe's heart, but he has to go to sleep with doubts, and finally returns to reality with nightmares.


The husky dragged Xia Jinghe to a small breakfast stall, and his turquoise pupils looked straight at the roasted wheat on the stall.

Smelling the bursts of aroma coming from the roasted wheat, Xia Jinghe also slightly relieved himself from the influence of the nightmare.

"Boss! Come two... Oh, five roasted wheat, two cups of soy milk, how much? The

boss who was making buns on the side saw the new customer and quickly came over to help Xia Jinghe pack.

Although Xia Jinghe called the boss, in fact, this boss was a woman, about 35 years old.

Her skin looks red under the long-term sun exposure, it can be seen that if there is no such working environment, her skin should be the envy of many girls, she must have been a big beauty when she was young.

"Give, 16 in total, make up a whole 15."

The boss wiped the sweat on his forehead and packed all the food he needed, as if he was afraid of Xia Jinghe being hot, and put another bag on the outer layer, even if this could not hinder much heat transfer.

"Well, well, it's already swept for you. It's noon and you're still setting up a stall here, buy a parasol early, you see that you are sunburning, the money is paid to you, you don't have to look for it~"

Xia Jinghe waved his hand and was about to leave.

"Successful collection, 20 yuan."

The boss heard the collection figure and quickly shouted Xia Jinghe.

"Eh! Want to be a good person? Give me the code and I'll find you the extra money.

I'm still setting up a stall here because there are too many young people like you who wake up at noon, and you still have a lot of use for the country, and we can't.

I missed the opportunity and couldn't do anything for the country, either to work as a coolie or to set up a stall here.

Xia Jinghe looked at the middle-aged woman who seemed to be about to start a tirade, and was about to fight sloppy eyes and prepare to flee, but saw the boss in front of him suddenly pass a scrutinizing gaze towards him.

"Huh? I've seen you, oh – you're the little hero who killed the yellow-robed weirdo yesterday!

Before she finished speaking, she directly stepped forward and held Xia Jinghe's hand, which frightened Xia Jinghe, he had never touched the hand of the opposite sex in his life, and his family did not count.

"I recognize it, come! Give me the code, others can collect money, just you can't, the personnel of your law enforcement bureau, who are born and die every day for us ordinary people, and in the end they can't please.

Don't ask me how I know, Lao Yu is your colleague, he is my husband, he was tied up by that broken thing yesterday and scared me, thanks to you, young man, although he was injured in the end, but it is better than death.

Yesterday our child was still in the car, which would be great if the little one saw that he had no father.

Usually, if you don't bother, you can take care of Lao Yu, he can actually be promoted a long time ago, but he just can't bear to leave me here alone, just be a small law enforcement officer in this new city.

He said that where I am there is home; He said that his comrades had also died in this place, and that if he was gone, no one would have gone to their graves; He said this was his best home, his home, and nothing else.

He said..."

Xia Jinghe looked at the middle-aged woman in front of him and nagged himself, the idea that he was going to withdraw perfunctorily disappeared quietly at this moment, and at this moment, he seemed to really understand what Lao Yu said to him before - the

peace we are guarding is only the peace when we are still in power, not the future peace of mankind.

Perhaps for law enforcers, their duty is to protect humanity, protect these civilians, and become a shield on the front line of war in order to protect the future peace of mankind.

But after all, it is too far away, too ethereal, too difficult to reach, just like Xia Jinghe before, it will make people feel lost.

But for individual people, the first thing to protect should be the people they care about, such as family, friends, comrades-in-arms and so on.

Only by guarding these first, should you consider protecting the people you should care about.

"Father... Mother..."

Xia Jinghe's mind flashed countless childhood pictures in this instant, and he also wanted to become stronger in order to protect the people he cared about!

And thinking of this, Xia Jinghe's mind couldn't help but think of a blonde girl with a fox mask and two ponytails.

Feeling the terrifying power from his heart, Xia Jinghe couldn't help but clench his fists.

"Huh? No, this weight is not right. "

Fix your eyes, lie in the groove and burn wheat? Finally, he stopped his gaze on the husky on the side, and saw that the husky was lying leisurely on the ground at this time, looking up to the sky, so unhappy.

"Ah! The emotions I just ignited were ruined by you like this, eat me a realm king fist!

At this moment, the husky's two ears moved, as if sensing something, and cast his gaze on a shadow not far away.

In the shadows, two men and a woman were discussing something at this time.

"It looks like this, except for the hairstyle that is not quite right, the rest is in line with the appearance of the image."

"Found it so quickly, the banner is victorious, go!" Arrest people. A

young man with short silver hair and a large forehead raised a strange arc at the corner of his mouth uncontrollably.

And on the chest of their uniform, embroidered a holy hall that seems to stand in the peach blossom source, and this iconic building is being built all over the country, and everyone on the whole planet knows its name, the White House.

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