On the other side, the crow woman and the black-robed man solved another "empty" team, but after analyzing the situation reported in the headset, they had some doubts.

Why didn't the Law Enforcement Bureau choose to hide in a certain squad and then kill towards Deep Blue?

Is it really naïve to think that heavy firepower can completely solve everything, or did you not think of this scheme at all?

The killing order of the tuners is exquisite, they do not randomly find teams to attack, but regularly "screen".

They are looking for Han Yi, Bai Mengyao and others hidden in the team to surround them.

Surprisingly, after a round of searches, they found no trace of these people.

But they are not at a loss, and several teams have begun to slow down their actions because of their actions.

This speed of action can be calculated very simply, and when the time comes, as long as the adjuster gives Deep Blue a point, a large number of law enforcement teams can be solved.

Separate and scatter the solution, gather to bomb with nuclear bombs, this is the simplest way for the tuner and his party to deal with the law enforcement bureau.

Of course, this routine has limitations.

If all the teams of the Law Enforcement Bureau have a clear division of labor as Han Yi envisioned, then the current behavior of the tuner can only be regarded as a mosquito bite, not to mention the dispersion of combat power, not to mention the effective personnel handling effect.

Unfortunately, Han Yi's plan is good, but she does not consider that her team members are humans, not machines.

They are not truly well-trained soldiers, they cannot fully regard orders as their lives, and each of them almost has their own family, so they have their own trade-offs.

"Report, no trace was found at the A fork in the road."

"Report, no trace found on Street B."


Each tuner reported the intelligence on their side in turn, and after receiving the message, Deep Blue pondered for a short time, and then prepared to let the other tuners except the Raven Girl and the Black-robed Man return as soon as possible and occupy the commanding heights around Deep Blue.

Since it is impossible to confirm the movements of the opposing command in a short period of time, it is necessary to ensure that everything is clear about the intelligence on your side, so as not to be stolen by others when they do not know it.

At the same time, Li Yuchuan and Xia Jinghe carried a temporary land and air flexible team and penetrated into the defensive range of the White House at an extremely fast speed.

And under Li Yuchuan's report, almost all the sentries that could be avoided were avoided, and those that could not be avoided were allowed to be quickly solved by Xia Jinghe.

Even if Xia Jinghe's strength is still combined, after Li Yuchuan's short-term rapid training and his own unique mental skills, there are not few occasions where one hit is killed, and there is almost no movement caused by nature.

Since their team was temporarily formed, they naturally did not fall within the originally agreed encirclement offensive range, and the personnel were sparse and the movement was convenient, and Li Yuchuan's rich combat experience bypassed the surveyor's investigation vision.


Li Yuchuan and his group hid in the shadows, and naturally saw at a glance the deep blue who was standing on the roof at this time drawing his bow and charging power.

"Teacher, are you going to forcibly strike regardless of the rules?"

Xia Jinghe deliberately changed the title this time, his original intention was not to want Li Yuchuan to be emotional, even if he still wanted revenge in his heart.

Li Yuchuan heard this sudden teacher's voice, and his expression was stunned for a moment, but after sensing Xia Jinghe's emotions, he still chose to pat Xia Jinghe's shoulder:

"Don't call me teacher, I've only taught you for a few hours, and there is nothing substantial to teach you."

The word teacher is too heavy for me to afford. There

was a pause of a few seconds.

"Don't worry, I won't break the rules, just that little doll is not worth breaking the rules for me."

Listen, don't walk around here, I'll go back, and when the time comes, the last knife will be yours.

After that, he walked to the temporary captain with his own care, whispered a few words beside him, and then carried his silver weapon box and resolutely walked to Room 380.

As Li Yuchuan's figure gradually disappeared from their field of vision, the temporary captain turned around and fixed his gaze on Xia Jinghe's face and said,

"Due to Team Li's orders, I didn't report your actions to Team Han before.

Next, regardless of the success of Team Li's operation, I will truthfully inform you of the situation, and when the time comes, we will cover your retreat according to the prescribed route, forgive me.

You don't want to be taken hostage at that time, so I hope that no matter what happens, you don't mess around, after all, we can't stop you.

What's more, you are the target of their operation, and we don't want to take the lives of too many brothers because of you.

Even if, in some way, our lives are continued by you.

Xia Jinghe looked at the serious words and somewhat complicated eyes of the temporary captain in front of him, which made a figure flash in his heart.

At that time, he also used a similar tone to say different things than himself.

It's just that now it is estimated that it will no longer be heard.

Xia Jinghe nodded slowly.

The temporary captain in front of him can also be regarded as a veteran member of the Xincheng Law Enforcement Bureau, who stepped into the parallel level a few years ago, and now hovers between the merger and the merger, how to say that he is also his predecessor.

But now he looked at himself with such a tone and such eyes, and a few days ago he was obviously a newcomer who had just been here.

The rapid change in identity made Xia Jinghe more or less uncomfortable, which made him tighten the blood-stained dagger in his hand, and a question slowly rose in his mind.

"Is everything I'm doing right now? If you get stronger, can you solve everything? "

Law Enforcement Bureau Command.

"Still can't get through? What about Xia Jinghe? Can't get through too?

"Yes, I don't know what the hell these two big men are doing, such an important time suddenly can't get through the phone, isn't it pure and annoying?" Are you men like this? Like to play missing at key moments?

Bai Mengyao glared angrily at Shen Sihang.

Shen Sihang: "??? (Black question mark .jpg) "

What's the matter with me?" Am I not like this?

Tang Qinyi held her hands to her chest and silently observed the situation of the battle without saying a word.

Just then, the door opened.

Gu Pan walked in, while Xia Ning was guarding the door.

"Why are you here, are you here to help?"

Bai Mengyao showed a happy expression, after all, when they counted their combat strength before, they didn't count these two people at all, if these two people chose to participate in the battle, their winning rate would increase by a few points.

Unfortunately, it backfired.

Gu Pan shook his head, obviously not intending to blend in.

He turned on his own smartphone and selected a video to play.

When Han Yi and the others were attracted by the video, he calmly threw a bombshell.

"The middle-aged woman died."

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