At this time, Tatsumi had already rushed to the monitoring room with his silver box, but he did not directly push the door in.

If the truth is really as Xia Wei said, it means that it is very likely that the crowd originally in charge of the monitoring room has been replaced or directly killed.

However, any of these possibilities are enough to show that for Chencheng, the monitoring room is no longer a safe area.

When he was about 100m away from the monitoring room, he began to walk quietly, and at the same time opened the silver weapon box and equipped it with his own silver weapon.

"Drip! Authentication successful, Yinwu: Xueji. The

silver weapon box turned into a silver-gray one-handed long sword, which was tightly held by Tatsumi in his hand.

Tatsumi slowly groped forward, even though there was nothing in front of him, he still moved forward very cautiously.

70 meters... 50 meters....

At this time, there was a sudden burst of gunfire in the building behind him, and Chen Cheng knew that it was Xia Wei's side that something was wrong.

The pace increased abruptly, and the cross step quickly moved forward, while the standard pistol strapped to the waist was drawn.

When he was only three meters away from the door of the monitoring room, his figure quickly turned into a phantom and kicked open the door of the monitoring room.

"Bang!" "Boom!"

The sound of kicking the door in front and the sound of the door hitting the wall in the back is the sound of the door.

However, Tatsumi did not enter the door recklessly like this, but after kicking the door, he rolled sideways and moved his body to the side, waiting quietly for a few seconds, and only slowly poked his head out when he found that there was no movement inside.

He was also very cautious when probing, and made three fake movements in a row before really sticking his head out.

Chencheng's gaze froze, and he found that the three people in the monitoring room at this time were now looking at him with a surprised expression.



Tatsumi pretended to cough before walking in, and was about to explain the situation to the staff in the monitoring room, but strangely found these staff... It seems like... A little off?

As their steps gradually approached, there was no change in their gaze, no shift in their gaze, no change in expression, and even... Not even blinking!

Wrong! These people are dead!

Chen Cheng quickly turned around and prepared to leave the monitoring room, but the door of the monitoring room slammed shut at this moment.

The sound of breaking the air came from the upper left of Chencheng, and Chencheng directly raised his right arm to block upwards without looking, and the Xueji sword also blocked the path of the attack with the flip of his wrist.


So light... This was Tatsumi's first reaction, he could clearly feel that the force coming from the upper left was almost the same, and the dagger after the collision flew out along the countershock force.

Tatsumi naturally no longer cared about the attack from the left, at this time he felt a faint pain in his right temple, and out of battle instinct, he forcibly tilted his upper body to the left half, and at the same time flipped his right wrist, transferring the Xueji sword to the right side.

But at this moment, two forces of considerable force suddenly hit his left back knee joint and right back knee joint one after the other, and Tatsumi directly knelt on both knees under surprise, and even hit two turtle marks on the floor of the monitoring room.

Previously, due to his physical instincts after the attack, his knees were slightly bent and his heels were slightly raised, because such a posture would allow his body to react faster.

But no defensive posture is perfect, and such a posture is also destined to illustrate that as long as you are stepped on the bend of the back joint, it will be easier to fall to the ground than the normal posture.

The faint pain of the right temple came from the sound of weapons colliding, this time the force was very large, indicating that the attack just now was indeed a fake action, and this attack was real.

Even though he was on his knees, he was secretly glad that he had successfully prevented the attack of the sneak attacker.

Then just pull the distance....

Before Tatsumi could finish rejoicing, a sharp pain suddenly came from the edge of his heart.

How can it be? Wasn't the dagger just shot away? Normally speaking, there should be no more attacks in a short time, whether it is the re-energization of the left hand, or the re-pickup of a new weapon, it takes time, how can it be so fast?

However, all this reasoning was only established on the premise that Luo Li attacked with his left hand, but unfortunately, Luo Li used his right hand for the first time, deliberately using the force of Chencheng's block to eject the dagger away, and then with the wave of his right arm, the dagger hidden in the cuff was drawn out in the tangent direction of the arc swing.

The dagger that flew out by the laws of physics naturally fell into the palm of the right hand like an obedient kitten, holding the dagger and assassinating. The overall action seemed decisive and swift, but Luo Li still deliberately missed some flaws, otherwise Chencheng would not even be able to perceive the danger in his temples.

