I turned into a planet and was discovered by the people on earth

Chapter 64 Everything Seemingly Calm (Update)

Additional update (6/10)

"You mean, they may have acquired some civilization inheritance?"

"Yes sir, this is low on your information priority, so you have not been notified."

Yeslu thought about it for a moment, and realized that as far as interstellar navigation technology is concerned, the priority is indeed not that high.

The Saiwei civilization has already mastered the short-distance jump technology, which does not have many shortcomings compared to currently known civilizations.

"Anyway, after seeing the development of human civilization on Earth, I have to admire this intelligent cosmic civilization."

"It took our Saiwei civilization a full 30,000 years to develop the same technology."


"We must eliminate the people on Earth as soon as possible. If they are allowed to develop for thousands of years, they may immediately become a serious problem for us."

A cold light flashed in Jeslu's eyes. Regarding this kind of civilization, the Saivi people's usual approach is to strangle them in the cradle.

Tarsash, a wise man from the Saivi civilization, once said: "There is no right or wrong in the universe, only destruction and being destroyed."

The galactic war has lasted for such a long time, and the Saiwei civilization has consumed too many resources and too much energy.

Now that the unified galaxy is right in front of us, as long as it can capture the Milky Way, the Saiwei civilization will have a ticket to join the Star Sea Community, and it will have a strong backer to develop science and technology stably.

"If we ignore the people on Earth, there is indeed a very small possibility that they will become our enemies in the distant future."

Staff Sergeant Servais also nodded, thinking this decision was correct.

"And Lord Oshkaran has also issued an order that any civilization that tries to escape the galaxy must be eliminated."

"Sevis, you personally lead the fleet to eliminate the people on Earth. In order to prevent unexpected situations, you will bring the Third Expeditionary Fleet and the Fourth Expeditionary Fleet."

"Yes! Seviaka!"


The two Saiwei people raised the small tentacles on the back of their heads while speaking words like "Long Live".

Speaking of Aka, Yeslu suddenly remembered that he hadn’t seen Aka for a long time.

He looked in the direction of Saivi's home planet. He had been on the road to conquer other civilizations for Saivi for thousands of years, and he had not seen his former mother clan for thousands of years.

The home star of the Saivi civilization is called Arkana, and their star is called Akka.

The planet where Yesru's mother race lives is one of the ecologically integrated planets in the Saivi home system.

Seviaka means

The Saiwei civilization will be as glorious as a star

Keep burning

The perspective returns to the central temple of the Sky Vault Star.

The Six Divine Attendants fell to the ground with the adoring eyes of the people. The people kept cheering, praising the power of the Divine Attendants and thanking them for their protection.

The six people felt an unprecedented sense of accomplishment in their hearts at this time, which could not be achieved in any previous trial.

Guardian sky star

Guardian Star Father's Glory

These two items are always the first in their hearts, and they are also the responsibilities and missions they have been given.

At the same time, as a human being in the sky, this is also the greatest and most glorious act.

However, as the figures of the six people entered the temple, after arriving at the Star Pavilion,

They saw Shen Xing standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. In front of Shen Xing was a black mass that was constantly turning and moving.

After the six people saw Shen Xing, their proud expressions disappeared immediately, and instead they became a little nervous.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I couldn't keep them all." Su Xiaoyi took a step forward and whispered

Su Xiaoyi felt that he had failed Shen Xing's entrustment. At this time, he also had the momentum to become the first of the Six Gods, so he chose to take the responsibility.

"No, teacher, we didn't do a good job either. I hardly contributed anything..."

"Me too...it's just that my use of divine magic is too shallow."

Lin Luan and Qu Shixin lowered their heads as they spoke. They were looking at their toes, like children who had done something wrong.

Several people lowered their heads in silence, and then Shen Xing spoke:

"Now that you have become the Star God Attendants, the magic you can use is far more than that."

"You should continue to practice during this period and continue to improve your magic."

With a wave of Shen Xing's hand, the figures of the six people disappeared.

They were transferred to other clones by Shen Xing. Each star clone is different, and the harsh environment they have is more cruel than the last.

Now that Sky Civilization is about to move towards the stars, as servants of gods, they need to adapt to more situations.

But Shen Xing's consciousness will always be watching them, and there won't be any big problems.

Shen Xing closed his eyes at this moment. When he opened them again, a light curtain that had not appeared in a long time appeared in front of him.

【Celestial Galaxy】

[Level: Micro Galaxy]

[Basic Power: The ability to control the basic power of reality]

[Imaginary power: the ability to control fictional basic powers]

[Laws of the Universe: You can control some basic laws of the universe and fundamentally change some physical laws and natural laws]

The panels barely changed, but the depiction of the fictional force became very intriguing

What does this so-called fictitious fundamental force represent?

At present, Shen Xing is becoming more and more skillful in controlling his consciousness. The resident ID card on the Sky Vault Star is created using materials made up by his consciousness.

But fictional matter is not like antimatter, which will collide and annihilate with positive matter, but will ignore the impact of anything from reality, that is, a kind of indestructible wonderful material

The time force can be adjusted to a longer range and a wider range. Now he can use the time force to affect a large range out of thin air, and the specific range is still under testing

There is also the space force that has just been discovered that can affect external objects, and can transfer space without any assistance. This transfer cannot be explained by any science

He has also been studying recently. After all, knowledge also limits his use of abilities. This is also his own way of cultivation

Shen Xing thinks There will always be a perfect interruption when the door of Xingchen Pavilion was opened. Xie Huizhi came in and bowed slightly, then said: "High Priest, they are here."

"I know, thank you priest."

Shen Xing watched Xie Huizhi leave. Some of the illnesses that this old man should have had were quietly erased by him. This was also a little compensation for him. In the end, Xie Huizhi died peacefully at the end of his life.

After stopping his wild thoughts, Shen Xing walked towards the conference hall


In the conference hall, all the leaders and representatives of the divisions stood up respectfully and shouted in unison:

"Greetings to the High Priest!"

Shen Xing nodded to the people around him, motioned everyone to sit down, and began to hold a meeting on the alien civilization.

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