Additional update (9/10)

The plot in these chapters has been slowed down and there are too many dramas. This is mainly for the development of the plot. Please forgive me.

After the Earth chapter, the plot will speed up a bit

In the Earth's main fleet, United Nations Chief Wei Hong held an emergency meeting on the Sky Dome Star issue.

During the meeting, officials from the Sinter line explained the benefits of magical power to earth civilization and requested to continue to the Sky Vault Star.

Many people at the meeting were moved by this statement.

So the meeting quickly finalized the new order in a one-sided situation.

Uncover the mystery of divine magic on the sky star

If this unimaginable mysterious power can be mastered by the people on earth, it will bring unprecedented opportunities to the planned counterattack on the galaxy in the future.

On the vanguard fleet side, Wei Wensu has received instructions from the main fleet.

Wei Wensu once again took the lead in holding meetings. The frequent meetings were to respond to this incident more correctly.

But everyone at the meeting looked downcast. They had just experienced a painful failure.

Wei Wensu glanced at everyone in the conference room, and then said:

"Although none of us want to fail, we have failed after all and suffered heavy losses."

"Now, we need to analyze the reasons for the failure and discuss how to complete the tasks assigned by the coalition government."

"We must completely pave the way before the arrival of the main fleet. This is also what we must do first to set off!"

After saying this, Wei Wensu looked at the people who were motionless, slammed the table and stood up.

"Failure is not scary. What is scary is that you also lose the desire to win!"

"And we have only failed temporarily, and we are not at the end of our rope yet!"

"For the sake of all people on earth, we must regain our energy and look forward!"

With that said, he looked at Natasha and asked: "Professor Natasha, please analyze the reasons for the failure first."

Although Natasha is a woman, she is as strong and perseverant as any man.

There is an unyielding spirit in her character, which is why Wei Wensu chose to let her speak first.

When she heard her name being called, a trace of unwillingness appeared on Natasha's face.

"I think the biggest reason for our failure is arrogance and underestimation of the enemy." She gritted her teeth and said

"When the experimental spacecraft first flew to the Sky Vault to investigate the situation, we only relied on our own subjective experience to judge that the Sky Vault was thousands of years behind our civilization and did not consider other factors."

"Professor Yao Yuan and the others entered the Sky Dome Star in an experimental spacecraft and obtained the history books of the Sky Dome Star."

"Their history books have actually recorded the miraculous qualities of the Starry Vault Cult and the High Priest in great detail."

"However, we still only relied on our subjective experience to conclude that the deeds of the Starry Vault Sect and the High Priest were fabricated lies, and then we laughed at them and stopped focusing on them."

"Later, Professor Yao Yuan and others entered the human society of Tianqiong Planet and conducted field investigations. Their main purpose was just to learn about the relationship between the humans of Tianqiong Planet and us people on earth."

"But because they are too arrogant, they think that the Sky Star is too backward. When many questions point to the Star Church and the high priest, they and we all think that the records in the history books are completely fabricated and cannot be trusted at all. ”

"So they rashly entered the central temple. They thought they could protect themselves and escape unscathed. No matter what happened, we would rescue them, but we all know the final result."

Natasha's words seemed to open up everyone's conversation, and they all began to actively participate in the discussion, summarizing the reasons for the failure.

As everyone's discussions continued, Wei Wensu signaled everyone to calm down, and then continued the meeting: "We can't just summarize the reasons for failure and learn lessons, we must also put forward our suggestions."

"Our understanding of the Sky Vault Star now far exceeds that of the main fleet, so our opinions and suggestions now have extremely high reference value for the main fleet."

While everyone was thinking, Natasha suddenly stood up and said, "I think we can send an undercover agent."

Everyone heard this sentence, and their eyes were focused on Huo Jing, waiting for her further explanation.

"We have to have a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of the stars in the sky."

"We on Earth and the people of Sky Vault Star look exactly the same and speak the same language."

"So, we can definitely send some undercover agents to sneak into the Sky Star and pretend to be their people to obtain more detailed intelligence."

"While undercover, you can also wait for the arrival of the main fleet. The information you have then will allow the coalition government to make more accurate judgments and decisions."

Natasha's words made everyone nod frequently, and even Wei Wensu expressed his affirmation.

"Undercovering is a very dangerous behavior, and you may be exposed if you are not careful."

Liu Xueyi's voice sounded from beside Wei Wensu, and she raised some questions about the safety of undercover agents.

"So we can send out several different groups of people to perform undercover missions, and these groups are unaware of each other's existence."

"That way if any one group is exposed, the other groups are safe."

"And if the undercover agent can penetrate into the core of the Sky Star and obtain more detailed information about the magic, it will be of immeasurable value to us."

As Natasha explained the specific details of the undercover mission, Richard also made some points:

"Professor Natasha, we don't have a clear understanding of divine magic now. What if the high priest has the ability to read minds and knows about our existence?"

"I am willing to take the lead in this mission, replace a yellow human clone, and perform consciousness editing and transfer surgery at the same time!"

Hearing Natasha's answer, Richard's eyes widened slightly, and she praised Natasha's courage.

Not to mention that the other party is willing to abandon his body, and the technology of consciousness editing is far more difficult than consciousness transfer.

Moreover, consciousness editing will cause unpredictable memory defects based on current technology, but it has to be said that it is indeed a good method to deal with psychic abilities.

After Natasha put forward her opinion, Ivanov and Claire, who had a good relationship with him, also expressed their willingness

Wei Wensu thought about Natasha's plan. Looking at her firm eyes, he could only nod slightly and agreed to the plan.

The meeting was finalized at this moment, and the undercover team composed of earthlings entered the Sky Vault Star again.

But this time, they have to live here for several years

Until the main fleet arrives, or until the core layer of the sky star is penetrated,

Every move of the people on earth, all naked and naked, is displayed in front of Shen Xing's eyes.


Shen Xing couldn't help but nodded, affirming the Earthlings' strategy.

If you say that you don't have a God's perspective, you might really be able to achieve what you want.

But judging from the current situation

Shen Xing can then use these undercover agents to plot against him.

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