I originally thought I wouldn’t have time to publish it before 12 o’clock today, but I caught the last train and published it first and then corrected some errors in the article.

The author has other work, and sometimes he suddenly runs out of time.

Today’s leave is cancelled! There may be more waves in the next two days, please save more articles.

One more thing: Regarding the speed issue from the earth to the sky star, this involves some settings, which will be patched later, please understand QAQ

Although the reconnaissance ship is small compared to the huge vanguard ship, it is still an awe-inspiring giant ship when viewed up close.

At this time, in the hall inside the reconnaissance ship, fifty humanoid mechas and five small experimental spacecraft were neatly arrayed, waiting for the upcoming mission.

An engineer reported to Major General Lu Hongfeng: "Reporting to Major General, the mecha has sufficient ammunition and is ready to go at any time."

"Very good." Lu Hongfeng nodded and turned to Alibert

"How is the satellite ready?"

Satellites include reconnaissance satellites and armed satellites, which have different purposes

Alibert has been looking a little depressed and weak since his setback yesterday.

He replied in a low voice: "Get ready. Once you reach the target planet, you can launch immediately."

Seeing Alibert's low attitude, Lu Hongfeng snorted dissatisfiedly

"Professor Alibert, no matter what your personal feelings are, you must understand that your first priority is to consider from the perspective of the entire human race, for the future of all of us on earth."

"For the ultimate victory, we can even sacrifice the lives of our own people, let alone the lives of aliens."

Alibert lowered his head and remained silent. His heart was still full of contradictions and struggles.

He knew that Lu Hongfeng's words might be strategically correct, but he still found it difficult to accept this cold reality in his heart.

When Lu Hongfeng saw this, he did not force him. He spoke in a slightly slower tone:

"I understand your concerns, but the mission we have is huge."

"Our goal is to ensure the survival and continuation of civilization on Earth, even if that means making hard choices."

Alibert took a deep breath and tried to adjust his emotions

As a member of the team, he must put aside his personal emotions and focus on the upcoming task

"I understand, Major General Lu Hongfeng."

Alibert raised his head, his eyes regained some brilliance.

"I will do my best to complete my mission."

Seeing that Alibot had regained his determination, Lu Hongfeng nodded slightly and acknowledged Professor Alibot's attitude.

Then he turned back to the command podium and began to issue further instructions and make final arrangements for the upcoming reconnaissance mission.

"Attention all personnel, we will arrive at the target planet within an hour."

"Reconnaissance team, check your equipment and make sure all sensors and communications equipment are in optimal condition."

Members of the reconnaissance team responded quickly, and Alibert was also on the reconnaissance team. They began to conduct final inspections of the equipment.

Their mission is to collect detailed data about the target planet and provide accurate intelligence to the Vanguard Fleet and the subsequent main fleet.

"Mecha team, prepare for battle."

"Be prepared to take immediate action in the event of an unexpected situation to ensure the safety of the investigation team."

The humanoid mecha pilots all responded, and then conducted final system checks in their respective control cabins to ensure that the mecha's weapon systems and power units were in optimal condition.

"Professor Alibert, are the investigation team ready?"

Alibert nodded. Although he had doubts in his heart, he knew that he had a heavy responsibility.

"Our recon team is ready, Major General."

"We will conduct a detailed analysis of the environment of the target planet and look for areas suitable for human habitation."

The atmosphere in the cabin was tense and serious, and everyone knew their mission

Their eyes are firm, and their hearts are full of expectations for the upcoming mission and curiosity about the unknown.

In the boundless starry sky, a fleet full of technology is advancing at an extremely fast speed.

They are the main fleet of people on earth, carrying the dreams and destiny of more than five billion people.

This huge fleet consists of more than 3,000 giant ships, each of which is comparable to a giant floating city. Their grandeur and splendor are awe-inspiring.

In the conference room of the fleet, senior officials of the Earth United Nations are holding a meeting

With unconcealable joy on his face, joint leader Wei Hong announced the long-awaited news to the senior officials present:

"Everyone, we finally have some exciting news."

"Commander Wei Wensu has received good news. The vanguard fleet has arrived not far from the target planet."

The long journey of hundreds of years finally ushered in the dawn of hope

The faces of the senior executives present all showed expressions of excitement.

The pain of losing home and the bitterness of being displaced will now come to an end.

Now that the new home is in sight, how can we not feel excited?

"Commander Wei Wensu ordered the fleet to take a short rest and sent a reconnaissance spacecraft to explore the situation."

"According to Commander Wei, based on various assessments, there seems to be no civilization on the target planet that can threaten our existence."

There was a hint of relaxation in his tone, but then he became serious again

"Even if there are some intelligent creatures from lower civilizations, they are not a danger to us."

"Admiral Mike has issued an order to Wei Wensu. Once intelligent creatures of lower civilizations are discovered, they will be eliminated immediately."

There was a hint of cruelty in Wei Hong's words, but some people already had a look of intolerance on their faces.

Li Xiaowei, a member of the United Nations Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stood up, with anger and excitement in her voice:

"Chief of Guards, I firmly oppose General Mike's order!"

"We people on Earth are not a cruel civilization. We cannot kill innocent people indiscriminately, and we cannot impose pain on others because of our own experiences!"

Wei Hong was slightly angry. He tried to comfort Li Xiaowei: "Li Xiaowei, I understand your mood, but we must think about the future of all mankind!"

"We have granted Commander Wei Wensu temporary decision-making authority. He has already made a decision. Unless he is revoked from his position now, his order cannot be changed!"

"We must obey the overall situation and not let personal emotions affect the future of mankind as a whole!"

"Have you forgotten the ruins of the Dil civilization we discovered in the Twin Galaxy?"

"You should also know those interpreted contents. Are you saying this now to make the earth's civilization irreversible?"

Li Xiaowei's face turned pale. Of course he had heard of the Dier Civilization Site.

It is precisely because of the information reserves left in that site that the earth has made a technological leap and successfully achieved today's technological level.

But after a long period of interpretation, scientists discovered that this civilization was once a friendly alien civilization dedicated to helping the development of lower civilizations.

But it became an inconspicuous piece of history in the universe because of the backstab of a certain affiliated civilization.

A member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs next to him also persuaded softly: "Li Xiaowei, what the chief said is absolutely true. We must put the overall situation first."

Although Li Xiaowei was still full of indignation, she knew that her thoughts could no longer change the current situation.

She could only sit back on the chair silently, praying silently in her heart:

"May there be no intelligent life on that planet, and may we humans not become executioners stained with blood."

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