Luo Li in the room instantly exhaled a large breath, the original parallel crack was intended to be released after the support was in place, so that the newborn living power could be preserved as much as possible.

But Luo Li's strength is limited after all, and now he is suppressing the parallel cracks close to the strong level with the strength of the lower level, which may be regarded as nonsense for children to speak if it is passed out.

Still, it's planned. As long as one person can survive this catastrophe, then this plan is a success, and now it is only a little more perfect.

Luo Li no longer had to do both, and began to concentrate on accepting open source memories from others.

The sound of the girl's even breathing was heard from time to time in the quiet room, which was in stark contrast to the scene of the hard battle of the law enforcement officers in the street below.

Han Yi did not show much panic after seeing the cracks in the air with the momentum of thunder, but his heart became calmer and calmer.

Clearing the black fog monsters around him as quickly as possible, he then picked up the communicator:

"All the personnel implement a flexible defense line deployment strategy, do their best to protect the vehicle and their own safety, and leave the crack in the air to me to deal with."

Yan Bi Hanyi silently put away the communicator, and his steps firmly rushed towards the newly appeared parallel crack.

Of course, Tang Qinyi can clearly see Han Yi's actions when looking at the overall situation, but she can only be anxious at this stage, and there is no other way.

The defense line cannot be broken, and she is the fastest and strongest among the law enforcers, and only she has the ability to fight fires everywhere to fill the holes in the defense line caused by the law enforcer's mistakes.

That's right, her strength is even stronger than Han Yi.

Under the fierce level, it is common sense to skip the level of battle, and Tang Qinyi's actual combat ability can be called the ceiling level in this law enforcement force.

Han Yi's marksmanship was difficult to exert her full strength in the face of her rich combat experience, which made Han Yi can't help but sigh that she should be the captain of this law enforcement team.

Xia Jinghe couldn't help but be a little distracted when he listened to the voice in the communicator.

Lao Yu next to him keenly sensed Xia Jinghe's abnormality, and quickly freed his hand to give Xia Jing and a brain melon.

"What the are you thinking?"

After scolding, he didn't have time to say other words, and quickly fired a few shots at the area that Xia Jinghe was responsible for.

A brain collapse that spared no effort, coupled with the bursts of heat brought by metal bullets passing through the air at high speed, made Xia Jinghe instantly return to his senses, and quickly set up a gun to shoot.

"Mine mine, thank you Lao Yu."

The sound of thanksgiving was shrouded in gunfire, and I don't know if Lao Yu heard it or not.

"If we win this battle, we will go to the barbecue tonight, and I will treat you."

Lao Yu's eyes looked ahead, and the words that popped out of his mouth seemed to be in response to Xia Jinghe.

Over the new city.

A helicopter gunship quickly swept past tall buildings, and four people were seated in the cabin in addition to the pilot.

"How long until we arrive?"

A handsome and very young-looking law enforcement officer said impatiently.

"Go back to sir, 3 minutes at the latest."

The driver said solemnly.

"Drive quickly, hurry up, if something big happens to the law enforcement team, then only you will ask!"

The handsome youth seems a little aggressive.

The other three teammates knew that the young man was not going for the law enforcement team, but for someone.

They had to look at each other, and finally smiled helplessly.

They are already the fastest to rush, and even some speeding on the road, and at such a speed, if they hit something in the air, then it will definitely cause damage to the gunship.

They also say that the most secondary have the strength of strong subordinates, but the pilots are only paper superiors, and most of the armed helicopters do not have the function of ejection to survive, and they can only forcibly land in special circumstances.

Even if you don't die, it is estimated that you will be half-crippled at that time, and all the mortals below the murder level are mortals, how can it be so easy to be immune to air disasters.

The cost of training a national pilot is not low, and it will be a big loss if there is any accident.

Pull the view back to the streets of the New Town.

The trail of the silver-white spear dragon radiant drag stands out in the streets shrouded in black fog.

Everywhere the spear went, it would inevitably reveal the cement floor that was originally shrouded in black fog, and it seemed that the black fog monster seemed to be surrounded by Han Yi alone.

In fact, it is not, some powerful monsters choose to temporarily avoid the edge, with slightly weaker monsters in front, they only need to sneak up a few times from time to time and then withdraw.

The rest of the monsters that emerged from the cracks of the parallel class did not love to fight, and rushed towards the convoy with a clear target, as if the vehicles were some rare treasure in their eyes.

No matter how strong Tang Qinyi's strength is, a person's strength is limited after all.

According to Murphy's Law, bad things will happen, even if they are unlikely.

A monster with alienated legs rushed to the front 5m position of the defense line, and the law enforcement officer in charge of the area was too nervous at this time to forget to pay attention to the number of magazine bullets in his gun.

A "click" sound came from the semi-automatic rifle in the enforcer's hand, accompanied by the almost foul smell from the monster's mouth.

According to common sense, the strength of this law enforcer is a paper superior, and the strength of the alien monster rushing over is also a paper superior, even if it can't be defended, it should be able to do it without being killed by one hit.

The normal operation should be to immediately give up the guns in his hand and use the dagger he carries with him for close combat defense, but actual combat experience is still too rare for this law enforcement officer.

The whole body seemed to be fixed in place as if a spell had been cast, and the monster looked at the human in front of him as if he was frightened to stand in place and was not used to it, and the alienated leg blade mercilessly cut the human in front of him in half.

Feeling the pleasure of blood spraying, the monster almost couldn't help but want to divide the corpse on the spot to relieve hunger, but the mastermind's order was greater than everything to it, and instead of coveting the eyes, it strode past the corpse and rushed into the crowd of law enforcers.

If you are not careful, you will lose all games.

The collapse of a defensive line can easily lead to a chain reaction, and the enforcer who was originally in charge of the area must not only take care of the offensive and defensive range of two people alone, but also guard against the legged blade monster that enters the defensive circle.

The law enforcer, who had little experience in actual combat, unsurprisingly panicked, resulting in flaws in the offensive and defensive areas that he should have been responsible for.

With the sound of blades entering his body, the law enforcement officer fell to the ground unwillingly.

"Bang bang!"

Two gunshots came from a distance, and the power of Yinwu was devastating even in front of the parallel level monsters, coupled with Tang Qinyi's divine marksmanship, he killed the monster that originally killed the law enforcement officer in an instant.

But after all, this is just a drop in the bucket, with the death of two law enforcement officers, other law enforcement officers in charge of the area have died one after another, Tang Qinyi had to put almost all her attention on this area.

This led to the defense line, which had already increased sharply after the merger monster joined, and at this time, due to the lack of Tang Qinyi's help, law enforcers began to be injured in turn.

With the sound of the vehicle rolling over mixed with the panic of the freshmen, it was officially announced that the defense line of the law enforcement team was broken!

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