August 5, 5624 in the Sky Calendar

"Today, in the name of the highest priest, I declare to the whole world."

"From now on, Lin Luan, Su Xiaoyi, Ye Lian, Yang Sa, Ye Wu, and Qu Shixin, the six of you have officially become Star Father's divine attendants and students of the highest priest."

Shen Xing stood in the Star Pavilion, but his voice was clearly conveyed through the empty hall to the ears of everyone around the world.

His eyes swept across the six newly promoted divine servants in front of him one by one. They stood tall and straight, and their eyes shone with determination and expectation.

"I will personally teach you the magic. This is the fruit of understanding the infinity of Star Father."

Shen Xing said seriously while waving his hands to create a patch of light and shadow, and he combined the light and shadow to start explaining the principles of divine magic to everyone.

"The power of divine magic comes from your deep understanding of Star Father."

"The closer your soul is integrated with Star Father's will, the deeper your faith is, and the more powerful the power of divine magic becomes."

The six young divine attendants listened quietly to Shen Xing's teachings.

They know that this is not only an honor, but also a heavy responsibility.

"What lies ahead of you is a challenging road."

"But as long as you maintain your devout faith in Star Father and continue to explore and understand, nothing is impossible."

Shen Xing paused, then softened his voice and said, "Now, let's start the first lesson."

"Remember, divine magic is not just a power, it is a bridge to communicate with Star Father, a way to understand the mysteries of the universe."

Shen Xing stretched out his finger and gently touched everyone's forehead.

A warm and powerful force poured into their consciousness, opening up their initial understanding of divine magic.

"To feel, to understand, to grow."

"Now that you have mastered the power of the Divine Attendant of Qiming, you will officially begin to shine like the morning star."

"May you realize the true power of divine magic under the light of Star Father."

Under Shen Xing's guidance, the consciousnesses of the six priests gradually merged into a realm that transcended time and space.

Their vision was surrounded by endless darkness, only scattered stars dotted it.

Suddenly, a faint light lit up in the distance, gradually becoming brighter and warmer

They saw a lonely celestial body slowly rotating in the void

The six people felt its loneliness, no sound, no color, only endless darkness and cold

Suddenly, a beam of light bursts out from inside the celestial body

As time passed, sparks of life began to appear on the planet's surface

From single-celled organisms to prosperous ecosystems, they witnessed the miracle of the evolution of life

Then consciousness is like a magnificent ocean, covering countless galaxies

The consciousness of the six people expanded, and they felt the vastness and mystery of the universe.

When the consciousness of the six people returned to reality, their eyes were filled with new determination and understanding.

Not only did they witness the growth of a star, but they also felt their connection with the universe.

Seeing that several people had returned to reality, Shen Xing nodded with satisfaction, and then continued: "Soon, I will assign you tasks and let you embark on a journey of penance around the world."

"During the journey, you will more deeply appreciate the greatness of Star Father and the mysteries of divine magic."

"When your hearts are more closely connected with Star Father's will, I will enlighten you again and guide you to master higher-level divine arts."

Mastering higher levels of magic means adding more cosmic law settings

But if you want to be more powerful, the material of the paper man must be strong enough. If the foundation is weak, it will not be able to withstand the erosion of the laws of the universe.

"Now, you go wash up first, put on clean clothes, and prepare to face new challenges." Shen Xing smiled slightly and said in a relaxed tone.

"Follow the teacher's instructions carefully"

The six of them saluted respectfully, then turned and left Xingchen Pavilion.

Shen Xing looked at their leaving figures and felt a little relieved in his heart.

He knew that these young divine servants would carry the future of Sky Star and Star Sky Sect towards a more glorious tomorrow.

The six divine attendants, like arrows from a string, quietly dispersed from the central temple and embarked on their own journey of asceticism.

Their figures merged into different horizons and began a journey full of challenges

They traveled lightly, carrying no money or any luggage, and only wore clothes carefully made by Shen Xing using special materials.

This outfit is not only durable, but also a symbol of their beliefs and identity.

During the journey, they used the sky as their cover and the earth as their mat. When they were thirsty, they drank water from mountain springs. When they were hungry, they hunted wild animals and made fires to barbecue with their own hands.

Their steps were firm, they did not rely on any modern means of transportation, and relied entirely on their own feet to measure the land.

In the depths of the jungle, they relied on their strong bodies and unyielding will to fight against beasts, proving the power of mankind with their own strength.

In the vast desert, they crossed the uninhabited desert, faced sandstorms and scorching heat, and still moved forward bravely.

The six people silently endured loneliness and loneliness without complaining or complaining.

Whenever night falls, they will look up at the stars, their hearts filled with awe of Star Father and understanding of the universe.

Shen Xing watched them silently from the perspective of the planet, paying attention to these selected students.

Their performance did not disappoint him, everyone showed extraordinary tenacity and perseverance

Not only does he have the most devout faith in Shen Xing, but he also possesses wisdom, knowledge, perseverance and determination that surpass ordinary people.

With a pure heart and lofty goals, they are the perfect candidates after being selected by both nature and Shen Xing

Under the guidance of Shen Xing, the six people will continue to grow and eventually lead mankind out of the planet, into the universe, defeat all invading enemies, open up new territories for mankind, and write their own legends

They are not only Shen Xing's students, but also the guides of human civilization, leading mankind to a more glorious future

And looking at the vast universe, Shen Xing's star clone Tianyuanxing is undergoing a spectacular transformation

Its mass has reached tens of thousands of times that of Shen Xing's main body, becoming a giant among planets

However, Shen Xing's goal is to make Tianyuanxing a shining star

In the solar system, the sun, with its mass 330,000 times that of the earth, occupies 99.86% of the total mass of the solar system

The sun's huge gravity maintains the planets and asteroids in the solar system The orbital stability of stars, comets and other celestial bodies

The total mass of all solar system celestial bodies such as other planets, satellites, asteroids, comets, etc. only accounts for a very small part of the total mass of the solar system

If Tianyuan Star wants to reach the scale of the sun, it needs to continue to transform

Shen Xing stared at Tianyuan Star. As it continued to grow, he could feel that the potential prey planets in the universe were also increasing

He believed that in the near future, Tianyuan Star would complete a qualitative leap and become a real star

The star road of Tianyuan Star would not be far away

After having a star clone, the safety of Shen Xing's main star body would be more secure, and ordinary alien civilizations would hardly pose any threat to him, and he would be more comfortable in using his abilities

Then Shen Xing's eyes penetrated into the interior of Tianyuan Star. The core of this dark planet also had some special features

A stable and deep...

Black hole

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