"You go to save people, there is still time at this stage, you must ensure that one does not die."

Li Yuchuan's slightly muffled voice came from the front.


Two law enforcement officers, a man and a woman, answered in succession.

"Team Li, I want to go..." Although

Li Yuchuan did not say what he was going to do, Shen Sihang still understood in a second where Team Li would go next.

Shen Sihang said a little hesitantly.

Li Yuchuan hesitated for a while.

"That's it, follow me."

After saying that, he started with a "bang", and the huge force even left a few cracks on the ground centered on the foot.


Shen Sihang showed obvious joy, and then also carried his silver weapon, and the black dragon spear rushed to the battle zone.

The remaining two law enforcement officers glanced at each other, adhering to the idea of male left and female right, assigned their work in an instant, opened the silver box, politely calmed the people who rushed out of the residential area, and then rushed to the war zone quickly.

Theater of operations.

"The advance force is here, the advance force is coming, our support has arrived!"

I don't know which little clever ghost shouted, and the voice was extremely clear in the noisy and chaotic battlefield.

This sudden sentence was like a shot of reassurance into the hearts of law enforcement officers.

So that many of the already desperate law enforcement officers suddenly gained extra strength out of nowhere, and the originally sore hands and feet seemed to be reborn, and everyone's faces showed a rare smile.

Although the scene is not yet fully controlled, there is hope, right?

The convoy stopped its original trip since one of the cars rolled over, and at this time it had to stop helplessly, whether it was dead or alive depends on whether the big iron sheet itself is hard or not, and whether these monsters themselves have a strong desire to attack.

Xia Jinghe, who was covering each other and shooting back to back with Lao Yu, naturally also heard the signal that support had arrived, and his originally heavy mood suddenly improved, and he quickly looked around to see where the advance troops were.

But at the same time, this also made Lao Yu's pressure rise by a small gradient, fortunately, their defense line has been broken, and their bodies at this time are basically attached to the vehicle for rescue attacks.

Due to the size of the vehicle, on the one hand, it actually reduces an area they need to defend, but on the other hand, it also blocks their field of view.

"Can you please settle down, don't look around! This is a battlefield, not training, can you manage your job well? It

was obvious that there was a bit of anger from Lao Yu's words, which made Xia Jinghe a little embarrassed, it was indeed his own problem.

A dark claw seemed to know Xia Jinghe's predicament, and wanted him to make up for it, and suddenly struck from Xia Jinghe's lower left and went straight to his head.

This monster originally wanted to jam the blind spot of the two law enforcers in front of him to make a sneak attack, but he didn't expect to be discovered because of Xia Jinghe's sudden sighting.

"Lao Yu lie down!"

Xia Jing and panicked voices came out.

Lao Yu is experienced and has not caused any bloody incidents due to personal grudges.

As soon as Xia Jing and the front foot finished speaking, Lao Yu immediately lay on his stomach in place, even faster than Xia Jing and this speaker.

The claws grazed Xia Jinghe's head and took away a piece of hair, which made Xia Jinghe look quite funny at this time.


The elegant and easy-going Xia Jinghe rarely burst out a foul language.

Without waiting for Xia Jinghe to replenish the gun, Lao Yu, who was lying on the ground, had already turned around and used a large-caliber pistol to open several holes in the monster that sneaked in.


The monster retreated in pain, but this also happened to block the attack route of the rest of the monsters, which gave Lao Yu and Xia Jinghe a little respite.

"Get on the roof!"

Lao Yu skillfully supported his body lying on the ground, and before Xia Jinghe could react, he put it on his shoulders and leaned against the car.

Although Xia Jinghe lacked actual combat experience, his instinctive reaction during training was still there, and he followed Lao Yu's movements and stepped onto the roof of the car, and was about to turn around to pull Lao Yu, but saw that there were no less than three monsters behind Lao Yu rushing over at the same time, and the monsters that were originally blocking the way had been left aside by their companions.

"Lao Yu, take my hand! Fast! Come on!

Xia Jinghe couldn't help but stretch his body forward to pull Lao Yu up faster, but at this time, a light green figure crossed the three monsters and went straight to Xia Jinghe!

The light green monster's jumping body blocked the sun's rays, reflecting a black shadow that was enough to cover the summer scene and the whole person.

A drop of cold sweat fell from Xia Jinghe's face, he didn't dare to raise his head, even though he already knew that it might be too late to say anything now, he still didn't take back the arm that reached out to Lao Yu.

The memories of the marquee lantern have begun to flood his mind, and what Lao Yu said to him before seems to be vividly remembered:

"When you don't have the ability to solve a dispute, you try not to let this dispute happen..."

"The peace we guarded is only the peace when we were still in power..."

"Hahaha, I'll just talk about it... "

Now whether you die or not has nothing to do with me, but you still have something to do with me!"

With the idea open, Xia Jinghe gave up the other arm used for support, and instead stretched out both hands, which is likely to cause his center of gravity to be pulled off the roof of the car, but Lao Yu has a higher probability of borrowing power to get into the car.


The friction sound caused by the light blade cutting through the air sounded at this moment, and the monster that was originally within 10 meters of the car suddenly remained motionless at this moment, and even the light green monster that had just taken off was suddenly in the air at this moment.

"What happened?"

Although Xia Jinghe hesitated in his heart, his body still pulled Lao Yu onto the roof of the car out of instinct.

"Yinwu Feiling! This is Gu Pan's Ten Realms Forbidden! Saved, we are saved!

Lao Yu's excited voice sounded in Xia Jinghe's ears.

"The world is going on? What is it? Yinwu, I know, so to speak, strong people came to help? Xia

Jinghe was now staring at this spectacle in front of him dumbfounded, and all the monsters within a certain range were fixed in place and could not move, as if time had stood still.

Suddenly, a monster's arm seemed to have been cut by some sharp object, and the arm fell off so abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, as if there was a domino effect, the bodies of the rest of the monsters also seemed to have been invisibly cut by various sharp blades, and various joints were scrambling to fall at this moment.

The sound of "snapping" limbs hitting the ground continued, and the monsters that seemed to have been cast a body-fixing technique were all turned into pork on the slaughterhouse at this moment, while the cold cement floor was like a cutting board in the butcher's hand, and the invisible attack was the butcher's knife in the butcher's hand.

The hideous-looking monsters will always remain their original appearance, but unlike before, this time they are motionless, and their bodies are divided into countless pieces of flesh.

Surprisingly, no blood flowed out of those pieces of meat, which quietly added a touch of artistry to the originally somewhat frightening picture.

"Groove! So fierce! This

was already the second time that the elegant and easy-going Xia Jing and the foul language burst out, and he couldn't help but let Lao Yu on the side take a look at it more.

Many silvery-white silk threads suddenly appeared in the air, one of which drove the whole body, the left and right silk threads scattered and contracted, and ten dart-like objects tied to the tail fell into the hands of a man in white.

The surrounding black mist monsters actually had some intention of retreating at this time.

"No need to retreat, I have already found a way out for you."

Gu Pan squinted his eyes and said lightly, the flying dart in his hand gradually became transparent, and with a wave of his right hand, the flying dart turned into the scythe of death and flew out, and then disappeared into the air.

"Named, the retreat of death."

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