
The close law enforcer was even screamed at in public, it was really the first time to encounter this kind of scene, even if there were strong people sitting in the town, it still could not completely eliminate the fear in their hearts.

"For... Why... Will it be so fast, isn't it usually 1~2 hours to appear? That's it... How many minutes have passed? The

hand holding the standard pistol was shaking, and his lips were shaking up and down uncontrollably.

The black fog index that soared to sixty-seven madly, coupled with the blitzkrieg offensive that played cards completely out of common sense, completely subverted the world view of the enforcer.



The sound of space shattering from the side forcibly pulled the law enforcement officer who was standing in place out of a state of shock, no matter what, since the problem has occurred, go to solve the problem first and follow the established procedure, so as not to delay others.

Seeing a reptilian monster ignore him and go straight to the convoy, the tail flicked left and right seems to represent the joy of the upcoming harvest.

The law enforcement officer gritted his teeth, the hand holding the standard pistol burst out, took a deep breath, and instantly entered the training state of shooting mobile targets, and his originally somewhat trembling arm was motionless at this moment like an old monk.

Aiming at the front sight, he twisted and twisted, and just drilled out of the space crack with a 2m length and a 1m tail length that had not fully sorted out the surrounding situation.


With the sound of a gunshot, a hole of about 10mm appeared on the back of the reptile monster, and dark green juice burst out of it, dripping on the ground with a croaking sound.

Feeling the pain in his back, the reptilian monster seemed to roar in pain.

This made the enforcer's heart surprised and delighted.

I was surprised that the blood of this reptile monster turned out to be corrosive, this monster is usually a rare species, and the scientific research value is also very large.

Even if the body and blood of the monster cannot be preserved for study, the objects affected by the monster will still remain damaged, and from this damaged state, a lot of valuable things can be extracted to make some weapons specifically against the black mist monster - Yinwu.

Happily, the standard pistol can do a lot of damage to these monsters.

Although the standard pistol in the hands of the law enforcer has been improved and the ammunition is specially equipped, the lethality is still not very large, only a little threat to paper-level monsters.

This shows that the level of these monsters may not be as high as they imagined, or maybe they are lucky enough to pick weak monsters.

The law enforcement officer was just about to shoot and shoot, but before the joy slipped through his heart, a sound of breaking air quickly passed by his ears.

The law enforcement officer could not react, and a huge force came from the temple.

Just for a moment, the scene in the law enforcer's eyes swirled, he didn't know what was happening at all, as if he was deaf, and there was only a buzz in his head.

The head under the huge force of the tail slap cracked in the air in less than half a second, the eyes bonded with blood vessels flew in the air in accordance with Newton's laws, he didn't even catch a glimpse of his own corpse, but he felt as if he finally saw the loving smile of his parents....

The just right rescue plot in the TV series is not staged here, here is the reality, he is not the protagonist favored by the director, and even a supporting role is not necessarily said, and more seriously, even the name is not remembered.

Even if Han Yi sensed such a situation from a distance, he didn't have such a speed to rush over to protect one person, even if he kept it, what about the next one? One in the south, another one in the north, and before he could calm the scene, Han Yi would be exhausted due to the rescue and running exhaustion.

The reptilian monster opened its mouth and made a strange sound as if mocking, and then turned around and prepared to continue hunting a large wave of food in front of it.

This made the children who stayed in the car can't help shrinking their heads, and their already trembling bodies were even more uncontrollable.

At this moment, a white lightning bolt roared like a dragon, and the swift tip of the spear sealed the throat with a blow, nailing the reptilian monster to the ground.

What followed was a handsome law enforcement officer with a single ponytail.

The white dove on the chest swayed as if alive, sharp eyes like knives roaming the monster, the right hand gently held the handle of the gun, and with a turn, the reptilian monster struggled unwillingly on the ground for a few times and then fell silent.

At this moment, the body of the law enforcement officer who had just held the gun and shot fell to the ground weakly, and his white uniform was stained with scarlet blood, like a magnificent rose blooming from the Holy Hall.

"Sorry for being late."

