"It's time for this farce to end, Team Han, you can't compare with him."

Let go, the ice-blue arrow is like a dragon out to sea, the wind is howling, and the same invincible momentum rushes towards the heavy firepower.

The enforcers' troops, who were still persisting in their efforts to suppress their firepower, suddenly felt a sense of imminent disaster.

Looking up, the sky is full of ice blue fluorescence, which has a watery charm.

Unfortunately, this beauty is not worth appreciating, at least not now.

"Isn't it, come again!"

This scene was all too familiar to them, and it was like this when they first started fighting.

Arrows fell from high altitudes one after another, just like missile bombardment, making them have to give up the commanding heights.

Sometimes they really sigh that fighting people is really better than fighting black fog monsters.

The bad black mist monster is more inclined to close combat, and with a momentary bravery, you can solve a few to add a little sense of achievement, but what about the tuner?

These hooks and conditioners are slammed one by one, the discipline is still strong, and they run like a loach, and this special AI random moving target is not so difficult to hit.

There is also a drop of nuclear bombs throughout the process, the range is longer than that of a gun, and it is impossible to touch it.

The whole process was sudden, and I didn't know whether I hit a stone or a person, and so far I haven't seen a single one fall to the ground except for most of the serious injuries of the tuner.

Fighting, what is called fighting, there are back and forth called fighting, this unilateral plan to fight with a hammer, they only feel grievance.

If they were given another chance to choose, they would definitely not want to do it again.

However, this time Deep Blue's target is not a commanding height, so the number of arrows is significantly less, only one.

But it still has an ice-blue fluorescence that covers almost the entire skyline, which shows something, which shows that this arrow can immediately send you to Elysium.

Probably, maybe hell.

Xia Wei and Chencheng, who remained in the heavy fire unit, when they noticed the terrorist threat from the air, they immediately issued orders almost at the same time, signaling the heavy fire force to raise their shields to defend.

Fall back? What kind of joke, this is a troop ah troop, or a heavy fire unit, do you say that you can immediately retreat if you retreat?

Blindly issuing a retreat order is very likely to disrupt the formation of the entire team, and then only greater casualties will be generated.

The enforcers within the range of the arrow did not even need to be reminded by others, and almost at the same moment when the two gave orders, they quickly gave up the action of continuing to shoot, and immediately took out the spare protective shield to defend the shield.

This protective shield is also equipped with heavy firepower units, in order to prevent such occasions.

Usually, it would be nice to have one of five people holding a shield, it was large and heavy, and if you were not proficient, it would even slow down the entire team.

They dare to say that even the force used to shoot just now is not as strong as the strength used to defend now.

Even if their physical strength cannot be recovered in the factor isolation field, they can't wait to use the strength of their whole body to defend.

It's a simple truth.

Now prevent it, that is, you can really continue your life for a while;

If you can't prevent it now, it won't have any effect on your physical strength, because your life perimeter ends here.

Don't think that the bigger the attack, the slower it will be executed, it's all slow motion from movies and TV series to watch you.

The reality is just the opposite, the arrow flies extremely fast, and just a few tenths of a second after the enforcer just set up the shield, this ice-blue arrow smashed down head-on with the stars in the sky, without dragging mud and water at all.

The sound of huge arrows and the friction of air and shields bombarded the eardrums of the enforcers.

The protective shield in the hands of the enforcer in the front row cracked instantly, and before he could even realize the cracking of the shield, the sea of knowledge in his mind became blank in an instant.

Sight, hearing, smell, and taste disappeared instantly, and only the tactile system brought him a bit of great pain at the last moment.

If he could, he didn't really want the touch.

"Fuck, bad reviews, bad reviews, poor quality shields."

This was the last consciousness in the enforcer's mind.

In fact, the quality of the enforcer's shield must not be said, and it will be sent to the local law enforcement bureaus after being strictly inspected at various levels.

It's just that the impact this time is too violent, which will lead to the phenomenon of shattering when touched.

Of course, this enforcer is certainly not the only one who has received a similar impact.

A large circular collapse appeared in the center of the group, and several bloody bodies were scattered among them.

Oh no, it should be said that the stump is broken, the missing arms and legs are everywhere, and a painful wail unconsciously comes out of the mouth of the injured.

They are also people, just slightly more powerful than ordinary people.

"Wow! Fuck, hit back! One

of the enforcers roared, took off the protective shield and immediately raised his gun to shoot, and this rapid reaction caught the tuner by surprise.

The bunker where the doctor was located had already been shot through thousands of holes, and he still wanted to inject a medicine under the cover of deep blue to relieve it.

As a result, a sudden shuttle instantly pierced his chest, and his hand shook, and the medicine he had just replaced fell to the ground before he could inject.

"Shhh! No, how can so many people shoot me if they don't shoot? I'm just a few of them! Of

course, the pain would affect the doctor's actions, but his reason told him to change a bunker immediately.

A donkey rolling and catching a dog gnawing mud, posture does not matter, as long as the new bunker plays a role.

The quick enforcer saw that the attack took effect, and he couldn't help but get an adrenaline rush and was preparing to come again.

However, another ice-blue nuclear bomb arrow crossed a distance of 100 meters and quickly expanded in the desperate eyes of the surrounding law enforcers.

Explosion, five senses fail, consciousness dissipates, flesh and blood fly.

Once again, the battlefield fell silent.

In fact, these two collapses are actually not a big deal for the entire army, at least similar attacks Deep Blue have to be carried out a dozen or even twenty times to annihilate them all.

This is obviously unlikely for the remaining energy in Deep Blue's body, and she will stop at most six or seven rounds, unless the blood sacrifice is opened.

But does she have to? No, obviously not, she just needs to take a bow and aim at it.

One bullet may not hold ten people, ten bullets may not hold ten people, but two bullets can.

Unless the opponent is extremely unequal in strength or extremely disciplined.

Obviously, in the previous plan for the flexible formation of land and air, Deep Blue has found that these two words do not match the current law enforcers.

If you dare to be a hero, then aim at you, just ask if you dare to move.

In the face of the suddenly muted heavy firepower troops, Xia Wei and Chencheng could not know better.

They are from the military district, they are all from the past, everyone has gone through that stage, who does not understand the truth, but can you really guarantee that others are "sensible" like you?

Xia Wei and Chencheng glanced at each other, and the silver martial light unfolded at the speed of light.


This word was not said to the heavy fire troops, but to the two of them themselves.

Starting quickly and extremely standardly, the bodies of the two people rushed out like an off-string arrow.

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