
" A masked man gasped as he ran wildly in the dark night, and through the cold moonlight, he could vaguely see a small "5" under his mask.

His escape route is very exquisite, at least along the way, even a ghost is difficult to see.

On his somewhat thin-looking back fell a petite woman, a slightly disheveled light green casual T-shirt with a simple sports skirt, and the delicate and shiny skin exposed to the air had a slight redness.

This is Yan Zhixuan, no doubt.

Turning a corner again, the "No. 5" masked man expertly pulled out the string of keys in his pocket, quickly selected one of them, and stuffed it into the door lock.

With the sound of "clicking", smoke and dust filled the air, and the "No. 5" mask man subconsciously raised his hand and waved the dust in front of him and locked the door behind him.

Moonlight poured indoors through the windows, and the dust slowly drifted in the sky like a little starlight.

The slightly choking smell made Yan Zhixuan's brows furrow slightly, but she still didn't wake up.

The "No. 5" mask man placed Yan Zhixuan casually in the corner of the wall, and then opened the cabinet that had not been opened for a long time, and took out the pill boxes wrapped in plastic paper.

While he tore the plastic paper open, his other hand began to press something on the smartphone in his pocket, and the wireless Bluetooth headset was stuffed into his ear, fiddling with the test tube potion in his hand while waiting for communication on the other side.



The communication was picked up, but there was no sound from the other side, as if waiting for this side to speak first.

"Sir, the target has been captured, and the law enforcement officers are estimated to have begun to mobilize, I think it will not be long before the troublesome level of access procedures will more than double, how should I get out?"

"Wait, you'll get the answer you deserve."

Wait...... Why not just sneak out of the city while the defense line is not fully established now?

Of course, he naturally did not dare to refute the words of the other end of the communication.

It had to be "yes".

Seeing that there was no movement on the other end of the communication, the "No. 5" mask boy was afraid that it would hang over there, and quickly said: "

Then this target... Can I move?

"The Lord will obey your will."

After saying that, he completely hung up the communication.

The Lord will do my will... Doesn't that mean let me play? That's easy to do, the skin rubbing my body along the way is itchy.

A mask can only cover a person's face, but it cannot cover a person's heart.

Desire is a drug, and after being dominated by desire for too long, a person has already become a drug, even if he is attached with a lasagna mask, poison, it is still poison.

The Lord will obey my will, the Lord will obey my will, man's ultimate goal is to realize his desires, all your efforts are worth it, and you deserve to give your body for the great ideals of mankind.

When you finally embrace the Lord, you will understand all this, you will understand the supreme truth of life, and you will end up thanking me instead of resenting me.

At the end of the day, we will all be the same people in the end, so you don't have to blame me, you should thank me for leading you to the highest and to the light.

After a period of self-hypnosis, the "No. 5" mask man slowly walked towards Yan Zhixuan, who was still unconscious, with the finished drug in his hand.

The left hand with white gloves lifted Yan Zhixuan's cheeks, and the white moonlight set off Yan Zhixuan's cheeks more beautiful and pitiful.

"What a delicate doll, the Lord will surely thank me, and you will definitely be sublimated for it."

The mask's smile remained unchanged, but the cheeks behind the mask were filled with twisted pleasure.

He changed the posture of his hands, separated his thumb from the remaining four fingers, and held it on Yan Zhixuan's chin.

Slightly raised, slightly forced, Yan Zhixuan's cherry lips also opened slightly under the action of force, and her teeth were like a white moon, holy and noble.

The potion with bright red colors slowly approached, and at this time, Yan Zhixuan still did not mean to wake up.

The body of the "No. 5" mask man trembled slightly, he had seen countless pure and white dolls like Yan Zhixuan finally completely fall into the arms of the Lord and enjoy the pleasure of desire, but that was only far away, and there were only a few that were truly transformed by his hands.

For him, this transformation is the supreme glory, like a sacred ritual that cannot be desecrated.

He is the host, he is the pilot who leads the people to the right path, what a commendable honor.

"The Lord will obey my will and do everything for the highest!"

The right hand of the "No. 5" mask no longer hesitated, and followed Yan Zhixuan's lips to pour out all the potions in his hand.

However, in the next second, what he saw was a pair of unfamiliar pupils.

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