At the end of the dance, Luo Li put the two wooden daggers back on the table, quietly feeling the soreness of the hand muscles.

The principle of muscle soreness is that the lactic acid produced by anaerobic metabolism stimulates the nerve endings to produce soreness, and Luo Li can inhibit the production of lactic acid through heart skills, so that her muscles theoretically produce the effect of never being sore.

But the theory is the theory after all, and long-term lactic acid suppression will also cause problems in your body.

If the cat is still here, he will find that what Luo Li has just cast is the same skill about dagger control that she involved when she came to her to submit a "system bug" not long ago-butterfly dance.

Luo Li really can't use the system to directly carry out Daigo empowerment learning in one step, but she can see the real machine demonstration, coupled with Luo Li's unique mental skills, combined with the transformation of multiple perspectives through the system and the demonstration of the slow play function, which gives her the opportunity to learn by herself.

However, the mastery of the degree still needs to be cautious, some movements are not now acceptable to their hand muscles, if you forcibly control your hand to constantly train high-intensity movements, then your hand will soon be wasted, and this degree without systematic guidance can only rely on their own continuous attempts to explore.

There is a popular saying that humans cannot unleash their power to the fullest, but this statement is actually inaccurate.

In most cases, if humans think that they have exerted their full strength, they basically use all their strength, and the fundamental principle of this fallacy is mainly that humans cannot control their muscle contractions very subtly, but Luo Li can easily do it under the mental skill of "absolute control".

The main thing is that the muscles have low-level feedback loops to complete low-level balancing and other tasks, and at the same time have high-level neural circuits to control, and most of the time, the lower nervous system of humans will prevent humans from exporting the power they want to output.

The best example of a low-level feedback loop is the knee jerk response, where normal humans are almost unable to control themselves from knee jerk response;

The example of advanced neural circuits is that if you want to go all out to hit a wall that you can't break and will cause serious injury to yourself at the same time, the neural circuits that are mainly concentrated in the big and small brain will create obstructions, allowing you to subconsciously avoid using full force.

This is a factor that is beyond man's control, and even if these muscles are your own, they don't always listen to you.

But Luo Li is different, with the "absolute control" mental skill, she can completely prevent her muscles from producing low-level feedback loops, and she can also let her high-level neural circuits produce wrong judgments so that she can successfully exert her full force.

Luo Li can also control the electrical signal frequency of the neuromuscular junction to achieve an extremely precise dynamic balance of muscle contraction, and even accurately control the secretion of adrenaline to adjust his heart rate, breathing, and blood sugar to have a strengthening effect on the muscles.

It can be said that Luo Li's mental skills have successfully given her absolute control over her body, and the speed of the control center feedback of her brain nerves even exceeds that of AI.

What's more, AI can basically only do tricks, although it can select the most perfect solution from thousands of schemes to deal with, but Luoli can not only do a perfect response, but even on this basis than AI more inducing, fraud and other theoretically imperfect but perfect response solutions for humans.

It can be said that under the exclusion of external interference such as physical strength, spirit, and rules, the skill competition with Luo Li in the same realm is absolutely invincible.

After a short rest, Luo Li picked up the dagger again for training.

"A week... Then there are roughly three lines of the next world:

the first. The time of the White House operation is within a week, so the time of a week is a smoke bomb, the purpose is to make other forces relax their vigilance, but the recent situation about Xia Jinghe has been shocked, and the original blitzkrieg action should be destroyed, unless that time is fake lightning, real lightning is in these days;

Article II. Just at this point in time of the week, the attention at this point in time should be the highest, but the difficulty of action at this point in time is also the highest for the white house, unless they have a hole card that is so strong that several forces cannot resist;

Article 3. Acting after a week, that week is still a smoke bomb, and after the forces of all parties relax their vigilance, the horse gun will come back and forth, assuming that it is this world line, if other forces do not take precautions, the success rate is the highest, as long as they are prepared, then the success rate can be said to be the lowest.

The White House is unlikely to give the choice to someone else, which means that the first world line is actually the most probable.

Luo Li had one free hand, and the free hand was drawing in dragon and snake circles on the tablet, and the other hand was still training about butterfly dance.

Things have developed to this point is still within Luo Li's plan, this is only one of the world lines that Luo Li deduced before, but some information has turned from unknown to certain.

What she needs to do now is to connect some of the previous doubts to judge the actions of various forces and the ultimate goal in the future period, which will affect how Luo Li benefits from it.

In the case of destroying the White House in the new city in advance, it was also after the end of the escort incident, why the White House acted so much faster than the military district, which shows that the White House saw the law enforcement video in advance.

According to the normal process, the first law enforcement video should be handed over to the Ningbin Law Enforcement Bureau for processing, and then broadcast by the TV station, and the video will be reproduced and sent to all forces during the broadcast.

Bai Wu can see the video in advance, which shows that Bai Wu borrowed his own power to intervene, Bai Wu's power can be much greater than a municipal law enforcement bureau, and the municipal law enforcement bureau can naturally only compromise.

But under normal circumstances, White House rarely borrows its own power to forcibly interfere, especially intercepting classified documents such as law enforcement videos, which can easily lead to misunderstandings.

After all, if you don't interfere, at least until the video is broadcast, you will only default to this matter as a normal black fog invasion incident.

But once the power intervenes, there is quite a feeling that there is no silver in this place.

It is impossible for Bai Wu not to understand such an easy-to-understand truth, but they still did it, indicating that they knew that there was a lot of problems with this law enforcement video even before they saw the video.

The suspicion was refreshed again, the impression of the people present at that time about the yellow-robed weirdo should be just a new type of black fog monster, and when the yellow-robed weirdo began to carry out a spiritual invasion, Luo Li perceived the people at the scene through mental skills, and it was certain that no one present at that time got rid of the "enchanted" state, which is why Luo Li did not make the first move at that time, and she needed time to confirm.

From this, it is inferred that the white house should have a way to detect the abnormality of the new city from a distance and non-visual means, what is this medium, Luo Li thought of the gamma factor.

If it is really a gamma factor, then once again hammer this gamma factor and the black fog monster relationship is not small, but this also shows that there are others in this world besides themselves who know the gamma factor, since they know, then why not publish it?

The White House is not a personal force, and the credibility of what they say is absolutely high, but they do not publish it, which shows that the gamma factor is indeed a big problem.

But this is only speculation after all, Luo Li took this inference into his mind and dug deep again.

Since it is a non-visual means, it should only be able to determine whether the abnormality occurs, that is, only the output result of the NOT gate can be determined, and its process cannot be confirmed.

So the white house should not be able to confirm the cause of the change in the new city, but can only confirm the result of the change, so why should the video be intercepted? Could it be that in fact, in their assumption, there should be only one output of the AND gate, but the actual output is beyond their expectations?

To put it simply, this aberration was unsolvable in the new city as they had originally expected, but it was solved, which made them curious or anxious to see the process, so they intercepted the complete video at any cost.

But then again, why is Hakuya in a hurry? Why are they so eager to know the process, just out of curiosity?

And the key point of this aberration is all too familiar to Luo Li, that is, the law of the world.

The laws of the world are the key to becoming a god, is it... Bai Wu wants to mass-produce god-level powerhouses?!

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