Xia Jinghe did not continue to pester Tang Qinyi, he knew that she could tell herself so many things had already helped herself a lot, especially in this time period, some things could not be inches intensive.

"Thank you."

After Xia Jinghe solemnly thanked him, he was ready to get up and leave, Tang Qinyi naturally would not stop her, she also needed to use the information she got from the cat café today to plan her future itinerary.

Originally, he came to Xincheng just to accompany Han Yi to complete the law enforcement indicators and investigate the White House incident in Xincheng by the way, but now it seems that he is forced to participate in a battle between people.

Ironically, before the black fog was completely cleared, the struggle between humans themselves began.

Everyone has a unique ruler in their hearts, which dooms everyone to become friends in the true sense as long as they have different positions, which is called human patheticism.

As the door closed, Tang Qinyi looked at the other empty desk a little stunned.

Today... I haven't seen Han Yi yet.

Xia Jinghe took a very long deep breath after going out to readjust his mentality.

"Huh? What is it? A

small white note lay quietly in the polished corridor of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

The cleaning aunt of the law enforcement bureau will regularly carry out sanitation, and even if the cleaning aunt is not there, if the law enforcement officer sees garbage on the ground, he will throw it into the trash can, so it is very inappropriate for this note to appear here.

Recalling that the people who had this condition to pass through this corridor before, it seemed that only themselves and Tang Qinyi, so according to this, it was the note left by Tang Qinyi? Or accidentally dropped.

I have to say that Xia Jinghe's head has become a lot brighter after experiencing the conflict between him and the white house today, and I don't know if he was kicked open by a back kick by the cat and cat.

Driven by curiosity, the small note on the ground seemed to have infinite magic, tempting Xia Jinghe to open this Pandora-like magic box.

Bending down to pick it up, slowly turning the note over, Juanxiu's slender black font came into Xia Jinghe's eyes.

"This is...?"

Xia Jinghe's pupils suddenly shrank.


New Town, White House Ruins.

The ruins of the White House, which were originally sealed with seals, have now been completely demolished, and the White House personnel who come and go are busy with their assigned work, although there is a lot of traffic, it does not seem messy and noisy, but all procedures are carried out in an orderly manner.

Squad 102, the former group of silver-haired men, returned here after escaping the crowd.

After the destruction of the white house in the new city, since the three of them had previously taken over the task of guarding the place, they should also be responsible for the reconstruction of the white house.

The guards here are basically not able to touch fish, on the grounds that if discovered, the punishment is not so easy to eat.

So when Team 102 just entered the field of view of the guards, they began to observe everything in detail, after all, there was a precedent for the tuner to be impersonated, so they did not dare to take it lightly.

Fingerprint authentication, iris authentication, blood authentication and the most basic code verification, after four verifications, the guards released the 102 team.

The three of them walked straight through the corridors and eventually to a room called the conference room, where they needed to report the situation to headquarters, even though the headquarters might already know the outcome of the operation.

Opening the door, to their surprise, six people, also wearing tuner uniforms, were sitting in the conference room.

One of the women with a crow stripe embroidered on her face saw that there was no Xia Jinghe figure behind them, so she spoke:

"It seems that the decision at the top is correct, the person did not catch it, but it sounds a little ridiculous, the three people with the lowest strength quasi-strong level can't catch a little guy who has just entered the merger level?"

The silver-haired man's expression did not change at all, but after sweeping around, he calmly took out a cigarette from his pocket.

Turning on the lighter, the flames were instantly extinguished as soon as they appeared, and at the same time, a slight crack appeared on the wall of the lighter's mouth, and there were still some blue ice crystals on it.

"No one here likes to smoke your second-hand smoke, speaking of which, this is your second mission failure, and if you fail three missions, you will be removed from the position of adjuster."

The silver-haired man heard the prestige, his long blue hair like a waterfall draped over his shoulders, the smooth and delicate skin surface was like a faint layer of water crystals covering it, his ice-blue pupils had no life, and the stiff expression on his face was like a delicate ceramic doll.

"Deep Blue, I didn't expect the headquarters to send you over, it seems that they are very concerned about the guy named Xia Jinghe. But I don't have anything to do with you as a bad tuner. The

silver-haired man saw that his lighter was damaged and put away the cigarette on his hand.

The tuner's hair is different from that of the silver-haired man, she does not dye her hair, but her mental skills cause mutations on a physical level.

Tuners have no names, and in a tuner squad, the basic titles are only captain and number, and only tuners who have successfully mastered the art of the heart can have a name, or rather, it is a title, generally only strong intermediate can be obtained.

But Deep Blue is a genius, and she, like Luo Li, is also a mental skill mastered in advance, but the realm of her mastery of the heart skill is at the parallel level, and Luo Li immediately touched the threshold after the heart trick was opened.

Although she is only on the same level now, her strength is completely comparable to that of a strong subordinate.

"There was news from headquarters that they were about to issue a notice that a week later all law enforcement officers involved in the new city escort mission would be physically examined, for their health and to prevent the erosion of the black fog. This is the order of the White House, and they must obey it. "

This world is about the open source of the heart and the structure of the human body, then in terms of the authority of the white house, they dare to call the second, then no one dares to call the first, and their power is not low, really give an order, and the law enforcement bureau of a new city cannot disobey the order."

But why not directly order Xia Jinghe? Because it is too obvious to do that, even if all forces know the ultimate purpose of the white house, but to say that the white house is official after all, all orders can only be implemented smoothly if they are reasonable.

As for the previous statement that Xia Jinghe may be the same origin as the black mist monster, after all, it is only speculation and speculation, even if this is the case, so what? Until the coffin is concluded, that cannot be the basis for arrest.

If it is only because of a guess that it can be captured, then the human beings of this world are inevitably too humble.

As for what the time is for a week, it's because some people are still in a coma and need time to buffer, at least on the surface, it's reasonable, isn't it?

"So, even if we don't do anything, as long as the week comes, Xia Jinghe will still be sent to the White House, so why did the headquarters send you?"

The silver-haired man asked rhetorically.

"Crush the formation."

A bald man sitting on the side responded.

A week's time, long and long, short and short, at least enough forces to be present, then if everything goes well, then there is nothing to say. If something happens, the scene is not necessarily small.

"So in the next time, your 102 squad will be responsible for staying here for logistics construction."

Deep Blue said and got up to leave, and as Deep Blue got up, the other five people also got up and left the conference room.

Even though Deep Blue's height is not high, her prestige is the highest among these six, and even these nine.

The female tuner with the crow stripes embroidered on her face walked at the end of the line, silently patted the silver-haired man on the shoulder three times when she went out, and then left with a smile.

The corridor in the white house is like a mechanical passage, which is very repetitive, and those who are not familiar with the road are actually very easy to get lost, but in fact, there are nuances in each place, and these are cold knowledge that non-white house personnel cannot touch.

Deep Blue slowly walked at the front of the line, and the speed of her pace also affected the speed of the others.

These are actually two squads, one numbered 276 and one numbered 278, but the captain of the other squad is not so obvious.

A week? That's just a smoke bomb given by Bai Wu, and after a week, it is estimated that other forces will not let Bai Wu get Xia Jinghe so smoothly.

And as long as the mysterious items sent by the headquarters arrive, these two teams can immediately sweep the entire new city, and it is not too late to let the bullets fly for a while.

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