"It's August 8, 5625 in the sky calendar."

"They actually have a history of more than five thousand years?!"

Some scientists were whispering into their communication headsets. They were shocked by the answer.

"According to the time displayed on the timer, it was 3177 before we set off, and now it should be 3563 using the Gregorian calendar."

"But what they speak is obviously Mandarin Chinese that was born after the 20th century on Earth!"

"It seems we have to try to explore the historical records of this planet."

Alibert pretended to think and whispered in the communication system, then he turned to look at the fishermen.

"Uncles, we are currently conducting a small experiment. Can we borrow your children's unused textbooks?"

Alibert signaled other scientists to take down a magnetic ball with a hollow center from the spacecraft.

These are some personal gadgets he brought with him when he came down from the Vanguard Fleet. This sphere is composed of a strong magnetic mineral and can be freely changed and combined without falling apart.

"I can trade this gadget for you."

"Hey? What is this? It's really weird."

The old fisherman at the head took it and played with it for a while, and then said to a few people with a smile: "You scientists study some weird things all day long, so I will bring it to my baby to play with, just in time for you to get the high priest." I can show off the award to my kids when I see it on TV.”

Alibert also smiled back, but no one thought of the title High Priest in depth, and only regarded it as some kind of award-giving position.

The old fisherman happily took the magnetic ball and ran back to the village. Soon he came back with several books.

Alibert took the book and looked at it, and found that these books were called "The Sacred Book of the Stars: A Required Reading for Middle Schools", "On the Human History of the Stars of the Sky", and "The Great Star Father"

"Why is this title a bit strange?"

Alibert looked at these strange book titles and was confused for a moment. He couldn't help but have some questions in his mind. Is this really something that needs to be learned in school?

"This is my baby's textbook, can you read it?"

"Uncle, what subjects are these books about? The last time we looked at them was before the revision."

"One is a textbook, then there are some extracurricular readings issued by the Oracle Academy, and there is also a book that seems to be written by the great scientist named Wen Jing..."

"That's what you said. The Star Scripture has been revised quite frequently recently. After all, with great scientists like you here, there's really no way to invent and create every day. What does my baby say at home every day... Oh again. I need to memorize some more knowledge or something.”

Seeing that the old fisherman started talking incessantly, Alibert quickly interrupted him.

"Uncle, we are still busy doing research, so you can continue to work!"

"Oh yes, yes, you scientists are quite busy."

After chatting with the old fisherman using the art of language, the scientists followed Alibert back to the experimental spacecraft, and the spacecraft slowly rose into the sky.

After the spacecraft was stabilized, other scientists could not wait to gather around Alibert.

"Professor Alibert, open it quickly and take a look!"

Several scientists were excitedly preparing to read the textbooks on the new civilization. Alibert nodded and took the lead in opening the book that looked most like a history book, "On the Human History of the Sky and the Stars."

"Star Father created everything in the world and also created us humans."

"Humanity must remember."

"Star Father's light will always shine on the world."

"The majesty of Star Father cannot be violated, and the glory of Star Father cannot be desecrated."

Then it is written immediately below

[This reading is written by Oracle Academy and is only for students of all levels to read]

[Main Editor: Hong Zhong]

"People here still believe in religion? Why is the institution that publishes books called Oracle Academy? Who is Star Father?"

They began discussions, trying to understand the impact of this newfound religious faith on civilization on this planet.

The text on the first two pages deeply attracted their attention

These words are full of praise and reverence for a supreme god

"People on this planet still believe in the existence of the so-called Creator God, which is really a bit ignorant."

Several scientists muttered when they saw that the first two pages described a god in such a large space.

"They have not yet entered the space age and can feel the greatness of cosmic civilization. It is understandable to believe in the existence of gods. Don't forget that there were many people who believed in religion more than 1,000 years ago." Alibert shook his head and said

"These records may be a cultural manifestation of their early civilization." Alibert continued: "It reflects the values ​​​​and worldview of the inhabitants of this planet. We cannot easily judge the ignorance of a civilization based on our own knowledge alone. or advanced.”

The scientists who were mumbling just now fell silent. Alibert's words made them realize that although they came from a more advanced civilization, it is crucial to maintain humility and an open attitude when exploring and understanding a brand new civilization. of

"Keep looking back."

Alibert continued to flip back, and some normal history finally appeared on the following pages.

The book records a grand narrative about the evolution of species

From the birth of single-cell organisms, to the prosperity of mammals, to the rise of early Homo sapiens

However, when these familiar evolutionary processes were presented in the textbooks on Tianqiongxing, they were confused again.


This widely accepted scientific theory on Earth seems so out of place when it reappears on the Sky Star

"Are they really not descendants of Earthlings?" A scientist muttered to himself, "Why do they think they evolved?"

"If they really evolved autonomously on this planet called the Sky Star, then it is impossible for them to be exactly the same as us Earthlings, not to mention that they can speak Chinese."

"This is simply too ridiculous."

Some people have been shaking their heads, they think this situation is too ridiculous for rigorous science

Albert took a deep breath and tried to calm the waves in his heart

Then he continued to flip down, perhaps hiding the solution to all these mysteries Clues

His movements were very solemn, as if he was not only turning the pages of the book, but also the secret door to another world

As the pages turned, the scientists' moods fluctuated like the fluttering corners of the book

They were eager to find the intricate connection between the Sky Star and the Earth from these words, or to reveal the unknown history that may exist between the two planets

At this moment, all the noise and doubts were temporarily silent, leaving only the subtle sound of Alibert's fingertips touching the paper, and the scientists' rapid and expectant breathing

But they discovered a strange fact

In the history books of the Sky Star, the narratives of the primitive era were full of mystery and legends. These records constituted the creation myth of the Sky Star civilization

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