A scene full of black and red colors flashed in Chu Yilu's mind, but before the next scene appeared, Chu Yilu suddenly fainted in Qiu's arms.

Yunomia looked at Chu Yilu, who suddenly fell in Qiu's arms, quickly put down the snack cart in her hand, and rushed over with a shout of "mother" in her mouth.

And this sudden and high-decibel cry also reached the ears of the boss moving goods in the supermarket warehouse.

Without thinking much, he quickly put down the goods in his hand and rushed out, seeing the woman with beautiful hair falling into the arms of another woman, and her already fair complexion highlighted her morbid paleness at this time.

"She, she, she... What's wrong with her? Do I need to call an ambulance? Isn't it normal for me to see this face?

After seeing the boss's panicked look, Dong glanced helplessly at Qiu beside him, and his expression seemed to say:

"Your movements are still as fast as ever."

Qiu, who noticed the gaze beside him, also raised his eyebrows and responded:

"That girl just now has a problem, you go and track it now, and the next situation will be left to me."

Dong patted Aki on the shoulder as he turned to leave.


Then he walked out of the supermarket without stopping.

The two do not need any verbal communication, just body language and demeanor communication is enough to exchange information, which is a tacit understanding they have cultivated over the years.

After Dong left, Qiu immediately explained:

"It's okay, she may have low blood sugar, how much money, I will scan the code directly to you, and I will be responsible for the goods."

"Are you in charge?"

The boss re-examined Autumn from beginning to end, the meaning is obvious, you are a girl, do you move these boxes of milk powder? Coupled with a bunch of snacks from this little girl next to her, and carrying someone, how can this...

"It's okay, just leave it to me."

Saying that, Qiu slightly showed his strength of the same level, and the murderous aura was like a sharp weapon that bloomed cold all the time, hanging straight in front of the supermarket owner.

"Merge and merge?!"

The supermarket owner was startled for a moment, and was forced to take a step back and hit the cabinet behind him that placed tobacco and alcohol goods.

Seeing that the rickety bottles and jars were about to fall, Yunomia took advantage of her petite size to cross the counter with an arrow step, and quickly stabilized it.

The supermarket owner felt like he was living in a dream for a while, because he could also feel a power that he could not match from the body of the little girl in front of him.

This little girl is also a tie!

"It's okay, boss."

Yunomia's pupils were filled with a slight pale golden color.

"Didn't... It's okay..." the boss's

voice trembled slightly.

Although it is a realm that most people can reach, it is still a realm that needs to be looked up to for supermarket owners.

The difference is only that the union shown by Autumn is the result of his own control, while the union shown by Yunomia is a real union.

Sometimes it is more efficient to show strength directly than to explain too much.

"Okay, okay, I'll pick up the goods, I'll pick up the goods, you guys wait a minute."

The boss wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then walked to the warehouse with some trepidation.

"There are two parallel levels that you usually can't see, or do I close the store early today to buy lottery tickets?"

On the other side of ---------

, Dong stood on the roof, his eyes searching the street.

Originally, she thought that she was just an ordinary girl, and with her years of experience as a killer, it should be easy to find a trace, but in fact, it turned out that this was not the case.

The flow of people is as usual, with no sign of change.

This is strange, if the girl really walks around the crowd, the trajectory of the flow of people will not appear so even, and in terms of her appearance, there should be obvious focus points.

But as it turned out, no.

Why not?

This is not reasonable, that girl is so special, it is impossible not to attract anyone's attention?

Could it be that he was kidnapped? Or is her home nearby and has returned home?

Is that too fast, running wildly?

Dong's eyes narrowed slightly, and then the color inside the pupils gradually changed, and the light silver gradually covered the original black.

[Silver sky

affine] is characterized by the ability to turn three points of collinearity into collinear three points (yes, mistaken), and all objects undergo affine transformation in Dong's eyes, maintaining the "flatness" and "parallelism" of two-dimensional figures.

Since the purpose of winter is to find, track, there is no trace of the target from the perspective of winter.

But everything in the world is universally connected, no single thing exists in isolation, and the whole world is a universally connected unified whole.

As long as Luo Sheng still exists in this world, it is impossible to detach himself from this universal connection.

Of course, Dong's mind skills weren't that strong, and she couldn't observe all the universal connections.

The affine transformation on the plane can be regarded as a one-to-one correspondence between points on the plane obtained by successive parallel projections between two planes, or it can be said that the affine transformation is a parallel projection "chain".

All triangles are equivalent to regular triangle affine, all parallelograms are equivalent to square affine, all ellipses are equivalent to circle affine, and all hyperbolas are equivalent to equiaxial hyperbolic affine.

That is to say, as long as Dong can find the affine equivalent projection of Luosheng, then Dong can temporarily lock the approximate position of Luosheng.

"Let me see, where are you."

In another perspective of winter, the flow of people on the street gradually becomes a regular line, the flow of people, but the lines are just pulling at each other, simple transformation.

The line is still that line, which proves that there are no variables in this line that you have not considered.

"It's not this, it's not this..."

Dong's gaze was still searching through the crowd below, but as time passed, her brow gradually furrowed.

Still no....

Instead of continuing the search, Dong closed his mind skills.

It was not discovered by [Silver Sky Affine], which means that Luo Sheng was not in the crowd at this time, either he had completely stayed away, or he had returned home, and the crowd had lost the influence of Luo Sheng, and naturally there was no way to be observed by [Silver Sky Affine] with a gap variable.

"Miscalculated, I'll talk about it next time."

Dong's figure disappears, and the action that should be abandoned must be given up early, otherwise the sunk cost will only increase indefinitely.

I don't know, Luo Sheng is still in the crowd at this time, but no one feels it.

If the crowd has no perception of Luosheng, then there will naturally be no variable of Luosheng in the space based on the affine projection based on universal connections.

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