Chapter 109

After solving the opponent’s Gion, he did not intervene in the battle of others, but watched from the sidelines.

Everyone has a battlefield for everyone. This is an experience, but also a test.

Of course, if she saw that Tiger and the others’ lives were in danger, she would naturally make a move.

After several months of getting along, Gion will give Rhodes a stinky face from time to time. But my heart has long accepted this group of partners.

Coupled with Rhode’s gang, it is completely different from the pirates in her impression.

“Being a pirate seems to be good!” Gion looked at several partners around him, and this thought couldn’t help but appear in his heart.

Gion then turned his attention to Captain Rhode and John, who were still at war.

King to king, general to general.

If Wang loses, even if he wins, he will not be able to rewrite the battle.

Gion, this is understood.

Captain John, better understood.

Therefore, he did not care about the cadres under him.

The previous move to split the Black Dragon in two may not have had the mind to target Rhode, the fruit ability.

Crowd center.

The black knife in Captain John’s hand flashed with a chilling glow.

“Frost Moon Slash!”

Where the Dao Qi passed, a layer of frost formed around it.

Even the distant Gion detected a chill.

“Huh? It’s not shallow! You seem to have made a mistake though! ”

Looking at the frost around him, golden flames ignited on Rhode’s body.

Suddenly, the frost draped around disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The wreckage of the Black Dragon under his feet was instantly engulfed in golden flames.

The three people next to Gion, Anilu, and Brooke don’t care about the opponents who have not yet been solved.

Eight immortals crossed the sea, each showing their powers. Back on the Helios.

Only Tiger has not been able to solve the black tiger.

That slash was shattered by Rhode’s punch.

Seeing this scene, Captain John did not care.

The Black Dragon under his feet had long been burned to ashes, and Captain John could only reluctantly step on it in midair.

However, when he saw the pair of golden fire wings behind Rhode, his eyes were a little gloomy.

Although he had heard about Rod’s deeds, he didn’t particularly care about what abilities Rhode had, let alone know that Rhode could fly.


Captain John said darkly. Then there was already a hint of retreat in my heart.

However, Rod did not care what Captain John had in mind.

I saw Rhode stirring up his wings of fire and flying towards Captain John.

In the air battle, he can be said to occupy the right time and place.

Even if he is as strong as Karp and the like, in the air, he has the confidence to fight with him.

Rod’s figure, after leaving a golden spark in the air, stopped on Captain John.

Sweep down with your right foot.

Facing Rod’s kick, Captain John rolled his eyes and did not dodge.

Instead, he raised his right hand, blocked it in front of him, and chose to take this move head-on.


Rod’s kick hit Captain John’s right hand and flew it out.

The corners of Captain John’s mouth curved, and with the force of this kick, he jumped out into the distance.


Seeing this move of the other party, Rhode still did not understand the other party’s intention.

“Don’t try to escape!”

Rhode flapped his wings and quickly chased in the direction Captain John fled.

Left behind a crowd who looked at each other.

The other side.

Black Tiger saw Captain John fleeing, and despair enveloped his heart.

The Black Dragon was already about to sink.

As a fruit ability, once he touches the seawater, he is absolutely dead or alive.

The point is that he can’t escape now. It is even more impossible to take down Tiger in a short period of time.


“If you want Lao Tzu’s life, then be ready to die!”

Faced with this mortal end, Black Tiger did not give up resistance.

Instead, it intensified the offensive against Tiger.

The half-foot-long canine teeth on the mouth flashed with an oozing chill.

The claws on his hands were already stained with Tiger’s blood.

The black tiger licked the blood on its paws.

Under the mortal situation, the black tiger is enjoying the process of capturing its prey.

“Fishman Jiu-Jitsu, Hit the Water!”

In Tiger’s hand, a few drops of seawater dripped down, and then turned into a sharp blade and shot out towards the black tiger.

Seeing this, the black tiger did not retreat, but retreated, and the claws with armed color domineering, which were torn apart, flew and pressed towards Tiger.

In the face of the anxious black tiger, Tiger fought steadily.

As long as the Black Dragon all sinks, on the sea, the Black Tiger will be mortal.

So, he doesn’t need to be in a hurry.


The other side.

Captain John, who was still fleeing, looked at the approaching Rhode behind him, and his eyes flashed with this thick yin.

The tai knife at his waist was pulled out, and the two sword qi crossed towards Rhode’s side.

However, Rhode, who was in the state of phantom beasthood, his physical sensitivity had increased by more than one notch.

Very easily dodged Captain John’s slash.

Captain John’s two swords, not only did not have any impact on Rhode, but also brought the distance between the two sides a lot closer.

“Abominable!” Captain John withdrew his knife and continued his escape.

Captain John also thought about jumping into the sea.

But on the other side, there is also the existence of a fish man.

Once the other party solves the black tiger and catches up, he in the sea is not the opponent of the fish man at all.

“I think there must be an island nearby! On the island, Lao Tzu will kill you! ”

Captain John remembered that when he came before, he had seen an island nearby.

A few minutes later, an island appeared in Captain John’s line of sight.

Seeing this, he did not hesitate without any hesitation, jumped directly into the sea, and swam towards the other side of the island.

Rhode, who was still in the air, naturally knew what Captain John thought.

“Hmph. That island is your time to die! ”

Rhodes flew over the sea, always watching Captain John’s every move. In case he did not choose to go to that island, but chose to escape.

The other side.

Tiger was covered in claw marks.

It was bloody and looked very oozing.

However, Tiger carried the corpse of the black tiger in his right hand.

Obviously, this battle, it was Tiger who had the last laugh.

Even if there are some tricky factors in it, it is enough to prove that the current Tiger already has the qualifications and strength to become Rod’s right and left hand.

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