With the triple blessing of "absolute control" + primordial witch and full-level charm attributes, Luo Li can be said that no one will suspect him even when crawling around the corridor, but that is still too exaggerated, Luo Li is just a normal human being, not a strange species.

However, just in case, Luo Li still used 5700 blood gas value yesterday to improve his attributes, except for the charm attribute can not be improved with blood gas value, the rest of the attributes were raised by Luo Li to 49 points, successfully reached the upper level, only one step away from the quasi-strong level.

Don't look at Luo Li's rapid improvement, mainly because the difficulty of the system task set by Luo Li is too high, so the blood gas value given is quite rich, and this jump behavior has also made Luo Li's physical fitness have changed greatly, yesterday she was adapting to her new physical attributes almost all day, so she also tried other skills in the system mall that can draw tigers according to cats one by one.

"The corner of the corridor is usually a blind spot, and it's worth a look at these extraordinary times."

Absolutely controlled by the original witch, the powder-blue pupils seemed to have infinite magical power, shining with brilliant light.

The two strong subordinate guards stationed at Lao Yu's gate thought of what Luo Li had just thought of at this moment, and glanced at the depths of the corridor very synchronously at almost the same moment.

The two guards noticed that there was no abnormality on the corner of the corridor and quickly turned back to the reconnaissance mode just now, but at this moment, Luo Li had already entered the ward the moment their gaze shifted.

It's that simple.

Old Yu on the hospital bed vaguely saw a girl with a golden double ponytail, wearing a JK uniform, and powder-blue pupils walking to his bed with a little laziness.

Luo Li did not make a disguise, because it didn't matter if this image was discovered, this is the "doll" she will use on the table in the future.

Lao Yu had passed out after the "doctor" had received the first injection, and he did not know that the "doctor" had given him the second injection.

At this moment, he slowly sobered up under the effect of the second injection, but he thought that this was his last return to light, or that this was the scene he saw after his out-of-body soul.

"It's beautiful... Is this an angel, it turns out that angels really exist, great, he doesn't have to go to hell, then for the sake of angels, his wife and daughter should not go to hell..." Lao

Yu's spirit at the moment is extremely chaotic, and under the charm of Luo Li having the world's top ceiling, he naturally mistook Luo Li for an angel who took him to heaven, after all, where can there be such a beautiful human being in the world.

Luo Li's hand wearing white gloves put on Lao Yu's already somewhat thin arm, and his heart skill quietly opened.

In fact, when Lao Yu was mentally brainwashed by the yellow-robed weirdo, it was basically impossible for him to achieve anything in his life.

Unless he can get a great opportunity, his spiritual sea of knowledge will always remain in a dry state.

This is why although Lao Yu's vital signs are not bad, he still has not been able to recover, his spiritual sea has been connected to another plane by the yellow-robed weirdo, and as long as he recovers a little, he will be squeezed dry again.

Even if he survives, he can only become a puppet with some instinctive emotions.

Unfortunately, even though he has become a puppet, he has still become a tool under the competition of power.


Luo Li will not choose to save him, even if his death is actually inseparable from Luo Li in the final analysis.

Even if he is saved, it is useless, he will be used again and become a tool for others, whether it is used to deal with Xia Jinghe, a middle-aged woman, or even a tool to deal with Luo Li.

It is precisely because destiny cannot be changed and disobeyed that destiny can be called destiny.

Under the control of Luo Li's heart skills, Lao Yu's heart gradually stopped beating, his death would not alarm anyone at this moment, there was no singing for mankind to resist the black fog, nor the grandeur of dying generously for the people, some were just an inevitable discarded as a tool.

And after his death, it is estimated that he will become another tool.

Luo Li did not make any sound, her eyes stayed on the bedside table next to the hospital bed for a while, and then walked quietly to the door of the ward, and when she was about to go out, her powder-blue pupils worked again.

The two guards glanced into the ward again in synchronization, and quickly retracted their gaze after seeing that Lao Yu was just lying quietly on the bed, and there was no one else around.

Luo Li, on the other hand, stepped out of the ward at the same time as they changed their gaze, silently, and not even a trace of the wind was left.

The only thing she needs to do now is return to the monitoring room again and let her figure disappear from all surveillance.

An hour later, in order to comply with the previous pattern of behavior, the doctor returned to the ward again, but when he saw the electrocardiogram that had completely turned into a horizontal line, his heart was overflowing.

"How is this possible? I have done many experiments before, and the success rate has increased to almost 100%, which is absolutely impossible! "

What's more, in order to cover up the previous criminal evidence, they have long replaced all the personnel in the monitoring room with their own people."

One of their tasks was to replace the monitoring in the ward so that today's doctor's examination was the same as usual, and the other was to monitor Yu Yonghua's vital signs in case of accidents.

But just before entering the ward, the doctor did not receive any news from the personnel in the monitoring room, which proves that there should be no problems.

The doctor hurriedly began to perform an extremely standard full body examination on Lao Yu, and the noise caused naturally attracted the attention of the two guards at the door.

The two guards glanced at each other and used their eyes to determine the next work assignment, and then the female guard walked into the ward to check on the situation.

"What's wrong?"

Xia Wei's gentle voice sounded behind the doctor.

The doctor's psychological quality will never show the slightest flaw at this moment after being honed by the white room, and at this moment he wants to play a doctor who is surprised and even afraid of the unexpected sudden death of the patient he is responsible for.

He said in a slightly flustered tone:

"His heartbeat has stopped, and I am checking the cause." Can I ask if anyone came during my absence?"


Xia Wei shook his head, but his eyes gradually became solemn.

She walked to the door of the room and said something in Chencheng's ear, and then the male guard left the stationed position, seeing that the route to leave should be to the monitoring room.

Xia Wei returned to the ward, staring at the doctor's movements in front of him, and then took out the smartphone and dialed a phone to Han Yi.

At this time, Xia Wei's thoughts were also very simple.

Before this, only the doctor and Xia Jing had been in and out of the ward with them, and Xia Jing and them wished that Lao Yu would recover immediately, and it was unlikely to do anything.

Then after a simple elimination method, the doctor's suspicion is put to the maximum, as long as Chencheng confirms that there is no problem with the monitoring, then the doctor can be directly arrested, as for evidence, it is not too late to verify after the arrest.

At this time, the doctor's doubts in his heart became stronger and stronger after the whole body examination, and the excess oxygen caused the cells in the body to no longer produce respiration and eventually caused heart failure, how can this death method be exactly the same as the death principle of the first bottle of medicine I injected before? Could it really be that something is wrong with my potion?

Yu Chenghua is dead, let alone him, even if the power of the whole country is comprehensively rescued, it cannot be saved.

And the agent he injected before still has residues in Yu Chenghua's body, it will indeed be absorbed, but it is not absorbed so quickly, if Yu Chenghua dies in a few days, then he must have several ways to clear the suspicion and even slip away in advance, but now...

The pupils hidden under the lenses unconsciously reveal a dangerous aura.

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