Even if he really wasted a lot of physical energy on useless running, Han Yi still rushed over without hesitation, people can't only be rational, only rational, it's machines, not people.

Han Yi walked over and looked at the nameplate pinned to the law enforcement uniform, and muttered in a low voice:

"What a good name, I will remember you."

A pitch-black claw struck from Han Yi's blind spot, reality is not a script, and the monster in the black fog will not give the prey a chance to breathe.

The sharp claw blade was about to touch Han Yi's soft face, and the corner of the claw monster's mouth even raised a bit of human cruelty and mockery.

Seeing that a generation of peerless beauties was about to be broken into jade and incense, the surrounding law enforcement officers, except for a few who were still firmly guarding the post of sending the convoy, the rest rushed up out of instinct, ready to block the knife for Han Yi.

Han Yi took a shallow breath, bent his body forward at ninety degrees, dodged the blade, and kicked his right foot sharply backwards and upwards.

The bladed monster's body was instantly kicked into a bow shape, and the behavior that originally rushed towards Han Yi was also kicked away from the original trajectory.

Han Yi kicked his right foot to the ground, his left foot slashed a trajectory and kicked the handle of the gun, and Bai Yuan flung a graceful full moon in the air and fell into Han Yi's hands.

The waist suddenly exerted force, driving the rotation of the entire body, and the meteor rushed back to stab the gun like a moon and directly pierced the chest of the bladed monster, and at the same time, he did not forget to rotate and shake the gun body to twist the wound that was originally pierced.

The chaotic organs of the clawed monster's body shook down along the ruptured wound, but it still did not give up the desire to attack, as if deliberately looking for the law of shaking to send the blade into the chest of the human in front of it.

Pulling back, the white boots kicked straight with infinite strength, pulling the broken body of the bladed monster away from the gun, and the tip of the gun flicked, leaving a gorgeous trajectory on the ground with black blood.

Black blood means that it is not a rare species, but this does not mean that it can be ignored, and it means that it will bring some magical substance to make people survive and die.

"The strength of the monsters is completely inconsistent with the black fog index, and I haven't even seen a parallel level so far, could it be that those high-strength monsters have collectively appeared in an area that I didn't find?"

All kinds of unreasonable strange phenomena made Han Yi's brows frown slightly, and he reserved his strength for the possible and even superior monsters? Or just open Wushuang and sweep it all?

Han Yi shook his head, look forward to the future, this kind of thing is still left to Tang Qinyi, I can just kill one by one.

Habitually spinning the body of the gun, Han Yi immediately set his sights on the other monsters that were raging on the side.

Inside the tall building, Luo Li fiddled with her blonde hair and double ponytail a little boredly, and the scene like hell on earth in her vision did not have the slightest wave in Luo Li's eyes.

Is it ruthless? No, just get used to it.

The convoy did not stop the trip because of the appearance of the black fog, still driving at the original speed, seeing that the head car was about to turn an intersection, Luo Li instantly stopped playing with her hair.

The slender little hand patted the back of the cat, untied the leash, and Zhu's lips opened slightly:

"Act according to Plan A."

The cat barked twice and left the room.

"Whew, this is the last step. A gorgeous show, or a regrettable end? It depends on your performance, and I hope you can get through it.

Luo Li murmured softly, as the door closed. A mantra came out of Luo Li's mouth:

"In the cosmology, dry is heaven, kun is earth, earthquake is thunder, Xun is wind, barrier is water, separation is fire, geng is mountain, and due is ze." With these eight doors as the mainstay, it ranks in all directions, supplemented by yin and yang, and guards the heart. Life and death open, two yi turn.

After that, Luo Li closed his eyes, and the "absolute control" obtained by the open source began to operate in full operation, and it didn't take long for Luo Li's delicate face to be covered with sweat.

Just as Luo Li began to act, strange symbols suddenly appeared above all the vehicles, followed by the ever-increasing sound of space shattering in the surrounding ping-pings.

Monsters run out of the black mist in an endless stream, and ghosts cry wolves howl one after another, but they all have a clear goal - a convoy!

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