The outer defense of Tianhaixing was activated at that moment, and the divine energy formed an almost invisible barrier, deflecting the energy beam.

The energy exploded in the atmosphere, triggering an electromagnetic storm covering half of the planet.

Qu Shixin witnessed all this in the command center, his eyes were very firm.

"The other party has launched an attack! Counterattack immediately!"

Qu Shixin's voice echoed in the command center, and Xu Weiyi and Xu Yiyi responded immediately. Their fingers danced on the console, releasing a series of commands.

Tianhaixing's defense satellite group began to lock the position of the Savi fleet and prepare for a counterattack.

And Sevis was furious on the ship of the Savi fleet, his eyes fixed on the screen, unable to believe that his fleet actually opened fire without orders.

"Who gave the order to fire?!" Sevis roared.

"Sir, it was... an attack launched by an unmanned ship!" An officer stammered in response.

"Immediately cut off the link with the intelligent system!" Sevis said coldly, thinking frantically while giving orders.

Could it be that the other party's super intelligence took over the unmanned ship? But why attack their own planet?

Haven't the organisms on the planet been destroyed by the intelligent civilization?

Although they want to be safe and collect intelligence before starting the war, the arrow has been drawn and has to be fired.

Although the other party only controls a planetary system, there is a certain probability that the fleet led by him will suffer irreversible losses.

But since it has been done, they will take down these earthlings in one go.

On the Sky Star in the Sky Star System, Shen Xing witnessed the energy fluctuations with his own eyes, and the human clone slowly opened his eyes.

"It's finally started."

He whispered to himself, with a hint of unnoticeable sadness in his voice.

Since the birth of human civilization, except for the civil war, there has been no huge losses and casualties. Now the invasion of the Savi civilization may not be so easy to deal with.

But pain and frustration are the only way to wisdom.

For the Xingyuan civilization, this war is just a The beginning is the stepping stone to becoming a cosmic civilization in the true sense.

"It's time to learn to protect yourself..."

In the command center of Tianhai Star, Qu Shixin was nervously monitoring the battle situation. The energy beam just now consumed the energy of the magic, which also made him breathe a little faster. At this time, the defense satellite group in the outer space of Tianhai Star had locked the Savi fleet.


As Qu Shixin's order was issued, the energy beam shot out from the satellite group of Tianhai Star, pointing directly at the Savi fleet.

There were also some fluorescent blue light spots in the beam. They not only carried huge energy, but also contained the power of Qu Shixin's magic.

The moment he observed the attack, Sevis immediately issued an order: "Turn on the deflector shield and prepare to meet the attack!"

The deflector shield of the Savi fleet was activated instantly, flashing a faint light and then disappeared.

A moment later, the satellite group's attack hit the energy shield of the Savi fleet, and the divine power contained in the beam began to erode the energy shield of the Savi fleet.

"Sir, the energy shield is being weakened!"

A hint of surprise flashed in Sevi's eyes. He didn't expect that the strength of the Earthlings' energy weapons could actually affect their deflection shields. It seems that this group of Earthlings have indeed obtained some sufficiently advanced technology.

"Adjust tactics and use dispersed formations to avoid concentrated attacks."

The ships of the Savi fleet began to change formations. They dispersed to reduce the impact of the attack of the Star Source Civilization.

At the same time, the Savi fleet also began to counterattack. Their weapon system locked onto the defense satellite of Tianhaixing.

Almost instantly, Xu Weiyi captured the attack signal of the Savi fleet. He quickly analyzed the attack pattern of the Savi fleet. The mechanical core was used to Calculating the best defense strategy at an extraordinary speed

"Start the interference matrix!"

Xu Yiyi nodded, her eyes fixed on the screen, her fingers dancing quickly on the virtual keyboard

"The interference matrix has been activated, and the enemy's system has been successfully disrupted."

Xu Yiyi's voice sounded, and her analysis showed that the interference matrix was operating effectively. Under the effect of the interference system, all intelligent systems of the Savi fleet had a certain impact

Xu Weiyi calmly looked at the interference matrix running on the screen. Under the inherent advantages of the intelligent civilization, the intelligent system would almost become a decoration, which is one of the reasons why the intelligent civilization is difficult to defeat

At this time on the Savi ship, Savi's subordinates kept reporting the interference they received

"Captain Savi, our weapon system has been strongly interfered and cannot accurately lock the target! ”

“Is there really an intelligent civilization behind this…” Sevis thought with a frown.

In his mind, only intelligent civilization can allow Earthlings to have the ability to influence the intelligent system of the Sevis civilization in a short period of time. At this time, the civilization behind the scenes is not showing up, so it is very likely that there are some concerns, and there may be some restrictions.

“Switch to manual control, all gunners are ready, once the interference is weakened, open fire immediately!”

“The outer fleet moves the ship over! Adjust tactics, attack indiscriminately at close range, and land on the planet after the shield energy is exhausted!”

The gunners of the Sevis fleet responded quickly. Despite the serious interference, they still tried to keep aiming and waited for the opportunity.

The outer ships began to accelerate. Like a group of cheetahs, they were ready to rush towards the defense satellite group of Tianhaixing

In the command center of Tianhai Star, Xu Weiyi pulled the connector off his body, then turned to Qu Shixin and said, "Old Qu, they are going to land on Tianhai Star."

"Activate the ground defense system of Tianhai Star and prepare for the landing battle."

Qu Shixin stood up and conveyed the order to the ground forces on Tianhai Star through the command center. Countless defense turrets and automatic weapon systems were activated. They were hidden in every corner of the city, waiting for the arrival of the Savi fleet.

Although the divine barrier can defend against the invasion of the Savi fleet, if the opponent bombs indiscriminately after approaching, once the divine power is consumed too much, Tianhai Star will lose a lot of combat power.

Qu Shixin chose to remove the barrier and directly use magic to fight the Saiwei people.

Soon after Qu Shixin removed the barrier, the outer ships of the Saiwei fleet quickly approached Tianhaixing. They released landing capsules, and countless Saiwei warriors were ready to land on the surface of the planet.

"All units, prepare to fire!"

The ground turrets and automatic weapon systems sprayed fierce firepower, forming a series of fire nets to block the landing forces of the Saiwei fleet.

Some of the landing capsules of the Saiwei fleet exploded under the fierce firepower and turned into fireballs in the sky, but some of the landing capsules still successfully broke through the defense and landed on the surface of Tianhaixing.

"The landing force has landed and started to implement the ground combat plan."

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