In the deep cell of the central temple

Ye Lian and the other six divine servants faced the five Yao Yuan people from Earth, and their hearts were filled with curiosity and desire for Earth's technology.

The six people who can become God's Attendants are the brightest stars in the sky.

Even if they failed to become Shen Xing's students at that time, their talents were enough to make them the best among scientists.

In the trial given by Shen Xing, Shen Xing not only taught them magical skills, but also urged them to learn scientific knowledge, just for today

If you can defeat the alien visitors, you can quickly absorb the essence of their civilization

However, limited by the civilization level of Tianqiong Star, the six people still lack an intuitive understanding of the technological level of civilizations capable of space navigation.

Su Xiaoyi's voice was the first to echo in the cell, and his question pointed to the end.

"How big is the universe? Where is the end of the universe?"

Yao Yuan and the other two stood silently in the cell. Facing Su Xiaoyi's questions, they exchanged glances, but no one spoke.

Seeing this, Ye Wu lifted Yao Ling into the air with a wave of his hand. Her neck was tightened by an invisible force, and she instantly fell into a suffocating struggle.

The other divine attendants were also surprised. They wanted to open their mouths and want to say something to Ye Wu, but in the end they held back and just looked at these earthlings.

This scene made Yao Yuan unbearable. His face turned livid, and he said with a hint of helplessness in his voice: "Let her go, and I can answer your questions."

Ye Wu then gently put Yao Ling back to the ground

She fell to her knees, her face turned red, she covered her neck and kept coughing.

Yao Yuan took a deep breath. Even in this situation, he bet that the high priest was a far-sighted person, so he also put forward his own conditions

"I can answer your questions, but in exchange, you must also answer my doubts."

Ye Wu shook his head ruthlessly, and said in a cold voice: "You are not qualified to bargain."

"I just want to answer some questions in our hearts. Even if we are going to die from this, I want to die clearly."

Yao Yuan was silent for a moment, and then said in an almost pleading tone: "As long as you agree, I will never hide anything when answering your questions, and I will tell you everything I know."

Ye Wu wanted to say something else, but Su Xiaoyi patted him on the shoulder, and then Ye Wu finally nodded.

"If it doesn't involve our secrets, I can tell you."

Su Xiaoyi is the eldest among the Six Gods, so his words can basically represent the overall thoughts of the Six Gods.

Yao Yuan got the signal from Su Xiaoyi that he agreed to communicate, and his tense nerves finally relaxed a little.

He took a deep breath and began to share the people's understanding of the universe

"The universe is so vast that we still can't get a full picture of it."

"The diameter of the observable universe that people on Earth currently know is about 300 billion light-years."

300 billion light years

This number stirred up waves in Liushenshi's heart.

Only now did they realize that the star in the sky where they were was turned out to be just a speck of dust in the vast universe.

"You don't even know where the end of the universe is, how much more can you know?"

Qu Shixin's sudden words not only stunned the five earthlings, but also caused several other gods to hold their foreheads.

"Brother Qu... why don't you go out for a walk first?"

"Oh, it's just a joke, don't you care? I'll go out for a walk first. This place is really not for normal people."

Qu Shixin showed a smile. It was obvious that he didn't ask this question seriously, he just wanted to find an excuse to go out for a walk.

It seems that Su Xiaoyi and the others can control the situation, Lin Luan is also preparing to go out with Qu Shixin, because she has the strongest sense of perception and seems to have sensed some strange movements.

Qu Shixin and Lin Luan left first, and then Su Xiaoyi, Ye Wu, and Ye Lian began to raise a series of scientific problems that have not been solved so far.

Yang Sa thinks that she is not as knowledgeable as these three people, but they are probably not as good as her in using their abilities, so she just acts as a security guard.

Including but not limited to dark matter and dark energy, unified theory of quantum mechanics and general relativity, gene editing, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, etc.

Some issues are not fully understood even by the current level of people on earth. Yao Yuan also lamented the breadth of thinking of the people in Tianqiong. He can only briefly explain various theories that have been confirmed.

Of course, there are some hidden elements in this that Yao Yuan and others

After a period of quick Q\u0026A exchanges, Yao Yuan also began to ask his own questions:

"Does Star Father really exist?"

Ye Lian was the first to nod, her face filled with respect for Star Father

"Of course Star Father exists! He is eternal! His greatness cannot be described in words!"

"How did humans appear on your planet?"

"Star Father created all things and established the rules of evolution, from which humans evolved."

"Don't you think it's strange? We are from different planets, but we look exactly the same."

Ye Lian and others were slightly stunned. As smart as they were, they had certainly thought about this issue, but because of their deep faith, they had no doubts. They just assumed that the entire universe was the people of Star Father.

Peng Wenyan seemed to be aware of the thoughts of several people on the side, and she further explained:

"The evolution of species is full of randomness and contingency, and the life forms of each planet are unique."

"In our galaxy, there are several observed intelligent civilizations, and each of them is completely different."

The calmed-down Earthlings also began to release their curiosity. Zhang Yu followed Peng Wenyan's answer and said:

"We are so similar, it can't be just a coincidence."

"Your language and writing are exactly the same as the language used by civilizations on Earth."

"We initially suspected whether there were Earthlings who migrated here and reproduced."

"But according to your historical records, your civilization has been around for more than 5,000 years, and our civilization on Earth is relatively consistent with yours after calculation, which makes us even more confused."

"Earthlings at that time could not even do short-distance interstellar travel, let alone discover..."

Yao Yuan touched Zhang Yu calmly, stopping him from saying what he was about to say. Zhang Yu seemed to realize that there was something wrong with his words and stopped talking.

After the words of the earthlings fell, Su Xiaoyi and the others' faces were slowly filled with doubts, and their brows were tightly knitted.

They didn't think Yao Yuan was deceiving them, not only because their eyes were full of sincere inquiry, but also because Ye Wu had the emotional perception ability given by the teacher.

Although he couldn't see through the heart like the teacher, Ye Wu didn't react at all, which proved that these earthlings didn't lie.

At this moment, the fog between the two planets seemed to be thicker.

And Yao Yuan's questions were like a bunch of keys that kept trying to unlock, trying to unlock a certain door.

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