Luo Li naturally did not expose his true identity, because his true identity could not play any role and even caused reaction.

At this time, the misleading tendency brought about by poor information began to gradually ferment, if the silver-haired man knew the existence of Bai Zhao, then this logic would be self-defeating after a little thought, but unfortunately, he was "locked" in the white room by the dark blue.

He didn't know, and after the deal, he would go to the hospital on his own initiative.

At that time, even if it converges with Deep Blue, it doesn't matter if you check the known information with each other.

There is a rule on the chessboard called no regrets, people always have to pay the price they need for their every behavior, reality is not a game, there is no rollback, so it is more necessary to be cautious in words and deeds.

If the temporal paradox at the level of laws is involved, it is a different matter.

As for why the silver-haired man chose to go to the hospital tonight, rest assured, he will explain it to himself.

His character, his thoughts, his actions, everything about him are all under Luo Li's control.

And Luo Li did not let the white house personnel really kidnap middle-aged women, they were only responsible for kidnapping middle-aged women in place, and left after loosening their bonds, but the middle-aged women did not know, so the video revealed the true feelings.

As for why the fake kidnapping was carried out instead of the real kidnapping, did Luo Li not want to touch the rules?

No, strictly speaking, Luo Li does not belong to any force, she can do anything to achieve her ends, including giving up the lives of innocent people.

There are two reasons for this.

First, it is a matter of time, Luo Li can choose to let the white house personnel tie the middle-aged woman to a place in the white room and hide, which is more real, but there is a problem with time, although it can make the plan more perfect but the success rate is worrying.

Bai Zhao will definitely not fight with the tuner, that is to say, the end time of Bai Zhao's strike is very fast, so the time for Deep Blue to evacuate back to the White House will not be very long.

Luo Li could not bet on the so-called probability of "due to the needs of the plot, just happened not to meet", in order to maximize time efficiency, Luo Li let the White House personnel choose the shortest transportation route in theory, that is, kidnapping in place.

Just take a video to prove that it's all right.

The second is that Bai Zhao's own short-term tasks conflict with Luo Li's plan.

His ultimate goal is to assist the Military Region and the Law Enforcement Bureau in keeping Xia Jinghe, but his short-term goal is to prevent middle-aged women from becoming the bait of Xia Jinghe and throwing himself into the net, so whether he makes a move or not, he will definitely confirm the physical location of the middle-aged woman.

Once he discovers that the middle-aged woman has been caught, coupled with the deal with Kinli, he will be able to act without scruples, which is not what Lori wants to see, and she does not expect to always have an uncertain factor in her plans.

Therefore, Luo Li did not intend to really move the factor of middle-aged women, as long as the cat and cat acting skills were excellent enough, in Bai Zhao's perspective, the middle-aged woman's side would form a situation where nothing happened.

And after this incident, the relationship between the middle-aged woman and Bai Zhao will further deteriorate.

It's very simple, remember what Bai Zhao said before.

He said, "If you need me, you can ask me for help... Just live in that room..." So

why, obviously the distance is very close, obviously the middle-aged woman's cry for help is not deliberately hidden, but Bai Zhao is just not there when the people of the white house arrive?

If the middle-aged woman was originally in a state of half-belief and doubt about Bai Zhao, then now all that remained was doubt, and even a little fear.

Until now, Bai Zhao can only relieve his suspicions by self-proving his identity, and once he self-certifies his identity, there will be more trouble.

Middle-aged women will feel more dangerous about their situation, you think, if you don't do anything, why did a big guy from the military region move over and live opposite you?

In addition, Bai Zhao has already made a move once, and he will basically not have too much contact with the law enforcement bureau later, in case he is inadvertently set up and violates the rules, thus attracting the Holy Moon Envoy, the situation will further expand.

Due to the previous transaction with Jinlis, Bai Zhao knew that as long as he didn't make any mistakes now, he could easily achieve the victory he wanted, and his next actions would be clear at a glance.

The only information transmission vulnerability at this stage is only Xia Wei, but after all, Bai Zhao saved Xia Wei, and Xia Wei is smart enough to not expose Bai Zhao's existence.

After all, Bai Zhao made a move in advance for himself, indicating that he wasted a hole card of the military region, and this kind of morale-corrupting thing will not really be done by smart people before the Armageddon.

Xia Wei is a smart person, Luo Li knows that as long as Xia Late does not get sick, so that the information transmission on both sides is equivalent to being directly cut off, it can be said that Bai Zhao's excessive strength leads to the uncertainties that may be triggered can be temporarily eliminated.

Of course, even if Xia Wei is exposed, it doesn't hurt, just change the plan, the difference is just a little troublesome.

The final result was that Bai Zhao withdrew early under Luo Li's step-by-step arrangement, the uncertain factors were removed, and at the same time, the military region's hole cards were exposed in the eyes of the adjuster, which could make the adjuster's side reasonably believe that the victory was in hand.

As long as the tight nerves on the tuner's side relaxed for a moment, Luo Li was sure that the only hole card that was not revealed in the white room would also be excluded from this game.

After all, people will always subconsciously turn a blind eye to the flaws they inadvertently reveal.

Coupled with the U disk that Luo Li deliberately left in the hospital's monitoring room before, when the time came, the doctor was given a criminal evidence of deliberately killing Yu Yonghua in order to plan it, then the credibility of this video will be higher.

Plotting against the silver-haired man, letting him go to the hospital with this petition, and telling all the things he reasoned about, the probability of eventually becoming a spy is extremely high, and at the same time, it is more about the fact that the "foul" on the side of the white room, then the real performance can begin.

It looks perfect, but it's not perfect, and there is another point that is easy to overlook, that is, the identity of the Luoli white-robed man.

If Luo Li is now playing the role of a person from the Law Enforcement Bureau, then why not give the video to the Law Enforcement Bureau himself, but take the risk to give the tuner of Team 102, and then let the tuner surrender? Isn't that redundant?

And if the operation is not careful, it will lead to a consequence, it is known that there are three quasi-strong levels that can be compared to the strong subordinates, and the strength of the law enforcement bureau and the military region is unified below the strong intermediate level.

If Team 102 chooses to strike, defeat Luo Li and destroy the evidence, the plan will be completely invalid.

So it is also necessary to have a personal exit.

Bai Zhao is withdrawn, but this does not mean that his identity cannot be used by Luo Li, because only some people know about this matter, which is another key element of using information difference to construct cognitive misdirection.

The Yinwu who took away Chencheng before was also to pave the way for this step, and Luo Li would take over Bai Zhao's identity again, but it didn't take over for a long time, and he could choose to abandon it at any time after the role was played.

Military district, executioner, these words are enough to make the members of the 102 squad jealous.

What's more, others have already identified themselves, and if you still want to force your death, sometimes the rules will not seem so useful.

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