A silver-white bullet breaks through layers of resistance in the air and quickly shuttles.

According to the original situation envisaged by Deep Blue, this silver-white bullet should be used to block Tang Qinyi, so that she could capture Xia Jinghe without any resistance.

However, her combat instincts told her that there was something wrong with the shooting position of the bullet.

Missed? No, it's impossible, the shot that sniped Tang Qinyi before was outrageous.

Could it be....


Deep Blue's brain was running extremely fast, first forcing himself not to think about what happened on the thin man's side, but the first thing that could be guaranteed was that this bullet was absolutely absolutely coming towards his brain.

Deep Blue did not intend to give up this rare opportunity, after all, for a strong person in their realm, sometimes bullets are not necessarily resistance.

Ignoring the exposure of the melee form, the ice spirit bow quickly switched to two ice blue short knives.

Cross, ready to cut in from the tangent angle of the bullet's rotation, so as to subtly change the flight angle of the bullet, so that the bullet can meet Tang Qinyi.


Luo Li, who observed Deep Blue's behavior at this moment through the sniper scope, let out a chuckle.

Sure enough, if it was her, there was a high probability that she would choose so.

The bullet that was originally flying towards the dark blue produced a strange offset at a certain moment, and this slight offset just made the bullet narrowly avoid the dark blue's obstacle.

Suddenly tilting his head, the bullet's bombardment pierced the long blue hair that was stuck in mid-air due to inertia, and then left a small black bullet hole in the ground.

Deep Blue took a few steps to the left in order to alleviate the inertia of her body after dodging, and she did not choose to continue forward, because this momentary stagnation made Tang Qinyi, who had originally opened a long distance, follow.

And as far as Deep Blue knows, Tang Qinyi has firearms and silver weapons.

Now if he still blindly forwards, he will only expose his back to Tang Qinyi.

Why the originally regular bullet will have a short deviation, probably only that reason.

But anyone who has studied physics knows that it is impossible for a bullet to turn after it is out of the chamber.

The horizontal forces cancel each other out, and there is only gravity vertically, then in theory there is only one gravitational acceleration in the bullet, and the bullet can only fall freely.

The only thing that can cause a bend is the air velocity.

The greater the air velocity and the smaller the pressure, the bullet will naturally shift to the place where the pressure is small.

So why is there a distinctly different air flow rate, quite simply, because Deep Blue shot two arrows before.

Even if these two arrows Deep Blue did not use much strength, the strength of these two arrows was still not to be underestimated.

The fluid is viscous, the velocity of the fluid in the contact area with the solid is the same, and the viscosity will drive other fluids to flow.

The force is proportional to the speed, and the extremely fast speed of the arrow will drive the fluid to move together, naturally accelerating the air flow rate, naturally reducing the pressure, and naturally causing the pressure difference between the two sides of the bullet, thereby causing the bullet to shift.

Luo Li took these two arrows into account and deliberately adjusted the angle, timing, and target point position of the shot, which produced a similar effect.

Such a precise micro-maneuver can only be done by one person in the deep blue angle.

Reluctantly, he tightened the ice blue short blade in his hand, and a few words slowly came out of his mouth.

"Luo Chen..."

At this point, Luo Li does not plan to continue shooting, the first bullet of the sniper can basically exert 1000% effect, and then it is not very good.

Deep Blue is not weak, and the subsequent sniping effect on her will not be very obvious, but will slow down the rhythm on her side, and the gain is not worth the loss.

What's more, what will happen after that is basically within Luo Li's imagination, there is nothing to see.

Putting down the sniper rifle in his hand, Luo Li shook his hand.

This bit of recoil is actually nothing to Luo Li, but it does not prevent her from wanting to relax.

Turned around, walked to one of the anchor points used to activate the factor isolation field, and took a closer look.

The bottom of the entire anchor device is a white tripod, and the middle is supported by a cylinder, which is obviously a shell, and the fine data patterns inside can be seen through some deliberately exposed shells.

The device is not tall, only about 80 cm, and the weight is not intended to be attempted.

At the top of the device is a bright red diamond-shaped crystal nucleus, and an unknown optical path flows inside the crystal nucleus, which seems to be an external manifestation of the device's start-up state.

After turning around, no obvious switch was found, and there were no buttons that could be pressed all over the device.

"How did this thing start?" Could it be that there is another main program for control? To

be honest, Luo Li originally just wanted to shut down the device normally, and did not intend to disassemble it violently.

Because generally such important items will have an unknown self-protection mechanism, what if you disassemble it and blow it up.

But now look at it... Is it really only possible to tear it down violently?

Wait a minute... Crystal nuclei... Data....

Luo Li seemed to have thought of something, and then slowly extended his claws to the crystal nucleus at the top.

"System, parse."

"Ding! Parseable item detected!

"Ding! Host available blood gas values are insufficient to resolve. "

“...... How much blood gas value does it take to resolve?

"Ding! You need to have enough blood gas values before you can tell you the exact amount of blood gas values required. "

“... Yes, your words are as speechless as if your phone is dead and you have to scan the code first to borrow a charging treasure.

"Thank you for your understanding."


that there are two more anchors, since this one can't be obtained, then..."

The other side.

The once tall building is now long gone, replaced by a ruined ruin, densely packed with spider web-like cracks all around, and the cracks are faintly dotted with dark red blood.

"Ahem..." A

broken boulder was lifted by a bloodstained arm and dust, and then the head, neck, and then the entire body were drilled out of it.

"Hiss... It hurts. The

crow lines on his cheeks loomed, and a trace of dark black light slowly circulated around Doom's body extremely inconspicuously.

No one knows what is really happening here, only that what can be seen now, and only Doom seems to be alive.

"The device... Device....... Let me find out where the device is..." After

resting in place for a while, Doom began to look around, and luckily, she quickly found the anchor device.

"Whew... I want to think... Where did Ann come from... Hey? This crystal nucleus... Was it originally black? "

Doom suddenly fell into doubt.

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