Land of nothingness, about 13 hours.

The first inhabitants of the holy city were inexplicably knocked on their doors.

Since the inhabitants of the holy city have been able to exchange basic information, and most of the scattered residents have either joined the conservatives or the radicals, it is also worth noting that the number of conservatives and radicals who have joined them is almost the same.

Therefore, most of the people who live at home now are residents with families, but due to the restrictions of lights, they have little communication and basically do not speak much.

But being a home doesn't mean you have to talk to be home.

If you have relatives, a long-term place to live, and more importantly, you can feel the rare warmth of the world.

What's more, in this world, you don't actually need to work hard to meet your most basic physiological needs, so parents in this world obviously spend much longer with their children than in the rest of the world.

Because of this world....... There is no death....

"Knock knock!"

The transmission of sound is undoubtedly also counted as the transmission of information, and this transmission must be turned off, but because it is passively accepted, the amount dropped is very small.

But there is a saying that even if I have 1000 gold coins, it does not mean that you can take one of my copper coins casually.

Undoubtedly, this behavior is very offensive, not to mention that it has been discussed in advance.

So they chose to refuse to open the door.

Usually, when there is still no movement in the house after waiting about ten seconds, it means that there is no one in the house or does not want to open the door, and you should retreat on your own and don't ask for trouble.

However, this is not the usual situation now, and the more people in the house do not want to open the door, the more likely it is to increase the suspicion of harboring outsiders, even if the outsiders may not know about the people inside.

"Knock knock!"

There were three more heavy knocks on the door, and even the dust around the cracks of the door was shaken off one by one in this knock.

"Open the door!"

People outside the door have to pass on the message "must open the door" even if they lose their lights, which is undoubtedly somewhat unusual for those inside.

People outside the door... It seems that he does not want to break the agreement he made before, but it seems that something has happened in the holy city that requires our cooperation?

The people inside the door thought so, and only then got up and prepared to open the door.

When the knocker was about to knock a third time, the door in front of him opened, leaving only the arm still hanging in the air.

The knocker looked inward, and saw a middle-aged man with slightly furrowed brows looking at him with a puzzled gaze.

Although he did not speak, the meaning was obvious - something?

In order to quickly transmit a large amount of information to the middle-aged man in a short period of time, the knocker instinctively prepared to pull it into the dream space, and the middle-aged man had long been accustomed to it, and naturally did not resist.

But at the moment when it pulls into the dream space, the two dream spaces merge, essentially each selects a part of the inner space-time for exchange, and the material information inside the two space-time copies each other to form a quantum island.

The formation of this quantum island will pull away all the entangled particles, and this will be perceived by the mite illusion that Luo Li laid with the power of dreams.

At this point, the space-time they exchanged was misplaced.

In their cognition, they all thought that they were entering each other's dream space, but in fact, what they entered was actually a quantum island that Luo Li had buried in advance.

Since they were not particularly clear about the principle of using dream power, even if Luo Li did not do anything to conceal it, they generously used the "Mite Illusion Realm" to replicate the entire holy city with "dream projection", and they did not notice it.

Because this is no longer a difference in information between dimensions, but a cross-dimensional information strike.

And what they see, hear, smell, touch, and perceive now is the projection of the Holy City that Luo Li arranged in advance.

They will lose their subjective cognition and be lost in Luo Li's tailor-made dream space, and the body that has lost cognition will be more easily guided to become a third force outside the internal forces of this holy city.

As for what form this force will appear, Luo Li has already planned it.

The people inside the house and the people outside the house saw that the door opener and the knocker did not come out after disappearing for a long time, and they didn't know what the situation of these two people was.

As it turns out, yes.

In the two of them's perception of each other, the events at this time have reached an irreconcilable point.

"What? You said you had to be searched for free? That's impossible! We have made an agreement before, on the day of the natural disaster, we will live in harmony and will not affect each other, now you want to unilaterally break the contract? Then don't blame me for being unkind! The

middle-aged man shouted at the knocker with a red neck.

As for the knocker, what he said was actually similar.

"What? You say not to be interviewed? You have to know how long we have been preparing for today's ceremony, and I admit that this time we did break the agreement first, but we are not without any compensation to you.

We promise to conduct the search under your supervision, we just..." The

knocker was interrupted by the "middle-aged man" before he could finish speaking, and it was clear from what the two of them were saying, although the people they were talking to were "ostensibly correct objects."

But in fact, they were just talking to the illusion projected by Luo Li.

Under simple psychological inducement, even if the attitude of both parties is very harmonious at the beginning, as long as one of them has any annoying emotion, it will be involuntarily transmitted to others under the pressure of the situation.

At this point, the "search" behavior, which should have been handled harmoniously, has completely changed at this time.

They unanimously chose to withdraw from the dream space, and before the people watching the battle outside fully realized what was happening, the two took out the purple sphere at the same time and quickly pressed the white point of light in the middle.

The photon blood spread out along the surrounding body, and the two instantly equipped their respective ghost wolf black beaks and began to fight each other.

It wasn't until the aftermath of the battle between the two men involved the rest of the spectators that they realized that the two seemed to have fallen apart.

It's not that their reaction delay is exaggerated, it's really ...

It's really that the probability of this happening is too low and low, just searching for outsiders under the supervision of the occupants, how can such an extremely simple thing collapse?

In order to protect their own lives, they eventually had to use the purple sphere to manifest their dream power and prepare for persuasion.

But fortunately, as soon as he used the power of dreams, he was once again pulled to another quantum island by Luo Li.

The same method and the same cognitive misdirection, originally only the two negotiators produced confusion, and now both sides of the negotiation have produced confusion.

At this point, the melee is about to break out!

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