High above the Sky Dome Star, Shen Xing's gaze penetrated the clouds and quietly observed Yao Yuan and the others as well as the scientists in the experimental spacecraft.

He originally expected to witness some vigilant actions, but what he saw instead was the five people's endless obsession with barbecue and beer.

There was a childlike novelty and greed in their behavior, which surprised Shen Xing and even made her a little disappointed.

Shen Xing couldn't help but feel a trace of ridicule in his heart, and then he was filled with contempt and sympathy for the life of the people on earth.

These highly civilized people on earth are actually so helpless and eager for the most basic pleasures of life. Even a simple barbecue and beer can become a luxury in their eyes.

In the night market below, the five of them were still immersed in the feast of food and wine.

They had never tasted such wonderful food, and every bite of barbecue and every sip of beer brought them unprecedented satisfaction.

As time went by, drunkenness gradually appeared on Zhang Yu's face, and there was a hint of emotion and deepness in his voice.

"We have always thought too highly of ourselves, treating the Vault of Heaven as an uncivilized wasteland and laughing at the level of civilization here."

There was a trace of introspection in Zhang Yu's words, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"But look at the people here, what kind of life they enjoy, and what kind of life do we live?"

"There is no smoke of war here! There is no fast-paced pressure! People can enjoy food as much as they like! Savor life! There are so many colorful animals and charming scenery!"

Zhang Yu's eyes sparkled with yearning for life on the Sky Dome Star. Several others also resonated with it, and some of them burst into tears under the influence of alcohol.

"And what about us? Our lives are monotonous, boring, and boring. We have no stable home and lack real enjoyment..."

“Everything we have seems so insignificant compared to them.”

"We can only maintain our pitiful sense of superiority by mocking their level of civilization."

There was an unspeakable sadness in Zhang Yu's voice, and Yao Yuan couldn't help but sigh:

"Compared to the people here, we really look so pitiful."

"The technology and knowledge we possess have not made our lives more colorful, but have made us forget the true meaning of life."

Under the starry night sky, with cups of beer flowing freely, the gourmet feast for Yao Yuan and the five people gradually evolved into a party where people poured out their hearts.

The slight drunkenness of alcohol made their emotions particularly fragile, and the pain and long-repressed emotions in their hearts began to overflow.

"Professor Yao, do you know, I have only drank eight times in the past few hundred years, and I still remember each time freshly!"

Yang Kui's voice was trembling, and his eyes were shining with tears.

After Zhang Yu heard Yang Kui's words, he couldn't help but add:

"Lao Yang, I eat artificial meat and energy bars every day. I feel like I have almost forgotten the taste that humans should have."

"There are only a few hundred of us on the Vanguard Fleet who are busy every day. Now that I think about it, it is better to enter the sleep cabin and have a good sleep."

Yao Ling's words conveyed her boredom with space life, and also revealed her yearning for a simple life.

“The down-to-earth feeling is reassuring, and paired with this barbecue and beer, it’s even more perfect.”

As the words deepened, several people's tears and noses couldn't help but flow down.

The pain in my heart is like a flood that has opened the floodgates and is out of control

The days on the spaceship were lonely and bitter. Even on the distant earth, life did not give them much warmth.

Before the nuclear disaster, 20 billion people on the planet crowded every corner. The over-exploitation of resources and environmental degradation made agricultural products and processed products extremely expensive.

The arrival of the nuclear disaster has made supplies extremely scarce, and people's lives have fallen into trouble.

But now, their experience on the Sky Dome Star has made them feel deeply sad and helpless about their past lives.

In the experimental spaceship, the emotions of other scientists also fluctuated as Yao Yuan and the five people talked.

Their experiences are so similar, and everyone has unspeakable pain in their hearts.

Natasha clenched her fists and said in a firm voice: "The Sky Star will be our new home, a paradise where we can enjoy peace and tranquility!"

"We must take root here, end our long exile, and start a new chapter of life!"

In the night market of Tianqiongxing, the gathering of everyone was gradually enveloped by the magic of alcohol.

As the last glass of beer was consumed, they were already so drunk that it was difficult to even stand.

When the checkout time came, Yang Kui was filled with emotion under the influence of alcohol. There was a kind of satisfaction and joy in his words that was difficult to conceal:

"Comfortable! So damn comfortable!"

These simple words express the most sincere feelings in their hearts

After paying the bill, the five people supported each other and staggered forward. Their figures swayed in the night, as if they were integrated with the rhythm of the world.

They found a hotel nearby and decided to spend the night there to end the day's adventure.

The morning light of the next day shines through the curtains into Yao Yuan's room, and the five people gradually wake up from their hangover slumber.

Yao Yuan sat on the bed and gently rubbed his temples, saying with a hint of regret: "We were a little too carried away yesterday."

His sigh revealed a reflection on his own indulgence

Several other people also seemed a little embarrassed. They came here for inspection, but they were indulged in the feast of wine and meat and forgot their original intention.

"Let's have breakfast first, and then we'll go and learn more about the history of the Sky Star and what the Starry Sky Religion is all about."

The five people went downstairs and enjoyed a hearty breakfast at a breakfast stall near the hotel.

Steamed buns, soy milk, fried dough sticks, tofu brain, wontons, porridge, fried dumplings

A variety of breakfasts filled the table, and they enjoyed these authentic delicacies to their heart's content

After a satisfying breakfast, the five people took the bus on the Sky Star and came to the Oracle Academy Library

Because Shen Xing advocated science in his early years, this largest library on the Sky Star is open to everyone

The collection of books here is also numerous and vast

In the library, Yao Yuan and the other five were immersed in the ocean of historical materials, flipping through the records of the Sky Star civilization page by page

But To their disappointment, all the information seemed to repeat the story in the history book, without any new discoveries.

In a quiet corner of the library, several people were gathered together to discuss in a low voice.

"Various materials show that the history of human civilization on the Sky Star is more than 5,000 years old, and no book has ever questioned this."

"The Starry Sky Church has absolute authority on the Sky Star, and all works firmly believe that humans were created by the Star Father."

"The influence of the Starry Sky Church is too great, covering every corner. It is probably because of this reason that there is no opposition."

"This Starry Sky Church is really harmful to people. It is tyrannical and dictatorial, enslaving the people, suppressing human nature, and suppressing thoughts. We must eradicate the cancer of the Starry Sky Church and liberate the people here!"

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