This chapter has a lot of bad reviews, and many people are angry, so you can skip it~

What I want to express is that the consciousness has been slightly impacted, and then the memories of the past life and this life are mixed together. This is also the reason why the protagonist in the later period regards Tianqiongxing as his current hometown. He is eager to abandon the past, and the author is also eager to express

It may be that the writing power is not enough to perfectly display the desired effect.

I'm sorry to make you feel dissatisfied with the low-quality chapters in the text QAQ

Because revising the entire chapter will create a sense of fragmentation, I would like to trouble all readers, please skip this chapter directly~

"Shen Xing, it's time to get up. It's time to cook. I made braised pork ribs today."

Shen Xing squinted his tired eyes, turned around on the bed, and relaxed his numb arms.

He didn't respond to his mother's words, he just turned on his phone and looked at the time.


"I can sleep some more."

Shen Xing slowly closed his eyes again

When he woke up again, he was woken up by the sound of a phone call. He picked up the phone a little irritably and looked at the note of the call.

【Shen Ling】


"Hey! Brother! What should I do if Jianguo doesn't eat cat food? Is he sick? Do I need to take him to the pet hospital?"

"If you feed it so much mess every day, it still needs to eat cat food. Even if you stuff it in its mouth, it won't eat it."

Shen Xing responded a little irritably. The clear female voice on the other side paused for a moment, and then continued:

"Okay then, grandma asked you to come back for dinner in the evening and talk about the dumplings she made."

"What kind of stuffing?"

"Leeks and cabbage."

"Let me take a look and then talk. If there is any work at night, I may not come back."

After Shen Xing finished speaking quickly, he hung up the phone and lay on the bed again doing his daily routine of mobile games. After finishing his routine, he read some novels and watched short videos.

He stretched and got ready to get up

Shen Xing rubbed his messy hair and walked out of the room to the kitchen. Apart from a bowl of rice sealed with plastic wrap, there was only a solitary plate of braised pork ribs on the dining table.

I picked up a pair of chopsticks and started eating the rice with the ribs. I kept looking for movies to watch while eating.

The meal is over

But the movie hasn’t been found yet

He placed the dishes and chopsticks on the table without moving them

My mother is a very clean person, so she always keeps her home very clean. Every time she comes back, everything will be restored to its original state.

Shen Xing quickly washed up, locked the door with the key, and then put the key under the foot mat.

My father is a person who comes home very late. Every time he comes home yawning and covered in mud, he is not afraid that no one will be able to get in.

Shen Xing rode his electric bike to his grandma's house. Shen Ling and Shen Hao were playing around in the yard.

After seeing Shen Xing coming, Shen Ling hurriedly greeted him, and then Shen Hao started to put on a face.

"My sister is playing with my brother and won't play with me again! I'm going to find grandma!"

Shen Hao ran back home angrily. Shen Ling completely ignored Shen Hao's intention. She hurriedly said to Shen Xing: "Brother, it's been a long time since you came here. Quickly check if Jianguo has a loss of appetite?"

Shen Xing raised his head and glanced at the second floor. There was Jianguo's kitten room, and the sound of meowing came from inside.

Jianguo is a lively civet cat. Every time he hears Shen Xing's voice, he meows loudly.

Because Shen Xing would bring some cat strips or canned cats every time he came to his grandma's house. Maybe Jianguo thought that Shen Xing had returned from hunting after a long time.

Shen Xing parked the car and followed Shen Ling into the house.

Grandma’s house is a two-story building allocated by the village. There is a small yard outside. When you enter the yard, you can hear the chirping of the chickens raised by grandma.

As soon as I opened the door, I heard my grandma's voice coming from the kitchen:

"Here comes the star? Sit down quickly, the food will be ready soon."

Shen Xing came to the kitchen first and saw the short old lady busy cooking and stir-frying. She also had to peel two garlic cloves and hammer her legs from time to time.

"I'll be leaving in a moment, grandma, I'll see how the kitten is doing."

"Has your lumbar disc gotten better these past two days? Your legs are still numb? Didn't you say you shouldn't do so much work?"

"Oh, I have nothing to do. I just need to lie down for a while after cooking."

"Go and see the kitten. It's not put down upstairs. Why don't you put it down for a while and close the kitchen door."

After hearing what her grandma said, Shen Xing opened her mouth, and then blurted out:

"It's been such a long time since I last saw you. I miss you so much."

Shen Xing didn't know why he said this, but his nose was a little sore when he said this, but he felt weird at the same time.

"Oh, what do you have here? Just come and take a look when you are not busy. Come home for dinner tonight. The rice is well cooked and the dumplings are made with your favorite filling. And what you said you wanted before Eat chicken wings.”

"Your father, mother and uncle are all coming back for dinner tonight."

"Let me take a look, it might be a bit busy at night."

"Okay, if you can't come back, I'll ask your mother to take you home."


That home?

Sky star?

No, where is the star in the sky?

Shen Xing was a little distracted, but quickly recovered.

He felt a little uncomfortable today. Maybe it was because he came back too late after going out for dinner with his friends last night and was woken up again today. He didn't get enough sleep.