At this time, Luo Li's left hand was belated, caught the dagger that had just been ejected due to the countershock force, and stabbed at Chencheng's heart without hesitation... A few centimeters next to it.

This person is not ready to kill yet, useful.

A blood-colored wound visible to the naked eye appeared in Chencheng's chest, and he guessed that the sneak attacker should have slipped his hand by mistake, otherwise he would have directly killed Huang Quan in this half a second, and at this time, he categorically could not let the dagger that pierced into it slide left, which would lead to directly bleeding his own heart.

Chencheng suddenly made his waist and abdomen lean forward at the moment the dagger pierced, which caused the dagger to be inserted deeper at this moment, but Luo Li's arm also had one less force arm to exert force, and the dagger had no possibility of sliding left, which was the limitation of the dagger's attack range.

Severe pain hit, but Chencheng turned a blind eye, after a short forward lean Chencheng quickly controlled the reverse force of the waist and abdomen, turned left while elbowing his left arm and jerked back, just now the forward lean not only made Luo Li less arm, but also gave himself room to exert power.

Unfortunately, in Luo Li's eyes, Chencheng's series of behaviors seem to be set, what he wants to do, how to dodge and attack, Luo Li can understand it clearly.

The dagger blocked by the block in his right hand suddenly unloaded its force, and with the help of the force of the Xueji sword, it flew into the air, and his right arm swung back to Luo Li's chest in an arc, and his palm was held in a semicircle, just connected to Tatsumi's elbow.

While unloading the force, he lifted the right leg that had originally hit the knee joint against Tatsumi's waist, and with the force of Tatsumi's backthrust, he lifted his left leg with a turn, and the air kick quickly passed through Tatsumi's middle arm defense line and collapsed his jaw.


A muffled sound came from the jaw, along with a crisp bone crack. He knew that his jaw had been dislocated or even shattered, and his eyes were forced to look at the ceiling because of the kick just now.

As if he had made some decision, Tatsumi, relying on his fighting instincts, did not hesitate to throw the Xueji Sword in his hand towards a place that felt good to himself.

Unfortunately, the sound of heavenly flesh did not come, but it was Luo Li's turn and volley that hit Chencheng's abdomen.

"It's over."

Tatsumi's face turned dead after he didn't perceive the sound of the Xueji sword entering the flesh, he knew that he might have to explain here today, this person's hand-to-hand fighting skills were too strong, and he couldn't touch him at all.

The Xueji sword is completely ineffective due to the problem of attack range, and when the distance between people is only a few centimeters or even negative, the one-handed sword is not even as good as a mouthful of phlegm, even if it is a silver martial arts, if it can't be played, it can't be played.

Tatsumi's body hit the monitor in the monitoring room like a disembodied shell, causing a burst of spark lightning, and the body after the impact did not fall, but due to the too violent impact, it was directly embedded on the monitor, and Tatsumi's consciousness was completely unconscious at this moment.

Luo Li's right hand was raised horizontally, and the dagger that made a free fall in the air fell into the palm of his hand just right.

Looking at a few openings where the dagger hit, Luo Li smiled helplessly, no way, the ability of the standard dagger is here, and it is estimated that it will be directly broken after a few touches with Yinwu.

"It's bad, this person won't be electrocuted, then I'll kindly turn off the electric gate for you."

Luo Li looked at the unconscious Chencheng and thought silently in his heart, and then picked up the Xueji sword and walked to the electric gate to close it, miraculously, the Xueji sword did not trigger the protection mechanism.

You must know that Yinwu can only be used by adaptors, and once others contact Yinwu, it will trigger Yinwu's protection mechanism, return to its original appearance, and even have some self-attack methods.

Soon, the monitoring room was plunged into darkness.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to be so weak, I originally wanted to try the skills, but it's a pity, then I'll give you a blast of equipment."

Luo Li lazily took out a silver-gray USB flash drive from his pocket and casually threw it on the ground nearby, after all, it seemed too deliberate to throw it beside him.

The surveillance video in the monitoring room has all been damaged by Luo Li, only the previous video is retained in the USB flash drive, of course, only the doctor's crime process is retained, and Luo Li has nothing to do with it.

After all, Luo Li is so cute, how can he kill people~

Close the door, Luo Li walked out of the monitoring room slowly.

And from beginning to end, Chencheng didn't even touch Luo Li's body, and he didn't even see a glance.

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