After sending Luo Chen away, "Gluttony" looked around boredly, looking at the broken track that was empty at this time, and the pupils in his eyes did not have obvious focus.

The pink color in the pupil began to show signs of fragmentation, and eventually gradually dissipated like extremely unstable particles.

The skin on the "gluttony" body begins to gradually melt, disintegrate, slowly dissipate in a liquid form, and finally disappear completely.

In the next second, the surrounding scene also began to change.

The special metal track barriers, which were originally full of cyberpunk style, were gradually covered by pitch-black wall skins, and the metal rails placed on the level road were also covered by dark wood floors as the wall skin expanded.

The wooden floor is covered with a heavy wool carpet, and the pattern embroidered on it is very classic and elegant, but also full of unknown mystery.

The corresponding tall vaulted ceilings are painted with artistic patterns and symbols, these cloud-shading ceilings are supported by several vertical columnar objects, and their surface is basically wrapped in heavy dark velvet wallpaper, giving people a solid sense of stability and security.

The field of view expands horizontally with the arrangement of the columns, and all the golden splendor seems to be just a dream, like a bubble in the past.

The exterior of the palace appeared in a completely different style from its interior furnishings, the walls were covered with moss and cracks, and even the metal black frame that surrounded the windows showed obvious rust and irregular stains.

Looking out through the glassless window, you can vaguely see that many buildings with similar styles are standing with ghost shadows in the gray haze, like corpses that have lost their minds and pull their heads.

Hanging from the eaves and fallen leaves on the roofs, they seem silent and lonely, barely maintaining their basic silhouette by the pores of the fog and the faint light remaining in the surrounding environment.

It's like stealing life.

In the center of the building, where the difference between the interior and exterior styles is obvious, seven figures reverently kneel on one knee, arranged in a standard hexagon, with the only extra figure at the front of the hexagon.

And in front of that figure is a dilapidated throne.

A delicate white-haired girl squatted on the throne with her legs curled, and even though there were no restraints on the throne, she did not dare to stretch her body like a frightened deer.

Focusing on the delicate face of at least the woman, a strong sense of discord was born.

Her eyes are completely opposite to the style of her posture, her eyes shining like diamonds, and the ethereal pink that still lingers like a fish in her eye sockets from time to time, and in the center of pink, a gold symbolizing the emperor.

Despite the shabby surroundings, this seemingly young girl showed a majesty and momentum that was completely out of her own.

"The gears of destiny are constantly turning from beginning to end, like the current flowing down the river or the sailing ship walking against the water, the only difference is where you are and who you are.

We need to accept the power of fate, but we should not expect it to be arranged.

Forget the sun, forget the moon, forget our pride, forget our splendor, and then, remember history, remember the present, remember, and I will lead you back to the abyss. The

clear and ethereal maiden voice wrapped around the center of the seven figures like a divine will.

The madness that was originally surging like a tide in their pupils gradually became like a pool of calm lake under the girl's words.

"From the abyss, subvert the abyss, transcend the abyss, this is your mission and your destiny.

Life is just a speck of dust in the river of time, and death is just the journey of dust around the river of time.

You do not have to rejoice in your eternity, nor do you have to pray for supreme divine power, nor do you have to escape the fear of the unknown.

You are you, irreplaceable, seven sins.

As soon as the words fell, the seven figures below spoke in unison, and their voices were as loud as a bell:

"I am the seven sins!" From the abyss! Subvert the abyss! Beyond the abyss!

I am the city of endless suffering! I am the pit of eternal misery! I am the one who will never recover! "


The golden light in the girl's eyes suddenly increased, and then in the center of the palace, the symbol on the carpet suddenly began to rotate like a spiritual creature.

The paintings and symbols on the ceiling, which originally corresponded to the symbols on the ground, also began to glow at this moment, and finally converged into a triangle that constantly rotated from the central axis, completely covering the Seven Sins Sect below.

Without a sound, everything around her disappeared after the light dissipated, leaving the girl alone and curled up on the throne with her legs as before.

Only a little different from before, there is an additional mirror directly in front of the throne, the girl's pupil inside the mirror is pink, and the girl's pupil outside the mirror is golden.

The girl's lips opened slightly, and she muttered:

"To deal with chaos, it is reasonable to apply the rules of chaos, this is, countermeasures."


New Era 88, July 15, 23:00

Rongan District.

The new city is too far away to go back for the time being, and Luo Chen successfully passed through the gate and entered the area after scanning the access code of Rong'an District with a smart machine.

Rong'an District is much larger than the New Town, and the streets are naturally much more spacious, and of course, there are surprisingly many night stalls.

Luo Chen did not aggrieved his stomach, and randomly picked a few night snack stalls at the end of the street to choose shopping.

"No! Guy your fried skewers! "


Luo Chen did not mind the wooden skewers that the middle-aged uncle touched with his greasy fingers, and after receiving the fried skewers with one hand, he paid and left.

It's summer, and the evening breeze blows through the streets, bringing a bit of summer coolness. The leaves on both sides of the street sway gently, as if applauding this gentle evening breeze.

Luo Chen ate the fried skewer in his hand while feeling the comfort of the breeze.

Walking on such a street, it is as if you can hear the sound of your own heartbeat.

Countless worries and worries are put to the back of mind at this moment, and only the sound of the wind blowing in the ears and the sound of footsteps are intertwined into a beautiful music, immersing people in peace and quiet.

This feeling is like returning to the original natural state, there are no tedious thoughts and anxious emotions, only beautiful, free, comfortable, making people feel like they are in a wonderful world, full of vitality and vitality.


That's impossible.

Luo Chen walked around a corner, and finally chose to sit directly under the green shade, but the green shade at the moment looked a little hideous under the night.

"No, your fried skewers."

Strangely, there was no one around Luo Chen, but he still dragged his hand aside, as if there was someone there.

"Thank you."

Ripples appeared, and a figure appeared next to Luo Chen like a ghost, took the fried skewers, and ate them with care.

"Long time no see."

"Long time no see."


"What should I call you, Luo Chen? Still is...... Mingyi? "

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