"Okay, then I'll go up and have a look."

Shen Xing left the kitchen and went upstairs to the kitten room.

Shen Ling was squatting next to the civet cat Jianguo, looking worriedly, but Jianguo narrowed his eyes indifferently, as if he didn't want to talk to her.

After Jianguo saw Shen Xing's figure, he meowed twice, jumped to Shen Xing's legs and rubbed it twice, then looked up at Shen Xing and meowed again.

Shen Xing reached out and touched the cat's head. Jianguo rubbed Shen Xing's hand with some enjoyment.

"It's been a long time since I brought you food."

For some reason, Shen Xing murmured to himself

"Yes, because you haven't been here for a long time. Last time you told grandma that you wanted the sandbags from your childhood, grandma sewed a big bag for you and you didn't come to get it."

Shen Xing remembered that the last time he came back was a month ago. He didn't want his grandma to look lonely with nothing to do at home, so he lied that the company needed sandbags for company activities and asked her to help sew a few.

Actually...he forgot

But grandma remembers it in her heart

After Shen Ling finished speaking, she puffed up her cheeks like an angry pufferfish, which made Shen Xing feel a little embarrassed and quickly changed the topic.

"Has Shen Hao gone to school these two days?"

"I don't want to go to kindergarten anymore. I played at home for two days."

"How was your high school entrance exam?"

"Of course I did well on the exam!"

"Did you copy it?"

"Shut up!"

Shen Xing looked at Shen Ling who was a little crazy and smiled slightly. Then he touched Jianguo and put him at the entrance of the stairs.

As soon as Jianguo saw that he could go out to play, he rushed down the stairs, meowing twice, but after a while he heard his grandma's somewhat angry shout.

"Don't go to the kitchen! Go! Go!"

It seems that Jianguo went straight to the kitchen as soon as he got downstairs. He is indeed a fighting cat among cats. No matter how many times he is kicked out, he will not admit defeat.

“Don’t forget to close the kitchen door next time.”

Shen Xing murmured to remind himself that he seemed to have forgotten to close the door when he went upstairs.

After he went downstairs, he came to the back room. At this time, there were dinosaur toys lying upside down on the floor. Shen Hao was knocking them down with table tennis balls.

"Meteorite! Big meteorite! Boom! Boom!"

Just as Shen Xing was about to say something, he suddenly felt a little dizzy, probably because he didn't sleep well.

He always thought Shen Hao was noisy, but in fact he was no different from his childhood self

When she was a child, Shen Xing was particularly fond of dinosaurs. She often watched the naughty blue cat "The Age of Dinosaurs" on TV, and then imitated dinosaurs to run around. She often asked her parents why there were no dinosaurs in the world.

"Shen Hao, do you miss me?"

"You always play with your sister, I don't miss you."

Shen Hao snorted, because Shen Xing found Shen Hao very annoying, so he often secretly took Shen Ling out to play, which made Shen Hao feel a little unbalanced after knowing about it.

"Then let me play dinosaurs with you, right?"

"Okay, then you act like the bad guy and hit the dinosaurs with meteorites!"

Shen Hao was a little excited. He handed the bucket of ping pong balls to Shen Xing, and then asked Shen Xing to attack the dinosaur toys on the ground.

Shen Xing helplessly picked up the ping pong ball and started knocking down the toys. As an adult, he knocked them all down quickly. Shen Hao couldn't help but scream.

"You succeeded! You killed them all!"

For some reason, Shen Xing's head felt dizzy again, and he felt a little dazed. He thought that Shen Haotai was making a lot of noise, so he found an excuse to leave the back room and came to the living room.

As soon as he arrived in the living room, Shen Xing found his mother coming in with two big bags of vegetables. When he saw Shen Xing, he made a joke: "Are you up? We are in the same house and I haven't seen you in almost a week."

"I've been too busy these two days, so I slept a little too long."

Shen Xing said a few words casually, then picked up the keys and prepared to leave. Hearing his mother's voice, his grandma also walked out of the kitchen.

"Xingxing is leaving? Can I bring you something to eat in the unit?"

"No, grandma, I'm going to order takeout."

“Eat less takeout and eat good food at home.”

After hearing what Shen Xing said, her mother couldn't help but give her instructions.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

Shen Xing picked up the key, came outside the door and started the electric car

The sun is very harsh in the hot summer. It has just rained heavily, so the humidity in the air is very high, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Before Shen Xing could leave, grandma followed him out to see him off.

"Slow down on the road!"

"I understand, grandma, please go back. It's too stuffy outside."

Hearing that Shen Xing was leaving, her mother quickly came out of the house, talking as she walked

"Hey, that's right, bring two cigarettes for your dad when you come back."

"If you want any cigarettes, send them to me via WeChat and I'll go and see if they are available."

"Okay, okay, please go slower on the road and don't use your phone while riding."

"I know! I know! Go back quickly!"

Shen Xing said as he rode away from his grandma's house

And then...


Shen Xing's world turned upside down in an instant

He only remembered the bright light on the phone screen, followed by the screeching sound of brakes and the loud crash.

At that moment, he felt unprecedented fear and despair

Then everything fell into darkness

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