New Era 88, 17:50.

Forest, where Li Yuchuan and Jiang Yu's troops are located.

Due to the arrival of support forces and the addition of strong mid-level adjusters, the situation that had intensified was soon re-tilted in favor of the human side with the help of everyone.

Among them, the behavior of Xiao Mo and the 376 tuner squad was like a gap.

This is not only a gap in the realm, but also a gap in the behavior pattern.

The sharp-eyed Li Yuchuan and Jiang Yu naturally noticed Xiao Mo's abnormality, but they didn't say much.

Well, not everyone is desperate to die, there are always people who have their own concerns, it can be the country, it can be the family, then naturally it can also be themselves.

It's just that this concern manifests itself in the body of an enforcer.

5 minutes, 5 minutes on the battlefield is not an easy analogy with a short video, even if they are all 5 minutes.

Since most of the law enforcement officers in the support force are carrying out support operations for the first time, the long rush and the immediate execution of high-intensity battles have caused many people to experience fatigue that should not occur as law enforcement officers.

Fortunately, the combat effectiveness of the 376 Tuner Team is high enough, and although the Black Mist Monster has not been completely solved, everyone still has some respite.

Due to the current numerical superiority of humans, there is naturally time to change teams and rest.

Everyone lay on the scorched grass without any image, their chests heaving and unusually clear, breathing heavily in the already small amount of oxygen.

Xiao Mo naturally belonged to one of the "resting personnel", even if he obviously still had spare strength.

Lazily dealing with the contaminated wounds on his body, his eyes looked around from time to time.

The fire is still shining, but due to the successful arrangement of the fire line, the fire has lost its initial arrogance, and it has gradually become controlled from the initial wanton spread.

As long as there are no accidents, the fire fighting operation continues steadily, and the fire can be completely extinguished within a few hours.

It can be said that the dawn of victory has truly shone on the face of mankind.

All that's left is ...

- 17:50

- Time synchronization, shift the perspective back to the yellow-robed weirdo.

The original four-on-one scene has disappeared, and now only zero people can stand normally.

But if you spread the range to "whether you are awake or not", it is January and Zero Two, just January with one leg and half kneeling on the ground.

The purple lines on January's face were deeper and more hideous than before.

The black silk wrapped around the leg also appeared a few holes.

This black silk is not only a decorative black silk, it is not so much a stocking used to modify the leg shape, but rather a combat suit that is convenient for action, and the scientific and technological means used come from the Jie clan, and the material is even more precious.

The tuner's uniform is made in the same way, except that the January style is black silk.

The original April and Ziyue have already "laid corpses" around January, and their faces also have obvious lines, the difference is only that the color and shade are somewhat different.

And this phenomenon is actually very familiar to the tuner, that is, the "blood sacrifice".

As the originator of the Heart Trick Technique, actively activating the gamma factor in the body is not difficult for the Realm Clan, but due to the existence of energy conservation, side effects are still inevitable.

Since April and Ziyue lack a solution to the yellow-robed weirdo, January uses "Blood Sacrifice Resonance" to gather energy on Zero, but this is not the root cause of April and Ziyue's coma.

Although they have not used "Blood Sacrifice Resonance" for a long time, this does not mean that they cannot adapt, and the most fundamental reason for their coma is the special ability of the yellow-robed weirdo.

As the battle time lengthened infinitely, the first thing they were consumed was not physical strength, but spiritual power in their bodies.

The treacherous whisper is always there, even if the effect is not immediate, but under the long-term edification, it is easy for the creature to get used to this environmental factor, thus giving the old opportunity to take advantage of the void.

In order to avoid losing their combat power, January had to put April and Ziyue into a coma, so that the energy inside their bodies maintained a minimum "resonance" frequency while using dream power to protect their spiritual knowledge.

January's paper combat strength may not be the strongest of the Holy Moon Envoys, but its control and understanding of the Heart Technique surpasses all the Holy Moon Envoys, even the newly born "Zero".

If you use a specific value to explain, then the heart source Gamma value in January fluctuates around 0.75, which is enough to call it the top, while the ice moon with the lowest heart source Gamma value is around 0.62. (The concept of heart source Gamma value is in chapter 351, and the value range is 0~1)

As for Ye Bai....

Of course, if Zero was given enough time to develop, then January believed that Zero's Heart Source Gamma value would definitely surpass her, but now, he couldn't.

The yellow-robed weirdo's interest in the few intelligent creatures in front of him dropped by several percentages at this time, but he was not ready to kill

, once he reached his level, he did not care about life and death, he was more concerned about how to write today's day trip into a script for believers to sing.

What to think of and do, this may be His code of conduct, but His existence does not allow Him to be prescribed to have his own code of conduct, or is this just a manifestation of convergence in a random sequence?

Under the yellow clothes, countless tentacles were like raging magma in the abyss of hell, expanding outward.

These tentacles are the embodiment of some kind of supernatural force that shocks the minds of all living beings, making people feel terrified, as if they are in danger of being devoured at any moment.

In the dark abyss, there was a dull and low chirping sound, very blurry and indecipherable, making people feel mysterious and terrifying.

The yellow-robed weirdo was expressionless, seemingly reacting little to the presence of these tentacles, and he stood there like a cold and ruthless robot, chilling and creepy.

All living beings that have been touched by tentacles shrink in an instant, and any creature that tries to escape will be surrounded by these disorderly expansion tentacles, unable to escape their control and become its victims.

The dusk scene expanded exponentially and rapidly, gradually spreading throughout the sky.

The clear glow of the moonlight in the evening gradually faded, leaving a deep, strange residual light in the sky, scattered and flickering continuously, like thousands of eyes rushing in.

The sky is shrouded in this eternal, void and terrifying light, as if with the dark power that covers the sky, making people feel like they are in an endless abyss.

The harsh sea breeze came from afar, blowing people's cheeks, swaying dead trees and barren grass, and making mournful groans.

The dim mist slowly enveloped the forest, wrapping all the bushes and broken railroad tracks tightly.

The flames that had been raging unbridled seemed to be covered by some mysterious magic, struggling to escape from this hazy and shrouded dark world.

In this strange and endless abyss, death and fear are the only norm, and darkness is ruling this tragic realm.

At this moment, the people who were still fighting and the black mist monsters inadvertently slowed down their movements, and many creatures felt uneasy in their hearts, as if something terrible and indescribable was about to happen at any time...

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