"Ongoing trading? The remuneration during this period is not easy to set, and you are in a high position, so you should not have much time to be..." As

if suddenly thinking of something, Kinlis changed his tone,

"This is the reason why you won't abdicate the throne, right?"

"Huh, how is that possible."

Ye Bai quickly waved his hand, but the hint of melancholy that inadvertently showed in his eyes was still collected by Jinli with his keen gaze.

But he didn't mention it, and now he had to let Ye Bai finish his topic first.

"Kinlis, how is the secrecy of your room?"

When Kinlis heard this, he silently opened his own field.

Ye Bai nodded.

"Kinlis, I have unfortunate news for you."

Kinlis moved closer, but not too close.

"After years of research, I have discovered a fact that is difficult for humanity as a whole to accept.

At the end of the road of mental skill, it is dead. "


Kinlis's expression changed again, but it wasn't his family that caused the change.

For the current Xia Guo, the skill of the heart has almost become an important influencing factor side by side with technology, and there is a vague momentum to gradually gain the upper hand.

If the future of this path of mental skill is dead, then what about the future of mankind?

If this sentence is said from other people, then Kinlis will most likely think that person is a madman, a madman who wants to attract attention.

But this sentence was said by Ye Bai, who is Ye Bai, the guardian saint of the Xia Kingdom, the only quasi-god-level powerhouse.

From a certain point of view, he could completely represent the apex of Xia Guo's Heart Technique, so the words about Heart Skill that came out of his mouth should not just be a joke.

"Somewhat surprised? That's normal too.

In fact, from a certain point of view, what I said is not rigorous.

It should be said that it is feasible in theory, but it is not feasible in practice.

"What do you say?"

"Do you remember how the Heart Open Source Method was developed?"

Kinlis shook his head, he was just a survivor of the first White House, not a researcher of the Heart Open Source Method at all, how did he know where the Heart Open Source Method came from.

"Coincidentally, I don't know."

Ye Bai quietly looked at Kinlis with that meticulous smile, and the atmosphere of the conversation between the two sides gradually changed from the original solemnity to a little... Terror.

"Know what's the problem?"

Kinlis didn't seem to have recovered from his reasoning, and under Ye Bai's questioning, he had to nod.

"I've been in the White House for so many years, but even so, I haven't touched the lowest principles.

Although I am the number one powerhouse in the Xia Kingdom, in the end, I am just a survivor of the White House.

The water of the White House is very deep, and it extends into an abyss that even me, a peak powerhouse, cannot explore.

We never know where the most primitive open source method comes from, this method is different from the history of human discovery of electric energy, it does not have a stable basis.

So is it possible that this technology is not ours at all.

Since the black mist can break the barriers of the world to enter here, is it possible that this technology is also brought by other races?

I don't know, it's just my speculation, and although I don't have a fundamental definitive theoretical basis, I can roughly feel something from what I've seen and heard and felt over the years of temporarily holding a high position.

(The origin of the white house can be eaten with chapter 262, it is estimated that no one should turn it back)

Speaking of this, Ye Bai stopped again, he chose to drink the coffee that was still emitting residual heat in his hand, leaving Jinli alone to silently deliberate.

Heart Trick Open Source Law... Not human... Alien races... Tired....

Suddenly, Kinlis seemed to wake up, and his hands slapped uncontrollably on the table.

The sudden vibration made the coffee in front of Jinli spill a little, while Ye Bai's did not spill at all because he had already picked it up.

"Someone is going to kill you?!"

Ye Bai was unmoved, and after taking a sip of the coffee in his hand, he raised his eyes slightly to look at Jinlis, as if someone was going to kill him, this information did not take up any weight in his mind at all.

"It's normal Kinlis, sometimes you have to understand the only weight.

I am the only quasi-god of the Xia Kingdom, so from a certain point of view, my weight is too great.

No country will allow a factor beyond its own capabilities, even if it seems very easy to control. "

Ye Bai is completely right, when the world's first nuclear-weapon state appeared, everyone was sincerely afraid; But when a second nuclear-weapon state appeared in the world, the world was at peace.

What seems like an absurd reason is a principle called balance, even if it is very rational from a rational point of view.

"But how are they going to kill you? If you don't want to die, no one in this world can stop you from living..."

Before Jinli finished speaking, he suddenly thought of what Ye Bai said earlier.

"Heart Craft! Problem with the open source law?!

Ye Bai's expression was still calm, because these were the information he had guessed, and Kinlis just repeated it again.

"Until the underlying principles of open source are fully understood, it is always a ticking time bomb, a drug for humanity.

When smoking, everyone will look refreshed and think that it is good medicine;

But when the disease occurs, no one can save it, and in the end can only die for the sake of death, which is the future of mankind.

Ye Bai calmly said the shocking words, tasting the coffee that Kinli personally brewed for him one by one, and his expression still had a slight aftertaste and enjoyment from time to time.

But it was such a seemingly normal picture, and after what Ye Bai said earlier, it was a little thoughtful and terrifying in Jinlis's eyes.

Ye Bai was enjoying drinking coffee, and humans were also enjoying the convenience brought by the skill of the heart.

In this way, Ye Bai is regarded as a human being, coffee is compared to a mental skill, and Ye Bai's expression is regarded as the current attitude of human beings.

Isn't this exactly the same?!

The difference is that coffee is made by Kinlis, but the skill of the mind is not necessarily developed by humans themselves.

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