Bingyue stepped back with his left foot, his body tilted slightly, his center of gravity was slightly pressed down, and the wooden katana in his hand seemed to become Bingyue's other arm at this moment, and its overall look and feel did not have the slightest sense of violation with Bingyue itself.


It was the second word he had said that had not been repeated since he handed the camera to Ice Moon.

And it is this simple word, that is, this seemingly simple sword pull, but it contains the power that is almost completely covered by the rules of the world.

No one knows what really happened at this moment, only that those tuners, including Bai Ling and the group, looked at the originally slightly spacious avenue was instantly shrouded in black fog monsters, and the thoughts in their brains were like a guitar with broken strings at this moment, playing it was not, not playing it was not.

What's the situation?

Why does the avenue, which was just a little wider, become crowded the next moment?

What about the process? Is what I'm experiencing reality? Why does it feel like I've skipped some plots?

This feeling is like being on a spacious, unoccupied street, you are about to take advantage of the traffic light turning green aisle, but in the next moment, the traffic light immediately turns red, and at the same time you are in a position around you with almost nowhere to stay, and people are rubbing shoulders with each other, almost pushing and cursing each other.

This has nothing to do with strength, it is that individuals will have a brief confusion when they encounter such a situation, and during this period of confusion, Bai Ling can be said to be the fastest to react.

Because she subconsciously glanced at the time.


1 minute, 1 minute of time!

1 minute, long is not long, but short is definitely not short.

This minute's message is indeed too deadly for a battlefield with a rapidly changing situation.

Bai Ling immediately stopped his progress and retracted the inner circle, seemingly acting rashly, but in fact, this choice had been considered five or six times in Bai Ling's mind.

Retracting the inner circle does not mean waiting for death in place, you must know that this is the black fog battlefield and not the black fog forbidden area, and there are not only these tuners around them, but also the personnel of the military region and other tuners.

Let's not investigate why the time jumped 1 minute in an instant, but since the matter has happened, from a rational point of view, you should find a way to choose the game in the first time.

Under the premise of losing 1 minute of information, following the previous course of action, blind rushing is a choice with great risks and benefits.

When both sides of the game fall into a state of "chaos", whoever takes the initiative first, the other party will easily be taken away by the active party.

That is to say, if the black mist monster also falls into a state of chaos, then the efficiency of breaking through will be even easier than the seemingly spacious avenue before.


Bai Ling couldn't guarantee that this inexplicable one-minute jump was not caused by the Black Mist Monster, so she couldn't necessarily think that the situation of the Black Mist Monster was the same as theirs.

She didn't dare to gamble, so she had no choice but to go back to the circle and deploy the defense line first to wait for rescue.

Let's not talk about whether the rescue of the military region can arrive, just the previous "general passing tuner" - Yunomia, she is not far from here, and if it drags on a little time, Yunomia will definitely notice here and rush to support.

At that time, with the addition of fierce-level tuners, the threat level of the black mist monster encirclement in this area will be greatly reduced, so breaking through this invisible field that suddenly appeared will be much reduced, at least in terms of the degree of casualties.

Unfortunately, Bai Ling's decision had already been seen by the masterminds behind the scenes, and just when Yunomia, who was dozens of meters away, felt extremely eager to return to defense, a huge horned demon stopped Yunomia in the middle of her return.

Although Yunomia has felt that the strength realm of the Horned Demon is not weak, who is she? She is the "Holy Gun" named Eunomia!

Stop her? Even if the opposite side is a mad level, it is estimated that Yunomia will not hesitate to choose to send her light spear full of divine aura to the opposite face.

It doesn't matter what realm you are, in short, you will be shot by me first.

After initially judging that there was no way to directly shake off the horned demon by its own speed, Yunomia silently turned the big move into a flat A and rushed up abruptly.

Seeing the divine aura that rushed towards him without fear, the face of the Horned Demon obviously flashed a trace of disgust, plus a little contempt, and even a little... Wrath?

"The spear ... Again a spear ... It was like this before, and it's the same now, are your human weapons only spears? The

Horned Demon seemed to evoke some deep memories in his heart, but after a brief sigh, he immediately took out his halberd from the black mist and did not shy away from meeting Yunomia's Light Holy Spear.

And black beak than physical fitness? I see that you don't understand at all~

But at the moment when the halberd collided with the holy spear, the thoughts in the heart of the horned demon disappeared in an instant.

Feeling the terrifying impact in his hand like the collapse of a giant mountain, if it weren't for the stability of his grip, the halberd in his hand would almost be directly shaken out by this countershock force.

What kind of monster is this? Is this really a power that humans can have?

The horned demon is not a fool, let alone a stupid creature who loves face, it is obvious that he ended in defeat in the first round of the confrontation, then this battle has already lost the initiative at this time.

You can't win by strength alone, so you can only use the combat skills you have honed in infinite life and death.

If the inner thoughts of the horned demon were heard by those who had been willing to fight with Eunomia, they would probably laugh out loud, because there was once a joke among the tuners - to compete with Yunomia.

It turned out to be true, and he had already lost the first time the Horned Demon switched to his skills to win this battle.

The reason is very simple, because in the face of the suppression of Yunomia's absolute power, as long as the difference in strength is not too exaggerated, in the same realm, the person who is in line with Yunomia simply cannot use the so-called "technique".

For a very simple example, you and a speeding train use a trick to change direction, can you do it?

Obviously, unless the external force of "rails" is used, it is impossible to achieve this by personal qualities alone.

The divine light was like a divine dragon in front of the sheep horn demon, but he didn't have the slightest way, and even getting out was not as easy as he thought.

And the halberd in his hand even showed a slight crack under Yunomia's repeated attacks.

No, no! The same are all with guns, why is there such a big gap between before and after?

As if he couldn't stand such a humiliating scene, several black mist cracks suddenly appeared around him, and black beaks of different shapes popped out with scarlet eyes.

Moving his hands and feet, he smiled and said to the horned demon in a language that Yunomia could not understand:

"Hey! Dude, do you need help? I see that you are not very attentive to this lady. "

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