First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone. Everyone who can read this chapter must be the readers who have been following it.

I intersperse individual chapters in order to maintain relatively frequent interactions with my readers.

It makes me very happy to be praised for my interactions with readers.

It is a very bad behavior to intersperse single chapters with the main plot, but when the author read all the comments and was about to go to bed, he was tossing and turning.

Regarding the author's current situation, it is necessary to explain some things clearly to everyone, in order to exchange sincerity for sincerity.

Although it may not be comprehensive enough, I still emphasize repeatedly that the author will read and think carefully about every comment and message, and will not ignore or pass it by.

If you are still willing to read this work after reading this chapter, please allow me to express my sincere gratitude.

First of all, the author has his own job. Although he updates twice a day, his time is not stable.

And this is the author's first official work, other works have died during the draft period

When readers had a wave of outbursts, I did not expect it. It was a very unprepared thing for me.

When I only had a few readers and friends, I could reply to every comment very carefully.

But the current volume of comments means I can't do what I once did, which is a very frustrating feeling for me.

Yes, I'm very greedy

I want to take care of every reader who reads my book as much as possible, and I also want to absorb your opinions and help you complete the inspirations that I once hoped the author would help me complete as a reader.

I don't want anyone to feel disrespected

Although I can't reply to everyone, I will still check every comment in my free time

I have read all the good and bad reviews, and I have tried and corrected everyone's opinions and corrections as soon as possible.

I really appreciate everyone's support. As a former reader and now a writer, I will pay special attention to some poisonous points and avoid them, but I may still be stupid sometimes, because some paragraphs and comments will say poisonous things. , but there is no detailed description of the point that makes people feel a little poisonous.

The author hopes that everyone can speak freely when they think something is toxic. I don’t think readers are offending me, because this will also allow the author to make better progress.

I don't feel that there are any problems in the work. Maybe it's just that people are more tolerant, so they ignore some problems.

The issues raised by several of the reviews are very important and fatal, so I want to make it clear to everyone before subsequent updates.

[About where I feel I read this book]

I have replied to many similar comments, but I want to reply clearly this time. This book is indeed an inspired novel. It is a novel I read a few years ago. It should have been serialized in FL. I was I also like this type of novels very much, so I subscribed to them all at that time when paid reading was common.

But it's a pity that the novel I like is discontinued and unfinished.

I hope to write the books I like myself. I don’t want to rely on them to make money. I just want to satisfy my own emotional value and release my inspiration.

Maybe some similarities in plot points in the early stage will make some readers feel uncomfortable.

However, except for the similar plot in the early stage, the in-depth world view and various settings of this book are all original. There may be traces of other works, but it is still the same sentence in the previous chapter.

Yes, the author admits that his knowledge level and cultural background cannot support a purely original and complete work, so there will be some familiar settings.

There may be other literary works that the author has read, such as Stellaris, which everyone has already perceived as the main contributor to the setting. There may be other related settings in various aspects later, but the entire worldview does not exist. Other worldview settings will be directly copied!

There will always be shadows between literary works. There is no way to avoid this. Creating a genre and a unique worldview is a very powerful thing.

But I'm not a great person

I can't create a unique world view

You can only fill in other people's big framework with your own small plot, which not only makes the work complete, but also makes the readers who get the settings smile knowingly.

This is about the most fatal problems of setting similarity and plagiarism in novel creation.

I sincerely explain to you

[About the issue of some plots with strong AI flavor]

In today's technologically advanced world, many novels will copy and paste the AI ​​text without being able to translate it, and then try to make a profit.

This is an act that makes everyone angry

Let’s talk about the topic first. This book does use AI expansion and continuation in some paragraphs, which is the author function of Tomato.

But it is only limited to enriching the content of the paragraphs and obtaining certain descriptions of appearance, movements, and demeanor. The entire article is never copied and pasted.

Some readers are very sensitive to the smell of AI, so the author here expresses his sincerity.

When there is open selling of doping in a competition, it may be legal, but it will not be accepted by everyone.

If you have it in the author function, it means it can be used, but you can’t expect everyone to accept AI continuation.

But convenient and easy-to-use tools bring laziness and negativity

Therefore, the author reflects here and will try his best to reject AI inspiration in subsequent chapters and find ways to enrich himself.

[About technology/civilization/other issues]

Why only humans were created and no other species were created? I responded to this question in a comment.

I will respect everyone's ideas and preferences, even if they give me negative comments.

A reader in the book review area said: Don't read the comments. The problems they mentioned are not problems. Can things that are said with your own emotions be useful?

Once the words are spoken, they will be loud and clear.

I'm sorry that I can't make everyone like it, but I will try my best to make most people like it.

Readers have also commented on many problems in science and technology, and the technological settings of Earth civilization are the hardest hit.

There are endless loopholes and flaws. Even if more patches are applied, it will be very ugly because of the incongruity.

This is the author's own problem. The author apologizes to everyone here very seriously.

Before opening the book, there was no preparation work, and no careful research on what should and should not be in each stage of science and technology. The things that can be done and what cannot be done are mixed together, which will give people a very bad impression.

Opening the book with only a passion gives everyone such a bad impression.

This is also the reason why I toss and turn. Even if it is super soft science fiction, it is still a science fiction work. It needs to be supported by the plot of science and technology. It cannot be passed over and leave a huge gap.

But this This problem cannot be solved at present. The author will seriously review the settings in this aspect and try to avoid such technological settings that give people a bad experience in the following chapters.

Since the previous plot is the basis of the current plot, if it is modified rashly, it may leave huge loopholes and even cause collapse.

So the author can only move forward steadily and patch up.

In addition, the basic framework of the plot setting in the later period of this work has been completed, the ending has been locked, and some of the plots in the middle need to be polished.

After the earth civilization, there will be a new plot. The number of words in the book should be around 1.6 million, that is, about 800 chapters.

Maybe it will be shortened because some plots develop too fast, or it may be extended because of the author's redundant description, so it is just an estimated value.

The readers are very enthusiastic, which makes me feel a little at a loss.

The explosion of the past few days has made me a little tired, and I am a little haggard because of the pressure from all aspects.

But the update has not fallen behind, and the number of two updates per day will still be maintained. At present, according to the small request of a reader friend, it is trying to evolve to three chapters per day.

Because there are more and more book friends in the group chat, the author has promised to explode ten chapters, which will be completed in these two days.

Thank you for your support!

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